200字范文 > 否定句 negative sentence英语短句 例句大全

否定句 negative sentence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-12 01:59:01


否定句 negative sentence英语短句 例句大全

否定句,negative sentence

1)negative sentence否定句

1.Englishnegative sentences have a wide coverage.英语否定句覆盖面很广,所以翻译英语否定句也是一个重要的问题。

2.By reviewing the study ofnegative sentence with linguistic cognition, the definition of non-conventionalnegative sentence is defined.通过对否定句研究的回顾和当今语言学界对否定句的认识 ,得出非常规否定句的定义 ,并重点研究了非常规否定句产生的原因、非常规否定句的理解及其语用含

3.ract:A good command ofnegative sentence,a very important sentence structure,is vital to language teaching and translation.否定句是一种非常重要的句型 ,掌握好对语言教学和语言翻译都有其重要的意义。


1.a negative sentence, question, adverb否定句、 否定疑问句、 有否定含义的副词

2.Esp in questions and negative sentences尤用於疑问句和否定句

3.Hold with sth used in negative sentences or in questions用於否定句或疑问句中

4.Semantic Focus of General Negation & Special Negation in English and Chinese;英汉一般否定句和特殊否定句的语义否定指向

5.Change the affirmative sentence into a negative/interrogative sentence.把这个肯定句改成否定句/疑问句。

6.Make these sentences negative and interrogative.将这些句子改成否定句和疑问句。

7.There are three forms of the sentences affirmative, interrogative, and negative.句子有三种形式:肯定句、否定句和疑问句。

8.Generally speaking, negative sentences are used to express negative meanings.一般说来,否定句是表达否定意义的。

9.They are mostly used withwouldiin negative sentences and in questions这两个词组在否定句和疑问句中多与。

10.used in negative sentences or questions,to show surprise用于否定句或疑问句,表示惊

11.used mainly in questions and negative sentences主要用于疑问句及否定句

12.Used esp in questions and negative sentences尤用於疑问句和否定句中

13.P in negative sentences and questions尤用於否定句和疑问句中

14.45 Make these sentences negative then interrogative.把这些句子变成否定句,再变成一般疑问句。

15.A Study on the Transformation between Affirmative Sentences and Negative Sentences of Modern Uighur;论现代维吾尔语的肯定句和否定句之间的变换

16.Analysis of Negative Sentence and Its Translation Skills;表象为非否定的英语否定句及其翻译技巧

17.On the negation in A Passage to India;浅析否定词及否定句对《印度之行》主题的帮助

18.On the Categorical Features of Negative Marker and the Acquisition Sequence of Negative Sentence;否定标示的词汇特征和否定句习得序列


negative sentences否定句

1.The structure of English negative sentence is very complex and there are discrepancies due to the dif-ferent structures of thenegative sentences.英语中的否定句式纷繁复杂,一个句子会因为否定形式的不同而产生歧义。

2.It can be divided into two categories based on the sentence patterns:translation of affirmative andnegative sentences into each other;translation of affirmative and doublenegative sentences into each other.反译法是翻译法中举足轻重的一种方法 ,根据句式 ,它可分为肯定句与否定句的互译和肯定句与双重否定句的互译。


1.Acquisition sequence of ESLnegation from the perspective of UG;从普遍语法的角度看ESL否定句习得顺序

2.With a number of examples, the accurate and appropriate translation of Englishnegation into Chinese is explored.通过大量实例,讨论了如何在英语各种否定句型的翻译中准确、恰当地表达出原文的含义。

3.Then it talks on how to understand and translate variousnegations,and the special problems that we should pay attention to innegation.本文从英语否定句的分类谈起 ,详细阐述了如何理解和翻译各种的否定句以及在否定句中需要特别注意的问

4)the negative sentence否定句

1.This paper makes analysis and contrast ofthe negative sentences for both similarities and differences between Chinese and Uygur by employing contrastive linguistic theories and methods.本文用对比语言学的理论和方法,对汉维语否定句进行了分析和对比,既求同又求异。

2.This paper investigatesthe negative sentence of modern Chinese synthetically.本文综合考察了现代汉语的否定句,旨在总结以往的研究成果,澄清研究中的误区,开辟新的研究方向,其中既有材料整理性工作,又有研究创新性工作。


1.Some sentences belong tonegative category in grammar but they are often translated into affirmative tones according to the habits of mother tone.英语中,在语法上有些属于否定范畴的句子,在翻译的过程中常根据母语的习惯把这种句子译成肯定语气,这种在意义上表示肯定的否定句我们称之为“意义肯定句”。

2.Striking similarity between L1 and L2 exists in the developmental pattern of grammar,especially in the acquisition of grammatical morphemes,negative and interrogative.这种相似性特征突出体现在第一语言和第二语言语法词素、否定句和疑问句的习得过程中。

6)syntactic negation句法否定


