200字范文 > 照料 care英语短句 例句大全

照料 care英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-06 09:15:33


照料 care英语短句 例句大全



1.Methods for clinical diagnosis andcare of chronic lymphatic filariasis;慢性淋巴丝虫病临床诊断及照料方法

2.Due to large amount of adult children migrating out of rural areas for work in urban areas,thecare for rural elderly who remained behind has come to be one of people s top concerns.随着大量农村劳动力人口的外出务工,农村留守老人照料问题日益突出,7月中国人民大学老年学研究所组织了大型“农村流出人口对老年人生活影响”的调查,以此为基础,探讨农村青年劳动力人口外流对农村老年人生活照料的影响。


1.To grow or tend(a plant or crop).种植,照料种植或照料(植物或作物)

2.care by a skilled nurse.由有经验的护士照料。

3.Custodial treatment of terminal patients.照料患不治之症的病人

4.I recommend her to your care.我把她托付给你照料。

5.She helps take care of her ailing aunt.她帮助照料体弱的姑妈。

6.Hospitalization has an advantage over home care.住院较住家照料为优。

7.She stayed to take care of her mother.她留下来照料她母亲。

8.Leave to the care of sb.把。。。交托某人照料或保护

9.piglets mothered by a sow由一母猪照料的猪仔.

10.am I my brother"s keeper?我不是兄弟的照料者吗。

11.She gave her aging parents much attention.她悉心照料年迈的双亲。

12.a person committed to your care.被委托给你照料的人。

13.She looked after them very carefully,她很仔细地照料这些菜,

mit yourself to the doctor"s care.将自己托给医生照料吧。

15.The orphan was consigned to her uncle"s care.那孤儿托给她叔父照料。

16.nursing him with unceasing devotion时时刻刻地精心照料他.

17.the care (feeding and stabling) of horses for pay.为了得到薪水照料马匹。

18.These young seedlings will require looking after carefully.这些幼苗需要细心照料。


look after照管,照料

3)Take care of照顾,照料


1.The evaluation on coping styles ofcaregivers of senile dementia patients and effects of behavior interventions;老年痴呆照料者的应付方式及其行为干预效果评价

2.Health Status of Caregivers for Community Dementia Patients;居家痴呆患者照料者的健康状况分析

3.Study on psychological status of familycaregivers of patients with Alzheimer disease in urban and rural area;城乡Alzheimer病照料者心理状况分析

5)Burden of care照料负担

6)life care生活照料

1.Objective: To compare the views oflife care need of nurses and patients with self-care ability.目的:比较护士与自理病人对生活照料需求的认识情况。

2.Social support networks of city old women s Life care takes the spouse as main body,takes the children as the backbone(as supplement) and the relative declines.在城市老年妇女养老的生活照料社会支持网中,形成了以配偶为主体,子女为骨干(为补充),亲属式微,社区作用愈加重要,职能不断加强的网络格局。


