200字范文 > 经鼻脑靶向 brain targeting via intranasal administration英语短句 例句大全

经鼻脑靶向 brain targeting via intranasal administration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-05 08:15:59


经鼻脑靶向 brain targeting via intranasal administration英语短句 例句大全

经鼻脑靶向,brain targeting via intranasal administration

1)brain targeting via intranasal administration经鼻脑靶向

1.Preliminary evaluation ofbrain targeting via intranasal administration of galanthamine hydrobromide氢溴酸加兰他敏经鼻脑靶向性初步评价


1.Study on Intranasal Brain-Targeting System of Trybizine Hydrochloride;盐酸锥双净经鼻脑靶向给药系统的研究

2.Preliminary evaluation of brain targeting via intranasal administration of galanthamine hydrobromide氢溴酸加兰他敏经鼻脑靶向性初步评价

3.Study on the brain targeting effect of Evans blue chitosan microspheres and its nasal toxity壳聚糖微球对伊文思蓝鼻腔给药靶向到脑的影响及鼻腔毒性研究

4.Preliminary Study on Brain-targeted Delivery of Human Interferon α2b following Intratympanic Administration干扰素经鼓室给药靶向脑的初步研究

5.Studies on Intranasal Brain Drug Targeting Delivery System for Galanthamine Hydrobromide氢溴酸加兰他敏鼻腔给药脑靶向传递系统的研究

6.Study on Brain Pharmacokinetics of Tetramethylpyrazine Phosphate After Intranasal Administration磷酸川芎嗪大鼠鼻腔给药靶向脑部的药动学研究

7.The Effects of Given Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide to Central Nervous System Viaintranasal Pathway after Subarachniod Hemorrhage in Rat on Neural Stem Cell Proliferation and DifferentiationCGRP经鼻靶向中枢性给药对SAH后神经干细胞增殖与分化的影响

8.Nasal Administration of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide into Central Nervous System Protect Cerebral Vasospasm Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage经鼻靶向中枢应用CGRP对SAH后CVS的缓解作用及对血管新生的促进作用

9.Study on the Targeted Expression of Suicide Gene Induced by Radiation in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cell;放射线诱导自杀基因在鼻咽癌的靶向表达研究

10.Effect of Cell Growth Inhibition Through Targeting mTOR-mediated Signaling Pathway in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma靶向阻断mTOR信号通路对鼻咽癌细胞生长的影响

11.Prepare and Appraise the Brain-targeted Liposome P-MMA-DOSPER;制备和鉴定脑靶向性脂质体P-MMA-DOSPER

12.Gene delivery targeted to the brain using an Angiopep-conjugated polyethyleneglycol-modified polyamidoamine dendrimerAngiopep修饰的脑靶向基因药物递释系统

13.The Research of Blocking EGFR and COX-2 Simultaneously to Treat NPC;联合阻断EGFR和COX-2信号通路靶向治疗在鼻咽癌的实验研究

14.The Clinical Experimental Research of Targeting EBV-LMP1 Deoxyribozyme Enhancing the Sensitivity of NPC Radiotherapy;靶向EBV-LMP1脱氧核酶增强鼻咽癌放疗敏感性的临床实验研究

15.Selection and Identification of a Fully Humanized Antinasopharyngeal Carcinoma Single-chain Fv Fusion Phage Antibody and Its Bioactivity Detection in Vivo全人源抗鼻咽癌噬菌体单链抗体的筛选、鉴定及其靶向性实验研究

16.Effects of Cell Growth Inhibition Through Targeting both EGFR and mTOR-mediated Signaling Pathway in NPC靶向联合阻断mTOR和EGFR信号通路对鼻咽癌细胞生长的影响

17.Effect of DNAzyme on expression of LMP1 gene on human nasopharyngeal carcinoma xenograft in nude mice靶向EBV-LMP1脱氧核酶对鼻咽癌裸鼠移植瘤生长的影响

18.Effects of siRNA targeting PCNA gene on nasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE2 cell cycle靶向PCNA基因的小干扰RNA对鼻咽癌CNE2细胞周期的影响


brain-targeted nasal delivery system脑靶向性鼻腔给药

1.Advances onbrain-targeted nasal delivery system;脑靶向性鼻腔给药的研究进展


1.Thebrain-targeting effect of the prepared preparation was investigated using 1 injection and 1 liposomes as the control groups.以1粉针剂和1脂质体为对照,评价纳米粒的脑靶向作用。

2.Aimed at short half life and strong side-effect of antidepressant Venlafaxine, we have changed its structure, synthesized its prodrugs and evaluatedbrain-targeting effect of its prodrugs.脑靶向治疗药物具有治疗特异性强和副作用小的优点,是此病防治药物研究的重要发展方向。

4)brain targeting脑靶向

1.OBJECTIVE To study the thebrain targeting effect of Evans blue chitosan microspheres and its nasal toxity.方法:采用交联固化法制备伊文思蓝壳聚糖微球;大鼠鼻腔给药,以脑部伊文思蓝含量为指标考察伊文思蓝壳聚糖微球的脑靶向性;以蛙上腭纤毛持续摆动时间为指标考察伊文思蓝壳聚糖微球对鼻腔纤毛的毒性;取鼻腔黏膜做组织切片,考察黏膜的病理变化。

5)brain-targeted drug delivery脑靶向给药

1.Preliminary study onbrain-targeted drug delivery via inner ear;本文探寻经内耳途径输送药物到脑部的可行性,为脑靶向给药提供一条崭新的研究思路。

6)brain targeting drug delivery system脑靶向给药系统


