200字范文 > 旅游合同 travel contract英语短句 例句大全

旅游合同 travel contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-07 18:15:16


旅游合同 travel contract英语短句 例句大全

旅游合同,travel contract

1)travel contract旅游合同

1.The performance of ancillary duties occupies a position of importance in the fulfillment oftravel contract.附随义务是合同义务群中的一个重要组成部分,附随义务的履行在旅游合同履行中占据重要地位。

2.The tourist industry of our country grows vigorously at present, but thetravel contract is not designed in unifying the contract law, it is a nameless contract.目前我国旅游业蓬勃发展,而旅游合同在统一合同法中未加设计,属于无名合同。

3.Owing to lack of definition of the nature oftravel contracts in our law,there have always been great controversies about how to apply law to travel disputes in judicial practice.由于我国法律对旅游合同的性质未作界定 ,司法实践中对旅游纠纷如何适用法律一直争议很大。


1.Research on the Tour Operator s Responsibility in Tourist Contract;旅游合同中旅游营业人法律责任探讨

2.On Travel & Tour Agent s Rights and Obligations in "Travel & Tour" Contract;旅游合同中旅游举办人的权利义务刍议

3.Talk about the Right and Obligation in the Travel Contract of Tourist Hotel;论旅游饭店在旅游合同中的权利和义务

4.Travel Contract and the Perfection of the Travel Legal System of Our Country;论旅游合同性质及我国旅游法律制度的完善

5.On Standardization of Tourism Contracts and Protection of Tourists Rights & Interests;论旅游合同的规范及其对旅游者权益的保护

6.Study on Businessman s Assurance Liability in Flaw in the Travel Contract;论旅游合同中营业人的瑕疵担保责任

7.Exploring the Moral Infringement Compensation in the Tourist Contract;旅游合同中的精神损害赔偿问题探讨

8.On the Establishment of Blemish Assured Responsibility in China s Tour Contract;论我国旅游合同瑕疵担保责任的建立

9.The Legal Research on the Protection of the Interest of Tourist in Tourism Contract;旅游合同中游客利益保护法律问题研究

10.On the Rationality of Compensation for the Spiritual Damages Caused by the Tour Contracts;试论旅游合同中精神损害赔偿的合理性

11.Academic Study on Non-pecuniary Loss Compensation in Breach of Tourist Contract旅游合同违约精神损害赔偿的法理探究

12.On Non-pecuniary Loss Compensation in Breach of Tourist Contract;论旅游合同中的违约与非财产损害赔偿

13.Legal Issues of China s Tourism Contract and Legislative Perfect;我国旅游合同存在的若干法律问题及立法完善

14.The Legal Loopholes of All-Packaged Tourism Contract and the Precautions to Take承揽性质的旅游合同法律缺失及风险防范

15.A Study on the Current Situation and the Countermeasures of Travel Agency s Domestic Tourism Contract;旅行社国内游业务合同的现状与对策

16.Tourist Contract and Protection of Tourists Consumer Rights;旅游消费者合同及其消费权益的保护

17.Study on Resource Integration and Market Synergy Development of tourism circle旅游圈资源整合与市场协同开发研究

18.Preservation of Cultural Relics and Tourism Industrialization:Incomplete Contract Theory;文物保护与旅游产业化:不完全合同理论


tourism contract旅游合同

1.The Legal Research on the Protection of the Interest of Tourist in Tourism Contract;旅游合同中游客利益保护法律问题研究

2.With the quick development of tourism industry,a large quantity oftourism contracts emerge.随着旅游业的迅速发展,旅游合同大量出现,但是在我国,旅游纠纷和事故处理缺乏明确法律依据。

3.The legislation oftourism contract is imperative along with the increase of tourist disputes.旅游业成为了我国经济社会的重要组成部分,随着旅游纠纷的日渐增多,有关旅游合同的立法已经是势在必行。

3)tourist contract旅游合同

1.With the development of tourist trade, there raise more and more disputes ontourist contracts.随着旅游业的发展,在实际中发生的旅游合同纠纷越来越多,而就目前国内立法的现状来看,旅游合同无法可依的局面使纠纷很难得以顺利解决。

2.It is necessary to prescribe that the mental injury from violating atourist contract can be compensated.在二元制救济模式下,合同法不能支持对因违约行为导致的精神损害进行赔偿,但两大法系在旅游合同的判例和立法方面均突破了这一限制。

3.By analyzing the contract form in contract law,this paper probes intotourist contract forms so as to improvetourist contract and safeguard the legistimate rights and interests of tourists and travel service.通过对《合同法》中合同的形式分析,探讨旅游合同应采取的形式,旨在于完善旅游合同,保护旅游者和旅行社的合法权益。

4)tour contract旅游合同

1.But there is less research on Culpa in contrahendo in China,especially on travel agency s liability about culpa in Contrahendo in China stour contract.从旅游合同的角度着重对旅行社缔约过失的表现予以阐述,并指出了旅行社缔约过失责任的赔偿范围,以期更好的保护旅游者的合法权益。

2.The main terms intour contracts ensure the rights and obligations of thetour contract party,and they are the premise,which guarantees tour quality.旅游合同的主要条款确定了旅游合同当事人的权利和义务,是保证旅游质量的前提。

3.Because thetour contract is a compensable contract,it should establish the blemish assured responsibility based on the impartial principle.由于旅游合同是有偿合同,根据公平原则,也应该建立瑕疵担保责任。

5)character and nature of tourism旅游合同特征

6)Responsibility for tourist contracts旅游合同责任


