200字范文 > 6063合金 6063 alloy英语短句 例句大全

6063合金 6063 alloy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-13 09:25:07


6063合金 6063 alloy英语短句 例句大全

6063合金,6063 alloy

1)6063 alloy6063合金

1.The influence of Ti on aging property and reinforceing phase Mg2Si of6063 alloy was studied.研究了Ti含量对6063合金时效特性及强化相的影响。

2.According to the requirement of the mechanical properties and oxidation film of6063 alloy, the best plan of alloy component is presented.根据对6063合金力学性能和氧化膜的要求,提出了最佳的合金成分方案。


1.Effects of Composition Control on Extrusion Performance of 6063 Aluminum成分控制对6063合金挤压性能的影响

2.Fatigue Behavior of 6063 Alloy under Tension and Combined Tension and Torsion Loadings拉-压及拉-扭载荷下6063合金的疲劳行为

3.Influence of Trace of Cu on Microstructure and Properties of 6063 Aluminum Alloy微量Cu对6063铝合金组织性能的影响

4.Corrosion resistance of intermediate temperature filler metal for stepped welding to 6063 aluminum alloy6063铝合金阶梯焊中温钎料腐蚀性能

5.Causal analysis of the cracks in machining pieces of 6063-H112 aluminium alloy plates6063-H112铝合金板材加工裂纹产生的原因

6.Study on the Action of 6063 and ZL102 Aluminum Alloys in the Traveling Magnetic Field;6063与ZL102铝合金在移动磁场中行为的研究

7.The Deformation of Welded 6063 Aluminium Alloy T-joints in Thin-walled Rectangular Hollow Section as Well as FEM Simulation;6063铝合金薄壁管T型接头变形及有限元仿真

8.Investigation of Preparation and Properties of Trivalent Chromium Coatings on Al 6063 Alloy6063铝合金三价铬化学转化膜的制备及性能研究

9.Deformation and Damage Behaviour of 6063 Aluminum Alloy T-welded Joints6063铝合金T型焊接接头的变形及损伤行为

10.Development of Large Deformation Behavior of Aluminium Alloy 6063 Welded Joints and the Basic Components6063铝合金焊接接头及部件大变形力学行为研究

11.Influence Factors of Strength of 6063 Aluminum Alloy Extruded Profile and Measures Analysis6063铝合金挤压型材强度影响因素及措施分析

12.Peeling off Reason of Ag Coating on 6063 Alloy and Its Solving Method6063铝合金材料镀银层脱落原因及其解决途径

13.Effect of gallium on tensile properties and electrical resistivity of 6063 aluminum alloyGa对6063铝合金力学性能及电阻率的影响

14.Mechanism of CsF-AlF_3 and KF-AlF_3 fluxes reacting with oxide films of 6063 aluminum alloy6063铝合金氧化膜与CsF-AlF_3及KF-AlF_3钎剂的反应机制

15.Investigation of the corrosion resistance of alkaline electroless nickel plating on aluminum alloy6063铝合金碱性化学镀镍耐腐蚀性能研究

16.Study on Ageing Regime for 6063 Aluminium Alloys Based on Artificial Neural Network基于人工神经网络的6063铝合金时效工艺的研究

17.Microstructure and performance of friction stir welding in 6063 aluminum alloy5mm厚6063铝合金搅拌摩擦对焊焊缝组织分析

18.Deformation and Damage of 6063 Aluminum Alloy under Different Stress States6063铝合金在不同应力状态下的变形及损伤行为


6063 Al alloy6063铝合金

1.Effect of rare earth La on microstructure and properties of6063 Al alloy;稀土元素La对6063铝合金组织和性能的影响

2.Study of Joint Microstructure and Grain Boundary Penetration Behavior in 6063 Al Alloy Contact Reactive Brazing;6063铝合金接触反应钎焊接头组织及晶界渗透行为研究

3.The effects of rare earth on the pinhole rate, hardness, strength and fluxion of6063 Al alloy are studied based on the experiment.30%之间时,有很好的除气除渣的效果,在实验的基础上研究了稀土对6063铝合金针孔率、强度、硬度、流动性的影响及作用机理,并进行盐雾试验确定了稀土能提高抗腐蚀性的最佳成分是0。

3)6063 aluminium alloy6063铝合金

1.The technology not only solved the traditional problem of brazing6063 aluminium alloy in protective gas,but also avoided the filler metal from inflooding into microchannel.采用气保护炉钎焊方法,通过巧妙地采用过渡材料与接头设计,既突破了6063铝合金气保护炉钎焊的钎焊性较差的技术难题,满足了钎焊缝密封性要求,又可有效地避免钎料流入微通道。

4)6063 aluminum alloy6063铝合金

1.Investigation of ductile fracture mechanism on6063 aluminum alloy;6063铝合金韧性断裂机制的研究

2.Influence of Surplus Si on Microstructure and Properties of 6063 Aluminum Alloy;过剩Si对6063铝合金组织与性能的影响

3.Thermal Deformation of 6063 Aluminum Alloy;6063铝合金热变形行为的研究

5)aluminum-alloy 6063铝合金6063

6)type 6063 aluminum alloy6063型铝合金

1.Effect of alloy elements on corrosion resistance oftype 6063 aluminum alloys;合金元素对6063型铝合金耐蚀性的影响


