200字范文 > 体外实验 in vitro英语短句 例句大全

体外实验 in vitro英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-01 18:30:55


体外实验 in vitro英语短句 例句大全

体外实验,in vitro

1)in vitro体外实验

1.Modified design andin vitro experiment of minimally invasive multifunctional arterial cannula in thoracoscope-assisted pediatric cardiac surgery;小儿胸腔镜微创多功能主动脉插管的改良设计与体外实验

2.Analysis of coronal leakage after root canal freatmentin vitro;根管充填后冠方渗漏的体外实验

3.Application of fluorescence and chemiluminescence in determination of anti-oxidation capability of health foodin vitro experiments荧光法及化学发光法在保健食品抗氧化体外实验中的应用


1.In Vitro Experiment on Inhibition of GTP on Growth of Human Liver Cancer Cells茶多酚抑制肝癌细胞生长的体外实验

2.Vitro Experimental Study on the Fit of Finesse All Ceramic Crown;Finesse全瓷冠适合性的体外实验研究

3.The Empirical Study about the Chemotaxis of Cord Blood Mononuclear Cell;脐带血单个核细胞迁移体外实验研究

4.The Investigation of Mechanism by Which P44 Regulating Cell Cycle in Hepatoma Cells in VitroP44对人肝癌细胞周期体外实验研究

5.In vitro study on the suitability of porcelain-fused-to-galvanized-gold crown金沉积烤瓷冠适合性的体外实验研究

6.Method for examination of ectoparisites in laboratory animaGB/T14926.33-1994实验动物体外寄生虫检验方法

7.Construction of rAAV2-GPIIb/GpIIIa Vector and Test of Its Expression and Function in Vitro;rAAV2-GPIIb/GPIIIa载体构建和体外表达、功能实验

8.A Report on the FLT Experimentation Based on the Integration of Multimedia & Internet;多媒体网络一体化外语教学实验报告

9.Transdermal Permeation in Vivo and in Vitro of Capsaicin Microemulsion:An Animal Study辣椒碱微乳动物体外、在体透皮实验

10.Laboratory gases shall be piped into the laboratory work area from a gas yard outside of the laboratory.实验室气体由实验室外气瓶区域用管路引进。

11.An Experimental Study on the Implicit Effect of Ingroup/outgroup Favoritism内-外群体偏爱的内隐效应实验研究

12.The Study of BPDE-DNA Adducts in Vitro and Vivo;BPDE-DNA加合物体内外实验研究

13.The Study of Using RNAi to Inhibit the Expression of HBeAg in Vitro;RNA干扰体外抑制HBeAg表达的实验研究

14.Study on Transplantation of Constructed Artificial Composite Skin in Vitro;体外构建人工复合皮的动物实验研究

15.Experimental Comparison on Expanding Corneal Limbal Epithelial Cells in Vitro;体外角膜缘上皮细胞培养的实验比较

16.Ex Vivo Expansion of Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells;脐血造血干/祖细胞体外扩增实验研究

17.The Experiments on the in Vitro Differentiation of Fetal Brain Derived Neural Stem Cells;人胚神经干细胞体外分化的实验研究

18.Investigation on Scheduled Expansion of Umbilical Cord Blood Cells In Vitro;脐血干细胞体外程序扩增的实验研究


in vitro experiment体外实验

1.Methods:The multiple proportion dilution of the above mentioned compounds were selected and usedin vitro experiment.方法 :运用液体倍比稀释法对以上药物进行体外实验研究。

3)In Vitro test体外实验

1.The character and stable carbon isotope effect of p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD and p,p′-DDE (referred to as DDTs) in the polluted carrot were analyzed using a physiologically based in vitro test by simulating the human gastro-intestinal tract.采用体外实验研究了胡萝卜中p,p′-DDT,p,p′-DDD和p,p′-DDE(总称为DDTs)在模拟人体胃肠中的消化特征及其稳定碳同位素效应。

4)experiment in vitro体外实验


1.ObjectiveThrough anti-influenza A virus invitro ,screen of effective Chineseproprietary, named Bingyanqing I; Apply Bingyanqing I to treat influenza Avirus, respiratory infections, Observe clinical efficacy, lay the foundationfor the pharmacological treatment of influenza A.目的通过抗甲型流感病毒体外实验,筛选出有效中药方剂,命名为病炎清Ⅰ号;应用病炎清Ⅰ号治疗甲型流感病毒上呼吸道感染,观察其临床疗效,为中药复方制剂治疗甲型流感奠定基础。

2.Objectives: To observe the effect of Alendronate(ALN) on osteoclast apoptosis invitro and in vivo.目的:在成功的建立体外大鼠破骨细胞培养系的基础上观察不同浓度的阿仑磷酸盐在体外实验中诱导破骨细胞凋亡的情况,并通过体内实验加以论证。

6)Experiment in vivo and vitro体内外实验


浅谈国内外实验室污染治理的现状在国外,有专门的实验室废弃物处理站来集中收集处理。实验室废弃物集中处理站的管理规范、严格,安全环境保护意识极强。专门地点集中、专门房间、专门容器存放,专门人员管理,严格分区、分类,集中送特殊废品处理场处理。各种废弃物由各实验室分类上交后,处理站要对交来废弃物称重后将信息存进计算机,再分类放到规定地方集中。例如,报废放射源、废机油、报废化学试剂、化学合成“三废物”、化学品废弃容器等都分类存放。[6]废弃物集中处理站设计内容周密,设施完备先进,安全可靠。为防止集中后的地下渗漏二次污染,设计时将处理站地下全部用水泥整体浇注。危险化学品、放射源存放在专门房间,还有安全监控、排风系统。废弃物集中处理站的费用由政府每年的经费预算中列支。另一方面,可回收废品被收购后所得资金则用于废弃物集中处理站的进一步发展。目前我国对实验室的污染排放并没有专门的规定,一般参照企业的污染排放标准。实验室在建设或认可验收时会对实验室的废弃物排放提出要求。如气体实验在通风处做,废弃物由专门的环保公司回收等。由于实验室污染种类齐全,情况复杂,多数项目产生的污染量较小,缺乏相应资金,操作起来存在着相当难度,给污染治理带来一定困难。目前除少数一些环保意识强的实验室,没有直接排放废弃物外,多数实验室仅仅把环保放在口头上,废弃物回收协议签在纸上,大量的废弃物仍然直接排放。由于实验室大多数项目只是零星开展,各项目之间的工作频次不均匀,废弃物排放物规律,污染分散,这些也给环保部门监控带来困难。一些环保措施的后处理没有完善,如残液缸满后如何处理,都是一个棘手的问题。文章编辑:moji 文章来源:
