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椎板 Lamina英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-26 06:15:08


椎板 Lamina英语短句 例句大全



1.Traditional laminectomy completely exposes the lumbar spinal canal with spinous process and lamina osteotomy , which usually causes postoperative lumbar spinal instability and scar tissue adherent.传统的全椎板切除减压术,椎管开放后造成腰椎不稳定、硬脊膜外瘢痕粘连而引起手术效果不理想。

2.Objective To study the clinical outcomes of inferior half lamina uncover-recovered technique in posterior surgery of lumbar degenerative diseases.目的探讨一种新的后路椎板减压方式——腰椎下半椎板揭盖回植法的临床运用效果。


1.Treatment of Atlantoaxial Instability with C_2 Translaminar Screw and C_1 Pedicle Screw Fixation枢椎椎板螺钉联合寰椎椎弓根螺钉固定治疗寰枢椎脱位

2.Application of Lumbar Spinous Process and Lamina Osteotomy Replantation to Rebuild Lumbar Spinal Canal;腰椎棘突椎板截骨回植术重建腰椎管的应用

3.Clinical application of C2 laminar screws technique for upper cervical spinal instability枢椎椎板螺钉治疗上颈椎不稳的临床研究

4.Surgical removal of the posterior arch of a vertebra.椎板切除术切除脊椎后弓的手术

puted Tomography Morphometric Analysis for Axial Translaminar Screw Placement枢椎后路经椎板螺钉钉道的CT测量


7.Application of Splitting Vertebral Laminae and Reconstruction of Posterior Structures of Vertebral Canal with Titanium Web to Surgery for Thoracolumbar Vertebral Canal Lesions切开椎板钛网固定椎管重建在胸腰椎椎管内病变手术中的应用

8.Unilateral vertebral plate decompression,interbody fusion and pedicle screw fixation in treatment of lumbar disc herniation单侧椎板减压椎弓根螺钉固定椎间融合术治疗腰椎间盘突出症

9.Clinical Effect Observation on Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation by Fenestration and Laminectomy椎板间开窗和椎板切除腰椎间盘突出症手术疗效观察

10.Efficacy analysis of curing thoracic and lumbar burst fractures using laminectomydecompression and non-laminectomy decompression with pedicle screw for indirect reduction椎板减压与非椎板减压椎弓根螺钉间接复位治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折的疗效分析

11.Conclusion: Total laminectomy destroyed the stability of lumbar spine.结论:全椎板切除术极大破坏腰椎稳定性。

12.Experimental Study on Bone Regeneration after Laminectomy and the Establishment of the Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Animal Models;椎板再生的研究与椎管狭窄动物模型的制作

13.Long-Term Follow-up of the Treatment for Lumbar Disc Herniation with Total Laminectomy and Replantation;腰椎椎板截骨原位回植术远期疗效分析

14.Clinical Application of Lamina Osteotomy and Extensive Plasty of the Lumbar Canal;椎板截骨腰椎管扩大成形术的临床应用

15.The Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation:Performation of Interlaminar-formed Technique during the Microendoscopic Discectomy;MED椎板间隙成形术治疗腰椎间盘突出症

16.The Unilateral Hemilaminectomy Approach for the Removal of the Spinal Cord Tumors经半椎板入路椎管内肿瘤切除术的临床研究

17.Analysis of Long-term Follow-up in Semi-Laminectomy in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation腰椎间盘突出半椎板入路术后长期随访分析

18.Influence of laminar and facet inclination angle on degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis椎板和小关节倾斜角与退变性腰椎滑脱的关系


vertebral lamina椎板

1.Objective: To discuss the clinical effect of reconstruction of posterior structure of the thoracic and lumbar vertebra by means of vertebral canal plasty with pedicelarvertebral lamina: Methods: 56 patients with thoracic and lumbar vertebral canal stricture were subjected to vertebral canal plasty with pedicelarvertebral lamina after posteriorvertebral lamina ablate.目的 :探讨带蒂椎板成形术重建胸腰椎后部结构的临床效果。

2.Methods Harrington rods with wire under polysegmentalvertebral lamina were used on the concave side of vertebral column of 32 cases.目的总结单纯哈氏棒加多节段椎板下钢丝治疗脊柱侧凸的疗效。


1.Treatmeat of tethered cord syndrome in childrenby opening double doors inlaminae;椎板双开门治疗小儿脊髓栓系综合征

2.A total of 143 cases were treated by opening double doors or planting bone inlaminae, and 54 were treated by traditional method.54例采用非椎板双开门治疗,随访发现1例脊柱后突加重,1例外伤后脊髓受损,4例(7。

4)vertebral plate椎板

1.Individualized localization of the lumbar pedicle screw entrance points byvertebral plate borderline;以椎板边缘对腰椎椎弓根螺钉进钉点的个体化定位

2.Radiographic anatomy study and clinical significance of relationship between superior level and lateral border ofvertebral plate to pedicle of vertebral arch in thoracic and lumbar spine;X线片上胸腰椎椎板外侧缘及上缘与椎弓根关系研究及应用


1.Objective:To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages ofhemilaminectomy for the removal of intraspinal tumors.目的:探讨半椎板切开入路切除椎管内肿瘤的优缺点。

6)Inner gather of vertebral plate椎板内聚


