200字范文 > 江西林区 Jiangxi forest region英语短句 例句大全

江西林区 Jiangxi forest region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-04 14:33:10


江西林区 Jiangxi forest region英语短句 例句大全

江西林区,Jiangxi forest region

1)Jiangxi forest region江西林区


1.Analysis on Forestry Resources Dynamic Change in Jiangxi Forestry Region青海江西林区森林资源动态变化分析

2.Study on the Effects, Problems and Countermeasures of Forestry Property Rights Reform in the Collective Forest Areas in Jiangxi Province;江西省集体林区林权改革效果、问题及对策研究

parison Research of Forestry Industry for Jiangxi Province and Neighbors in Southern Collective Forest Regions of China;江西省及南方集体林区林业产业比较研究

4.Study on the Floristic Characteristics and Plants Diversity in the Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest Communities of Dagangshan Moutain in Jiangxi;江西大岗山常绿阔叶林植物区系及多样性研究

5.Some Thoughts on Areal Forest Harvesting and Classified Forest Management;江西省实施林木采伐分区施策分类管理的思考

6.Study on the Cutting Area Inviting and Submitting Bids Management of Xijiang Forestry Bureau in Guangdong Province;广东省西江林业局伐区招投标管理初探

7.Study on Modes and Application of Ecological Forestry in JiangXi Hill and Mountainious Area;江西丘陵山区生态林业建设的模式及应用分析

8.Exploring the Policy Design of the Plain Commodity Forestry in Jiangxi;探讨江西平原地区商品林政策研究设计

9.Responses of tree-ring width of Cinnamomum camphora to climate change in Dagangshan forest area of Jiangxi Province江西大岗山林区樟树年轮对气候变化的响应

10.Forest Carbon Density and Storage in Jiangxi and Dagangshan Mountains;江西省暨大岗山林区森林碳密度与碳储量的研究

11.Discussion on Developing Forestry Tourist Industries by the Natural Neserves and Forestry Parks in Jiangxi;江西自然保护区和森林公园发展森林旅游业的探讨

12.jiangxi is the main bamboo grove producing region, and so the development of bamboo products can be combined with the packaging of tea;江西是主要竹林产区,竹产品的开发也可与茶叶包装结合;

13.Study on the Forestry Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas--Taking Huanjiang county in Guangxi as an example;山区县域林业可持续发展研究——以广西环江县为例

14.Problems and Thoughts about Conversion of Farmland to Forest Projection in Poyang Lake Area--A Case Study on DuChang County of Jiangxi;鄱阳湖地区退耕还林工程中的问题与思考——以江西省都昌县为例

15.Strengthening Forest Products Industry for the Rise of Jiangxi in Central China;做大做强林产工业,为江西在中部地区崛起作出贡献

16.Research on Return of Education Investment of Labor Migration in Collective Forest Areas of Jiangxi Province江西集体林区劳动力流动中的教育投资回报研究

17.Analysis of the Physi-Chemical Characters of Soil in Lushan Natural Reserve of Jiangxi江西庐山自然保护区不同森林植被下土壤理化性状研究

18.Vertical Rule of Woody Plants Diversity of Forest Communities in Wuyishan Nature Reserve of Jiangxi江西武夷山自然保护区森林群落木本植物多样性垂直规律研究


Jiangxi Forestry江西林业

3)Forest region along the Songhua River沿江林区

4)Jiangxi area江西地区

1.Objective: To investigate the distribution of HCV genotype in infected population inJiangxi area.目的 :探讨江西地区HCV基因型分布。

5)Jiangxi Soviet Area江西苏区

1.Probe into the Characteristics of the Books and Publications inJiangxi Soviet Area;江西苏区图书出版物特色初探

2.The Relationship between the Revolutionary Activities inJiangxi Soviet Area and the Formation of Mao Zedong Thoughts;江西苏区革命与毛泽东思想的形成

6)Jiangxi cotton area江西棉区


