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男篮 mens basketball英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-04 21:12:29


男篮 mens basketball英语短句 例句大全

男篮,men"s basketball

1)men"s basketball男篮

1.Men"s Basketball Small Forward Offensive Capability Analysis男篮小前锋进攻能力分析

2.Men"s Basketball Guard Foreign Offensive Capability of the Comparative Analysis in 29th Olympic Games29届奥运会中外男篮组织后卫进攻能力的对比分析


1.Study on the 15th FIBA World Championship to analysing the distribution of the World Men s Basketball and considering the development of Chinese Men s Basketball;从第15届男篮世锦赛看世界男篮流派分布及对中国男篮的影响

2.Further Thinking on Lose of Chinese Man Basketball in the 14th World Man Basketball Championship;从第十四届世界男篮锦标赛看世界男篮格局和中国男篮现状

3.The Present Conditions of Men Basketballer’s Awareness Cultivation in Zhangzhou Teachers College;我院男篮队员篮球意识的现状及培养

4.A Study on Bayi Basketball Team as an Enlightenment for the Style Training of CUBS Basketball Teams;“八一”男篮对“大超”男篮作风培养的启示性研究

5.Body-utilization Study of Chinese Men s Basketball Team in 15th World Series of Men s Basketball in ;第15届男篮世锦赛中国男篮身体对抗性研究

6.Analysis on disparity between Chinese Men s Basketball Team and world strong teams at World Men s Basketball Championship;从世界男篮锦标赛探析中国男篮的差距

7.On Present Situation of Chinese Men s Basketball after the 15th World Basketball Championship and Countermeasures;从第十五届男篮世锦赛看中国男篮现状及对策

8.An Analysis on the Decline of South Korea Men s Basketball And the Rise of West Asian Men s Baskteball;浅析韩国男篮的衰落和西亚男篮的崛起

9.Analysis of the characteristics of development of world men’s basketball in the 21~(st) century based on international men’s basketball games;从国际男篮赛事分析21世纪世界男篮发展特征

10.Analysis Of The Current Situation Of Chinese Men s Basketball Team From The 23th Asian Basketball Championship;从第23届亚洲男篮锦标赛解析中国男篮现状

petitive abilities of Chinese Men s Basketball Team in the 15th World Championship;第15届世界男篮锦标赛中国男篮现状剖析

12.A Talk about the Training Tactics for China Men Basketball Team;从中国男篮的“中锋”谈及中国男篮的训练策略

13.The Inspiration of Defensive Skills of World Men"s Basketball Teams to Chinese Men"s Basketball Teams世界优秀男篮防守技术对中国男篮的启示

parative Analysis on Ability to Score of Chinese Men" Basketball Team in the 15th World Men" Basketball Championships第十五届世界男篮锦标赛中国男篮投篮技术运用分析

15.Obtains the Shooting Opportunity from Opposite Party to Analyze the Chinese Men s Basketball Team the Present Defensive Situation;从对方获得投篮机会析中国男篮的防守现状

16.Seeing World Basketball Styles and Patterns from the 15th World Basketball Championships;从第15届世界男篮锦标赛看世界篮球风格发展

17.Analysis on the Chinese Men s Basketball Team Status in the Wohd from the World Men s Basketball Championship;从世锦赛分析中国男篮在世界篮坛的地位

18.Statistic Analysis on Chinese Men s Basketball Team in the 15th World Basketball Championship;第15届世界篮球锦标赛中国男篮技术统计分析


male basketball男篮

1.emphasized on three live stat indexes:ball hawk, bank ball in back court and lose score, the defensive ability ofmale basketball team of Beijing Shougang in host games has been studied to find the reason of achievement climb, and to trace the weakness existed in single defensive ability, organizing and cooperation of group defensive ability, and furthermore, to bring forward suggestion.以抢断球、后场篮板球、失分三项临场统计指标作为重点 ,对 1999年~ 2 0 0 0年 CBA男篮联赛中 ,北京首钢男篮主场比赛防守能力进行多角度分析研究 ,发现其成绩上升的原因 ,找出了该队在队员个人防守能力、全队防守组织与配合方面存在的不足 ,并提出了建议。

2.In the 15th World Men Basketball Championship, Chinesemale basketball only obtains the 15th.第15届男篮世锦赛中国队仅取得了第15名的成绩,虽然本次大赛参赛队伍从以往的16支增加至24支,客观上增加了取得好名次的难度,但从以往的赛事至本次大赛,中国男篮整体水平的下滑已是不争的事实。

3)men"s basketball男子篮球

4)Chinese men basketball team中国男篮

1.Analysis and Outlook of the Chinese Men Basketball Team in World Championships;中国男篮迎战世锦赛分析及展望

2.The Research on Chinese Men Basketball Team’s Offensive Ability of Three-point Field Goal in 2002;2002年中国男篮3分球的进攻能力的研究

3.On the Trend of Chinese Men Basketball Team through Its Matches with the Other Two Strong Teams in the 25th Asian Basketball Championship从第25届亚锦赛中国与伊朗、黎巴嫩两强比赛略论中国男篮的走向

5)China Men Basketball中国男篮

1.The analysis and study on the defensive ability of the forward players ofChina Men Basketball Team in the 28th Olympic Games;对28届奥运会中国男篮前锋队员防守能力的分析与研究

parison with and Analysis of Several Technical Indexes ofChina Men Basketball in the 14th and 15th World Championship;第14~15届世锦赛中国男篮若干技术指标的比较与分析

parison and Analysis on Several Technical Indexes ofChina Men Basketball in the27th and28th Olympic Games;第27~28届奥运会中国男篮若干技术指标的比较与分析

6)men basketball男子篮球

1.Form this side we can know the situation of the importantmen basketball team.采用临场统计、数据分析、归纳整理等方法对广东队和各参赛队的比赛进行综述,并对主力阵容和主要技术指标加以分析,旨在为包括广东队在内的我国其它各球队和篮球爱好者提供一个可借鉴与比较的素材,以便了解我国重点男子篮球队伍的现状。


男篮男篮nán lán男指男子、男性;篮指篮球运动。男篮是对男子篮球运动的简称。历届男篮比赛时间及主办国时间 东道主1 届 1960 菲律宾2 届 1963 中国台北3 届 1965 马来西亚4 届 1967 韩国5 届 1969 泰国6 届 1971 菲律宾7 届 1973 日本8 届 1975 泰国9 届 1977 马来西亚10届 1979 日本11届 1981 印度12届 1983 中国香港13届 1986 马来西亚14届 1987 泰国15届 1989 中国16届 1991 日本17届 1993 印尼18届 1995 韩国19届 1997 沙特20届 1999 日本21届 2001 中国22届 中国23届 卡塔尔
