200字范文 > 句式 sentence pattern英语短句 例句大全

句式 sentence pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 23:32:56


句式 sentence pattern英语短句 例句大全

句式,sentence pattern

1)sentence pattern句式

1.An Analysis on Some English Double-Negative Sentence Patterns and Their Translation;浅析英语中某些双重否定句式及翻译

2.The Sentence Pattern of "adj.+li+no+noun" for the Emphasis of Degree in Xinzhou Dialect;忻州方言强调程度的“形+哩+没+名”句式

3.A survey of temporary valence verbs and the relatedsentence patterns in Zhuangzi (《庄子》);《庄子》准价动词及其相关句式的考察


1.Seeing the Semantene Attvibute of "Bei" Sentence from the Point of Construction Grammar从句式语法看被字句的句式语义属性

2.The Study on Syntactic and Semantic of SVC and Some Constructions Relevant to It;动结式句法语义及部分相关句式研究

3.Valuency of Construction from Whole Meaning of Construction;句式整体意义决定句式具有配价属性

4.A comparative study between two causative constructions;"SHI"construction and "BA" construction;两种表致使义句式的异同考察——“使”字句和“把”字句

5.Study on the Chinese Gei Constructions and English Coustructions of the Same Category;“给”字句及其英语同类句式的句法论析(上)

6.The Study of Compound Sentence Type of "Bu (不) A Jiu (就) B" in Modern Chinese;现代汉语“不A就B”复句句式研究

7.The Analysis on Syntactic and Semantic of N1+Vde+N2+VP;N1+V得+N2+VP句式的句法语义分析

8.On the Constructional Semantic of 被 Sentence in Modern Chinese;现代汉语“被”字句的句式语义研究

9.A study on Chinese donkey sentences;汉语驴句研究——兼谈英语相关句式

10.The Contrastive Study between Jianyu Pattern in Chinese and SVOC in English;汉语兼语句与英语SVOC句式对比研究

11.Analysis of Syntax and Semantics of A jiu A zai B(shang) Structure;“A就A在B(上)”句式的句法、语义分析


13.The Distinction between "an duan" Complexities in the Analects and Other Sentences;《论语》中按断复句与其它句式的区别

14.The Sentence Mode of "if p, then q" and the Logic-meaning Ambiguities of Compound Sentences;“只要p,就q”句式和复句逻辑——语义歧义

15.Reverse causative character and sentence feature of Chinese Bèi-Sentence;论“被”字句的反向致使性与句式特征

16.The choice of Bei - construction and its function of expression;汉语"被"字句的句式选择和表达功能

17.The Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Sentences Ended on le ;句尾“了”构成的句式、语义及语用功能

18.statement label required for format statement格式语句要求语句标号



1.This paper tries to explore the role of Stylistics in the teaching of English writing from the planes of vocabulary,syntax and text.本文首先从语言学理论探讨文体知识在大学英语教学中的必要性,并从词汇、语法句式、篇章结构方面阐述在大学英语写作教学中运用文体知识的具体尝试。

2.In this paper,based on the extensive investigation of Jinpingmei Cihua,Xingshiyinyuanzhuan,Liaozhailiqu,and combined with thesyntax which includes "Jiang",the usage of this word in Ming and Qing Dynasties was analyzed to illustrate the track of its changes,characterist.论文通过穷尽调查《金瓶梅词话》、《醒世姻缘传》、《聊斋俚曲》三部语料中"将"的使用情况,结合"将"所在的句式,对明清时期的动态助词"将"进行了描写分析,揭示了动态助词"将"发展演变的轨迹、在明清时期呈现出的特点以及消亡的原因。

3.The location of single-verb and the sentence features of correspondingsyntax of Wuyan poem are analyzed,to understand the ingenuity of Wuyan poem,which manifests in the verb position arrangement.试图对五言诗中的单字动词的位置及该动词位置下诗句的句式结构特点作一解剖,以了解五言诗在动词位置安排上体现形式的匠心与美。


1.A Multi-dimensional Study of "(X) Zhenshi (de)" Construction;“(X)真是(的)”句式的多角度研究

2.The analyses include their se- mantic features,valence structure, basicconstruction, derivationalconstruction,valence rules,and the interactions between the本文采用配价语法理论,以词项为单位,对《庄子》非"处置"类二价双向动作动词进行了全面的考察,分析描写其语义特征、配价结构、基本句式、派生句式、配位规则,探讨它们之间的相互关系。


1.This paper has,with Chinese and English news headlines as language materials,made an analysis and comparison between them in lexicology,grammar,sentence and rhetoric.文章以汉英新闻标题为语料,对其在词汇、语法、句式、修辞等方面的特点进行分析和比较。

2.the paper make a study of the difference between Chinese and Japanese in style of express in bothsentence and habitual in respect of personal relations and social habit,in order to help the translation between Japanese and Chinese.本文探讨了日汉在句式表达和习惯表达上存在的差异,对准确地进行日汉互译有着很好的借鉴意义。

3.Based on I Have A Dream written by Martin Luther King,Jr,this paper analyses the rhetorical features in public speeches fromsentence variety,and specific rhetorical device.金的著名演讲IH ave a Dream为例,从词语的选择与使用、句式的变化与特点、具体修辞手法的运用三个方面分析了演讲文体的修辞风格。

5)sentence patterns句式

1.When the native speakers of Jingxi Zhuang dialect learn to use standard mandarin, they will produce an inter-language of Jingxi Zhuang dialect and standard mandarin, whose word order,sentence patterns and sentence categories carry the characteristics of standard mandarin as well as those of Jingxi Zhuang dialect.母语为靖西壮语的人在学习使用普通话的过程中会形成"靖西壮语~普通话中介语",其语序、句式和句类的运用既有普通话特点又有靖西壮语特点。

2.Due to different culture and ways of thinking,sentence patterns of these two languages vary greatly from each other.由于中西思维和文化的不同,造就了汉英截然不同的句式,要在即席口译中快速准确地进行两种语码的转换,熟练掌握一些方法是很必要的。

3.(3) To express exaggeration withsentence patterns,including three basic patterns and .借助句式表达夸张的语义,主要包括三种基本格式及其变式:“x得y”,“x比y更……”,“x连y还不如”。


1.Approaching the Cognitive Meaning of ON-construction;on句式的认知语义探析


