200字范文 > 科技领军人才 technological leading talent英语短句 例句大全

科技领军人才 technological leading talent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-18 19:13:15


科技领军人才 technological leading talent英语短句 例句大全

科技领军人才,technological leading talent

1)technological leading talent科技领军人才

1.By interviewing sometechnological leading talents for Shanghai microelectronics,the paper finds that the bottleneck of bringing in talents in this industry includes such elements as information,mechanism,compensation,children s education etc.以微电子产业为龙头的电子信息产业是以上海为首的长三角地区发展的支柱产业之一,大力引进科技领军人才是目前阶段快速提高微电子产业竞争力的最有效手段。

2.Bringing intechnological leading talents vigorously is the most effective means topromote China’s microelectronics competence nowadays.大力引进科技领军人才是我国微电子业目前阶段快速提高竞争力的最有效手段。

3.By analyzing the cases of bringingin severaltechnological leading talents changing division in IC valuation chain for Shanghai micro-electronics industry, this paper raises the important role oftechnological leading talents in thedevelopment of microelectronics industry.在我国工业化和全球产业转移背景下,微电子业在我国部分地区蓬勃发展,本文通过近几年上海几个重要科技领军人才的引进对改变上海微电子在IC价值链中分工所起的重要作用,提示科技领军人才对微电子业发展的重大作用,并通过探讨微电子业科技领军人才成长规律,认为我国科技领域迫切需要引进科技领军人才,来提升我国科技的整体竞争力。


1.Cultivating the Pioneering Scientific Talents and Improving the Innovative Abilities培养科技领军人才,提升自主创新能力

2.The Survey on Technological Leading Talents in the Industry of Microelectronics;微电子领域引进科技领军人才调查研究

3.Research on the Performance Evaluation Index System of the Science and Technology Leader of Tianjin Meteorological Department天津市气象部门科技领军人才绩效考评指标体系研究

4.Constructing Interdisciplinary Defense Specialties and Cultivating Creative Students of Defense Technology;建设跨学科军工专业,培养国防科技创新人才

5.Building the Military Talent Welfare System :A Framework of Analysis;建立军队科技人才工资体制:一个分析框架

6.On the Leading Role of in Ningxia′s Economic Development Leading Role in Economic Development Analysis;科技人才对宁夏经济发展的引领作用分析

7.Leading and Supporting Roles of Scientific and Technical Persons in Economic and Social Development of Tangshan City;科技人才对唐山经济发展的引领和支撑作用

8.To meet the requirement of building a strong military through science and technology, the PLA pays great attention to the training of high-level personnel.为适应科技强军的要求,军队高度重视对高层次人才的培养工作。

9.Implement Human Resource Strategy, Strengthen Forecast of Science and Technology Personnel in Marine Field--Human Resource Strategy in Marine Field;实施海洋人才战略,加强海洋科技人才需求预测——海洋领域人才战略研究

10.A Study on the Three Leaders Ideology of S&T Personnel of Our Country;毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民三代领导人的科技人才思想研究

11.Study on the Core Traits of Technological Innovation Leader Based on Innovative Team;以创新团队为载体的科技创新领军人物内涵初探

12.Studies on Playing the Leading Role of Provincial Academies in the Development of Local Science and Technology;省级农科院在地方农业科技发展中的领军作用

13.With a View to the Characteristics of Informationized Wars, Scientifically Construct the curriculum of Training New Commanding Personnel;着眼信息化战争特点 科学设置新型军事指挥人才军事基本技能课程体系

petition in science and technology and for competent people科技和人才的竞争。

15.High-quality professionals are the most important factor in development.发展高科技,关键在人才。

16.Practices on Cultivating High-Celdre Engineering Masters in Field of War Industry;培养高质量军工领域工程硕士人才之实践

17.There is also this talk of importing talent to supplement Singapore"s technological fields and sports.有人说要引进外国人才补充我国的科技和运动领域,我对此非常赞成。

18.On Quality Cultivation Mode of Military Education Technical Talents;谈军事教育技术人才的素质培养模式


Leading Talent领军人才

1.Research on the Security Problem ofLeading Talent and Its Corresponding Strategy;领军人才安全问题与应对策略研究

2.breaking the " bottleneck" of the construction of leading talents and innovative group with the help of "three levers";(3) innovating the system and promoting the whole strategy of the "three projects".基于此,曲靖师范学院提出了推进科技工作科学发展的思路和措施:(1)进一步解放思想,明确责任,迅速提高学校的核心竞争力;(2)借助三大杠杆,突破领军人才和创新团队建设两大"瓶颈";(3)创新机制,着力推进具有全局战略意义的三项工程。

3)technological innovation leader科技创新领军人物

1.In knowledge economy era, technological innovation is becoming increasingly difficult, which calls for thetechnological innovation leader to lead the team to achieve the goal of innovation.知识经济时代,科技创新的难度不断加大,需要科技创新领军人物引领创新团队去实现创新目标。

4)qualified scientists and technicians科技人才

1.A discussion onqualified scientists and technicians as well as scientific achievements;试论科技人才与科研成果

2.Research on professional ethics and cultivation of study style ofqualified scientists and technicians;浅谈科技人才职业道德和学风建设问题

3.The self-organization mechanism in the course ofqualified scientists and technicians gathering is analyzed in this paper.从自组织理论出发研究科技人才集聚现象,分析科技人才集聚的自组织机制。

5)science and technology talents科技人才

1.Innovation qualities ofscience and technology talents;科技人才创新个性品质刍议

2.Demand prediction forscience and technology talents based on the grey system theory;基于灰色系统理论的科技人才需求预测

3.Based on by forward.regression analysis for the needs ofscience and technology talents forecast pattern;基于前移回归分析的科技人才需求预测模型

6)sci-tech talents科技人才

1.Research on the Turnover of Sci-Tech Talents in Shanghai TieTong;上海铁通科技人才流失问题研究

2.Research on the Regional Sci-Tech Talents Development Strategy During "the 11th-Five-Year";“十一五”时期区域科技人才发展战略研究

3.A Research on Situation and Countermeasure for Mobility of Sci-tech Talents in the Yangtze Delta;长江三角洲区域科技人才流动的现状和对策研究


