200字范文 > 欧几里德算法 Euclidean algorithm英语短句 例句大全

欧几里德算法 Euclidean algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-22 12:34:01


欧几里德算法 Euclidean algorithm英语短句 例句大全

欧几里德算法,Euclidean algorithm

1)Euclidean algorithm欧几里德算法

1.By using theEuclidean algorithm and invertible linear transformation over an integral ring, the solution of integral indeterminate equations of the first degree was investigated in theory, and its matrix solution based on the elementary matrix transformation was proposed.用欧几里德算法和整数环上的可逆线性变换,从理论上对整数一次不定方程组的解进行了深入研究,提出了用矩阵的初等变换求解整数一次不定方程组的矩阵解法,并利用MATLAB数学软件开发了相应的计算机程序。

2.By using theEuclidean algorithm and invertible linear transformation over a polynomial ring, the solutions of polynomial indeterminate equations of first degree was investigated in theory, and its matrix solution based on the elementary matrix transformation was proposed.利用欧几里德算法和多项式环上的可逆线性变换,从理论上对多项式环上的一次不定方程组的解进行深入的研究,给出了用矩阵的初等变换求解多项式环上的一次不定方程组的矩阵解法,并利用MATLAB数学软件开发了相应的计算机程序。

3.By using theEuclidean algorithm, the matrix solution of indefinite equation of first degree is discussed.利用高斯整环上的欧几里德算法给出求解高斯整环上的多元一次不定方程通解的矩阵解法,同时利用MATLAB数学软件给出相应的计算机求解高斯整环上一次不定方程的通用程


1.A Note on the Complexity of Euclidean Algorithm关于欧几里德算法复杂性的一点注记

2.Modified Euclidean algorithm in digital TV decoding circuit数字电视译码电路中改进型欧几里德算法

3.Research of RS decoding based on modified Euclidean algorithm基于改进型欧几里德算法的RS译码研究

4.Research of modified Euclidean algorithm in RS decoding and FPGA implementationRS译码中改进型欧几里德算法的研究及其FPGA实现

5.It is given to determine inverse of a circulant and to find its inverse by Euclidean Algorithm.给出了利用多项式的欧几里德算法判断循环矩阵的可逆性和求逆的方法

6.A Hardware Algorithm for Euclidean Distance Transform Based on Binary Images基于二值图像的欧几里德距离转换算法硬件实现

7.Euclid was not always right.欧几里德不一定全对。

8.Extended Euclidean Algorithm is selected to realize inversion from the standpoint of saving time.对比了两种模逆算法,从节约时间的角度选取了扩展的欧几里德方法。

9.2) In this part, a centerline extraction based on 3D Euclidean distance transform is presented.2)提出了一种全自动的基于三维欧几里德距离变换的中轴提取算法。

10.The non-Euclidena geometries were in effect subordinated to Euclidean geometry.非欧几里德几何实际上是从属于欧几里德几何的。

11.An implementation for computing multiplicative inverses in Galois fields GF(2 m) is presented.在扩展欧几里得算法的基础上提出了有限域乘法逆元的计算方法。

12.Movement Axiom of Euclid Geometric System and High School Maths Education欧几里德几何体系中运动与中学教学

13.Some of these are mistakes made by Euclid that can be remedied.有些错误是欧几里德搞错的,可以纠正。

14.The Comparison between Euclid s Mathematics Thoughts and Archimedes s;欧几里得与阿基米德数学思想之比较

15.He did not grant independent existence to the non-Euclidean geometries.他不承认非欧几里德几何的独立存在性。

16.The common conclusion was the uniqueness and necessity of Euclidean geometry.欧几里德几何的唯一性与必要性已被公认。

17.The Independence of Several Axioms in Euclidean System欧几里德公理系统中几个公理的独立性

18.Finally the algorithm discovers all time -series patterns by computing Euclidean distance between any two subsequences in each box.最后通过计算每个盒子中任意两个子序列间的欧几里德距离来发现所有的模式。


Euclidear alsorithm欧几里德法

3)extended Euclidean扩展欧几里德算法

1.The modular inverse operation byextended Euclidean algorithm and the binaryextended Euclidean algorithm are analyzed, and the improved modular inverse operation by binaryextended Euclidean algorithm is presented in this paper.基于现有的求最大公因子的方法,分析利用扩展欧几里德求模逆的方法,以及二进制扩展欧几里德算法,提出了利用二进制扩展欧几里德算法求模逆的方法,给出了几种算法性能比较的测试环境和测试结果。

4)modified Euclidean algorithm改进型欧几里德算法

1.Research ofmodified Euclidean algorithm in RS decoding and FPGA implementationRS译码中改进型欧几里德算法的研究及其FPGA实现

2.Research of RS decoding based onmodified Euclidean algorithm基于改进型欧几里德算法的RS译码研究

3.According to the complexity of decoding circuit in digital TV and the moderate speed of decoding,amodified Euclidean algorithm is proposed based on the related deduction of division with reminder of polynomials.针对数字电视译码电路复杂,译码速度不高的特点,基于多项式带余除法的相关推论,提出一种改进型欧几里德算法。

5)traditional Euclidean algorithm传统欧几里德算法

1.The degree of polynomial needed judging when thetraditional Euclidean algorithm was used to solve key equation,which always caused the complexity of hardware circuit and decreased the decoding speed.传统欧几里德算法在求解关键方程时需要进行多项式次数的判断,从而造成硬件电路复杂,译码速度下降。

pared with thetraditional Euclidean algorithm,the proposed algorithm can easily get error value polynomial and error loca–tor polynomial in the process of solving key equation.与传统欧几里德算法相比,该算法在求解关键方程的过程中能够更容易地得到错误值多项式和错误位置多项式,能减少硬件电路的复杂性,提高译码速度。

6)Euclid arithmetic欧几里德算子

1.Considering the monotony and regularity ofEuclid arithmetic,the paper proposes a new multiple attribute decision making approach based on the ordinalEuclid arithmetic,and the monotony,regularity and metathesis immutability of the ordinalEuclid arithmetic are proved too.基于算子有序性的构建思想,本文提出并构建了基于有序欧几里德算子的区间数多属性决策算法模型,证明了有序欧几里德算子的单调性、齐次性和幂等性。


