200字范文 > 国民会议 national congress英语短句 例句大全

国民会议 national congress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-29 22:37:11


国民会议 national congress英语短句 例句大全

国民会议,national congress

1)national congress国民会议

1.From National Congress to National Political Council——Persistence and Change of Professional Representative System;从国民会议到国民参政会——职业代表制的持续与变化

2.Reconsidering CHEN Du-xiu s Proposal of "National Congress;论陈独秀关于“国民会议”的主张

2)National Conference国民会议

1.On December 29, 1930, the Kuomintang Central Standing Committee transited "Election Law ofNational Conference representative" drafted by Wu Zhihui and so on, handed ov1931年国民会议的选举是一次规模很大的,是民国时期少有的全国选举活动。

3)the Nationalrat国民议会


1.Grand National Assembly支尔格大会(大国民议会)

2.Frankfurt National Assembly法兰克福国民议会(1848.5.~1849.6)

3.National Conference of the President of the Algerian Communal People"s Assembly阿尔及利亚全国乡人民议会议长会议

4.Conference internationale sur l"assistance aux refugies en Afrique援助非洲难民国际会议(援非难民会议)

5.United Nations Conference on National Reconciliation联合国民族和解会议

6.Arab Conference on National Accounts阿拉伯国民帐户会议

7.United Nations Conference on Vietnamese Boat People联合国越南船民会议

8.International Conference in Solidarity with the People of South Africa声援南非人民国际会议

9.CPPCC (Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference)中国人民政治协商会议

10.People"s Supreme Assembly of the Lao People"s Democratic Republic老挝人民民主共和国最高人民议会

11.The political assembly of citizens of an ancient Greek state.市民议会古希腊国家的公民政治集会

12.International Meeting of the Follow-up Committee of the International Conference on Central American Refugees中美洲难民问题国际会议后续委员会国际会议

13.International Conference on Central American Refugees中美洲难民问题国际会议(中美洲难民会议)

14.National Committee of the CPPCC中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会

15.International Meeting of CIREFCA"s Follow-up Committee中美洲难民会议后续工作委员会国际会议

munique of the Meeting of the Follow-up Committee of the International Conference on Central American Refugees中美洲难民问题国际会议后续委员会会议公报

17.Seventh Meeting of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees印支难民国际会议第七届督导委员会会议

18.An ancient English meeting, especially a representative meeting of the freemen of a shire.(古英国的)会议古代英国的会议,尤指州郡中自由民的代表会议


National Conference国民会议

1.On December 29, 1930, the Kuomintang Central Standing Committee transited "Election Law ofNational Conference representative" drafted by Wu Zhihui and so on, handed ov1931年国民会议的选举是一次规模很大的,是民国时期少有的全国选举活动。

3)the Nationalrat国民议会

4)National Assembly for Wales威尔士国民议会

1.A Modern Acropolis towards Public and Ecology The NewNational Assembly for Wales Designed by Richard Rogers;走向公众和环境的现代卫城 理查德·罗杰斯设计的新威尔士国民议会

5)Art of stuff国民议会大厦

6)Provisional National Meeting临时国民会议


国民党军(见国民革命军)国民党军(见国民革命军)Guomindang (Kuomintang) ArmyGuomindQngiun国民党军〔Guom,ndang(Kuomintang)Army〕民国时期,蒋介石集团用以维护国民党政权的正规军队的习称。见国民革命军。
