200字范文 > 现状及原因 current situation and reason英语短句 例句大全

现状及原因 current situation and reason英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-29 20:30:07


现状及原因 current situation and reason英语短句 例句大全

现状及原因,current situation and reason

1)current situation and reason现状及原因


1.The Status of Preschool Teachers Professional Autonomy and the Reasons for Analysis;幼儿教师专业自主权现状及原因分析

2.The Announcement Situation and Reason Analysis of the Accounting Information of Our Country;我国会计信息披露的现状及原因分析

3.The Current Situations and Reasons Analysis of the Style of Study in Agricultural High-vocational Colleges;农业高职院校的学风现状及原因分析

4.Research on Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents in China我国城乡收入差距的现状及原因分析

5.Existence of the Indian Female sex:Present State,and Causes for and Countermeasures against its Deterioration;印度女性生存状况:现状、原因及治理

6.The Status Reasons and Countermeasures of Juvenile Delinquency;未成年人的犯罪现状、原因及对策研究

7.Present State of and Causes for Bilateral Trade Frictions between China and India and Related Counter-measure Policy Proposals;中印贸易摩擦的现状、原因及对策建议

8.The Closure of the Private Universities: Facts,Causes and Countermeasures;民办高校倒闭的现状、原因及对策分析

9.The Situation of Low Wage Earners and its Causes;城市低收入人群的现状及其原因研究

10.Present State, Causes and Features of Anti-dumping Policy against Chinese goods by India;印度对华反倾销的现状、原因及特点

11.An Analysis of the Status quo and its reasons of Discourse Power in Moral Education in Universities and Colleges;高校德育话语权的现状及其原因分析

12.Hengyang s Economic Actuality,Backward Causes and Solution;衡阳经济的现状、落后原因及发展对策

13.The Present State,Cause and Influence of Guizhou s Rural Population Aging;贵州农村人口老龄化现状、原因及影响

14.Juvenile Delinquency:The Present Situation,Causes and Precautions;未成年人犯罪的现状、原因及对策分析

15.An Analysis of the Status Quo, Causes & Countermeasures of the Business Ethics in Chinese Enterprises;论中国企业商业伦理现状、原因及对策

16.The Analysis of the Current Situations, Causes and Countermeasuresof Corruption and Anticorruption;腐败与反腐败现状、原因及对策分析

17.Research on The Current Situation Causes and Countermeasure of Farmers Income;农民收入问题: 现状、原因及对策研究

18.Economic Analysis on Present Situat ion,Reason and Countermeasure of China s Unemployment;失业现状、原因以及对策的经济学分析


Present Situations and Reasons应用现状及原因

3)actuality、problem and cause现状、问题及原因

4)principle and current state原理及现状

5)present situation and origin现状及成因

6)phenomenon and causes现象及原因


《士地利用现状调查技术规程》《士地利用现状调查技术规程》Technical Rules of Land Use Surveytudi liyong xianzhuang diaoeha iishu guicheng《土地利用现状调查技术规程》(几c入几耐尺诚sof肠耐Usesu几粉尸)1984年9月中国全国农业区划委员会为贯彻国务院批转农牧渔业部、国家计划委员会、林业部、城乡建设环境保护部和国家统计局《关于进一步开展土地资源调查工作报告的通知》而制定的,适用于全国土地利用现状调查的技术规程。全文共8章38条,约2侧】)字。主要内容包括:土地利用现状调查的任务、目的、调查单位和步骤;土地利用现状分类及其含义;调查的准备工作、技术培训与资料搜集;有关权属界、地类、线状地物调绘的基本要求以及外业调查登记表的填写;航片转绘的精度要求及方法;土地面积量算的精度要求及方法和土地利用现状面积统计;土地利用现状图的编制与调查报告的编写和检查、验收的标准与步骤等。该规程是保证全国土地利用详查质量的指令性技术文件。规程附录有:土地利用现状调查面积量算统计表;一些线状地物宽度量测边界示意图;高斯投影图幅面积和图廓近似大小表;土地利用现状图例。
