200字范文 > 法律语言学 forensic linguistics英语短句 例句大全

法律语言学 forensic linguistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-16 06:56:52


法律语言学 forensic linguistics英语短句 例句大全

法律语言学,forensic linguistics

1)forensic linguistics法律语言学

1.It is quite a modern thing forforensic linguistics to come out.法律语言学(forensic linguistics)作为一个正式的学科是现代才有的,但法律语言的研究却可以上溯到古代希腊罗马社会。

2.This paper analyzes the system of modality in the Constitution of the United States,applying the theories of modality in systemic-functional grammar and theories of legislative language inforensic linguistics.本文运用系统功能语言学有关情态系统的理论和法律语言学有关立法语言的理论分析美国宪法的情态系统,发现在美国宪法中,主要出现情态动词、情态形容词(被动词组)这两类表示义务与意愿的情态表达式,几乎没有出现情态附加成分、情态名物化结构和情态隐喻等情态表达式。

3.Theforensic linguistics is regarded as the carrier of the law,the importance of which is self-evident.法律是通过语言订立和公布的,法律语言学作为法律的载体,其重要性是不言而喻的。


1.Forensic Linguistic Studies:From the Perspective of Late Wittgensteinian Philosophy of Language基于后维特根斯坦语言哲学的法律语言学研究

2.On Speech and Speaker Identification: A Perspective from Forensic Linguistics;从法律语言学角度看言语与说话者身份识别

3.Discourse Analysis on Linguistic Testimonial Evidence--the Interpretation from Perspective on Legal Linguistics言词证据的话语分析——法律语言学视角下的解读

4.Linguistics Diversion of Law"and Its Inspiration to Methodology of Law Linguistics Research in Our Country;“法学的语言学转向”及其对我国法律语言学研究的方法论启示

5.A Review of Domestic Forensic Linguigtic Study and Trend;略谈国内法律语言学研究现状及趋向

6.A Philosophical Discussion on the Forensic Linguistic Study:from the Perspective of Semantic Externalism法律语言学研究的哲学思考——从语义外在论谈起

7.The Macrostructure of Forensic Linguistics: An OverviewBased on Current Researches;从目前的研究看法律语言学学科体系的构建

8.Reflections on the Discipline Construction of Forensic Linguistics--From the English Translation of Chinese Legal Documents法律语言学学科建设的思考——从我国法律文件的英译谈起

9.An Analysis of Vagueness in Legal Language from Semantic & Pragmatic Perspectives;法律语言模糊性的语义学和语用学视角研究

10.Vagueness in Legal Language: From Semantic and Pragmatic Points of View;法律语言模糊性的语义学与语用学研究

11.Explicit Law and Implicit Law:An Analysis from the Perspective of Linguistics显现的法律与隐在的法律——从语言学的角度分析

12.The Legal Culture Concept in Legal Sociology;法律的道德论证——一个语言哲学的视角

13.On the Uniformity and Regularity of Legal Language:Using Evidence Law as Language Materials论法律语言的统一和规范——以证据法学为语料

14.Boilerplate: Standard legal language used in legal documents.标准法律语言:法律文件中使用的标准法律语言。

15.A Pragmatic Approach to the Translating of Vague Language in Legal Texts从语用学视角论法律文本中模糊语言的翻译

16.Law Language is a Technical One Different From National Language;法律语言是一种有别于自然语言的技术语言

17.The Difference of "Apply" in Common Language and Legal Language“适用”在普通语言和法律语言中的区别

18.A Study of Legal Language Based on the Theory of “Speech Act”;基于“言语行为分析”的法律语言研究


Legal Linguistics法律语言学

1.Given the tradition and reality of statute laws in China,the Chinese equivalent for the term "forensic linguistics" shall be restored to "司法语言学";"legal linguistics" and "法律语言学" could be equivalents for each other.考虑到中国的成文法传统和现实,forensic lingu istics的汉译名宜还原为“司法语言学”;“法律语言学”可以与legal lingu istics互为译名。

3)legal language system法律语言学体系

1.This article will tackle several issues on the study of legal language, including the status of the study of legal language, the nomination of the subject, thelegal language system and the methodology in the study of legal language.本文对法律语言研究中的几个问题作了一定的探讨:一是关于法律语言研究的现状;二是关于研究法律语言的学科的名称;三是关于法律语言学体系;四是关于法律学研究的方法。

4)forensic linguistic study法律语言学研究

5)legal language法律语言

1.On Development and Evolution in China s Legal Language;中国法律语言发展和演变述论

2.Seeing parenthesis’s function at daily vehicular language andlegal language from relationship theory’s angle从关联理论看插入语在日常交际语和法律语言中的语用功能

3.As a branch of protocol language,legal language is characterized by accuracy of choice of words.法律语言作为一种规约性的语言分支,用词准确是其重要特点。

6)law language法律语言

1.But the research activity oflaw language can be dated back to ancient Greek and Roman until today.法律语言学(forensic linguistics)作为一个正式的学科是现代才有的,但法律语言的研究却可以上溯到古代希腊罗马社会。

2.As a technical language being different from the natural language,law language has its own features in its absorption and application of the natural language.法律语言指的是全民语言在制定和实施法律以及法律科学研究中的具体运用。

3.In accordance with the phenomenon of the “length and breadth”occurring in the realm of language rhetoric methods and skills,this article probes especially into the rhetoric features oflaw language both vert:cally and horizontally.本文根据在语言修辞方法和修辞手段的广阔世界呈现出的“经纬”现象 ,从纵横两个方面探讨法律语言的修辞特


