200字范文 > 张谷英古村落 Zhang guying Buildings英语短句 例句大全

张谷英古村落 Zhang guying Buildings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-04 00:08:29


张谷英古村落 Zhang guying Buildings英语短句 例句大全

张谷英古村落,Zhang guying Buildings

1)Zhang guying Buildings张谷英古村落

1.This paper takes Ming and Qing Dynasty\"s ancient dwelling buildingZhang guying Buildings as the research objects, this building\"s uniqe formation, ingenious architectural space, geographical position surrounding the nature landscape and the rich cultural deposits, give expression to the perfect combination among landsca本课题的研究对象为明清民居古建筑群——张谷英古村落,此村建筑形式的独特、建筑空间的巧妙、环绕在自然山水之间的地理位置、文化底蕴的深厚,体现了山水文化与建筑、建筑与人文环境的完美结合。

2)Zhangguying village张谷英村

1.According to on-the-spot investigation and local Zhang clan data,it was found that the development ofZhangguying village system could be divided into the beginning stage,the dragon-shape stage and the double-core system stage.根据实地调研与张氏族谱资料,发现张谷英村落体系空间结构变迁过程具有明显的阶段变迁特点,可分为村落肇始、龙形村落、双核心村落体系等3个阶段;进一步分析发现,人口迁移、地缘、血缘与风水等是张谷英村落体系空间结构变迁的最主要影响因素,其影响的着力点在于张谷英村落的人地关系,土地的占有与利用是人地关系矛盾的焦点,传统农耕时期的村落活动半径决定张谷英村落必然由集中走向分散,最终形成双核心村落体系。

2.The air quality of Langshi village is superior toZhangguying village;the microbial content are both low;the anion content ofZhangguying village is superior to Langshi village,possible because of the destruction of ancient river system\"s,All the 5 points in 2 villages can achieve 1 level standard of the sound environment quality,even some can reach 0 level in Langshi village.以湘北张谷英村和湘西南浪石古村为研究对象,研究了2村的空气质量、微生物含量、负离子含量和环境噪声。



2.The Application of Knowledge Management in the Tourism Development and Management of Yueyang Zhangguying;知识管理在岳阳张谷英村旅游开发和管理中的应用研究

3.The Feasibility Analysis of Constructing the Knowledge Management Systemin Tourist Exploitation of Zhou Guying Village;张谷英村旅游开发构建知识管理系统的可行性分析

4.Building Technology of Traditional Folk Houses Adaptable to Central-north Region of Hunan Province:Taking Ancient Houses in Zhang Guying Village,Yueyang as the Example适应湖南中北部地区气候的传统民居建筑技术——以岳阳张谷英村古宅为例

5.Analysis to Protection Planning of Zhang Guying History and Culture Village in Hunan湖南张谷英历史文化名村保护规划探析

6.The Phonetic Study of Zhangguying Dialect in Yueyang County Hunan Province;湖南省岳阳县张谷英镇方言的语音研究

7.Study on the Architectural Forms and Architectural Culture of Zhang Guying"s Mansion张谷英大屋乡土建筑形式和建筑文化特色研究

8.Probes into Zhang Gu-ying Village in Yueyang, Hunan;中国湘楚明清民居之“活化石”——湖南岳阳张谷英大屋研究之二

9.On Traditional "Feng-shui" Knowledge--Study On Yueyang Zhangguying County;中国传统风水学说的经典体现——湖南岳阳张谷英大屋研究之一

10.Three miles below town the ferryboat stopped at the mouth of a woody hollow and tied up.在离村镇三英里的地方,渡船在树木丛生的山谷口靠岸停泊。

11.The village was in the valley.小村庄就在山谷里。

12.The villagers called down a blessing on the crops村民们祈求五谷丰登。

13.Her face was a prominent advertisement of the lighthearted English country girl她长着一张典型的无忧无虑的英国农村姑娘的脸庞。

14.The gorge narrows to 350 feet,峡谷狭窄处只有350英尺,

15.a person who lives in the dales of Northern England.英格兰北部溪谷的居民。

16.(British) an open river valley (in a hilly area).(英国)畅流河道的山谷。

17.Study on Heavy Metal Pollution of the Cabbage Greenhouses,Xianggu Village,Taigu County太谷县象谷村大棚茴子白重金属污染状况研究

18.The Chiangnan Grand Canyon folk custom scenic spot is located the Chiangnan Grand Canyon tourist area"s white crag village, the even pit ancient village.江南大峡谷民俗风景区位于江南大峡谷旅游区的白岩村、坑古村。


Zhangguying village张谷英村

1.According to on-the-spot investigation and local Zhang clan data,it was found that the development ofZhangguying village system could be divided into the beginning stage,the dragon-shape stage and the double-core system stage.根据实地调研与张氏族谱资料,发现张谷英村落体系空间结构变迁过程具有明显的阶段变迁特点,可分为村落肇始、龙形村落、双核心村落体系等3个阶段;进一步分析发现,人口迁移、地缘、血缘与风水等是张谷英村落体系空间结构变迁的最主要影响因素,其影响的着力点在于张谷英村落的人地关系,土地的占有与利用是人地关系矛盾的焦点,传统农耕时期的村落活动半径决定张谷英村落必然由集中走向分散,最终形成双核心村落体系。

2.The air quality of Langshi village is superior toZhangguying village;the microbial content are both low;the anion content ofZhangguying village is superior to Langshi village,possible because of the destruction of ancient river system\"s,All the 5 points in 2 villages can achieve 1 level standard of the sound environment quality,even some can reach 0 level in Langshi village.以湘北张谷英村和湘西南浪石古村为研究对象,研究了2村的空气质量、微生物含量、负离子含量和环境噪声。

3)Yueyang Zhangguying岳阳张谷英村

1.The Application of Knowledge Management in the Tourism Development and Management ofYueyang Zhangguying;知识管理在岳阳张谷英村旅游开发和管理中的应用研究

4)Zhang Guying张谷英

1.Zhang Guying village was founded byZhang Guying, a son of Zhang Shicheng who was the leader of insurrectionary army in Yuan Dynasty.张谷英大屋的创始人张谷英乃元末起义将领张士诚之子,张谷英大屋建于14世纪,显示出当时比较发达的社会经济和文化;张谷英大屋的建筑文化体现了“天人合一”、“中庸”的思想文化观念。

2.Through the village-research approach, interview and participant observation method, this thesis investigates the telling and transmission of a first resided ancestor s legend inZhang Guying village, and discusses some problems in legend studies by treating it as a case.本文把研究视角和研究对象的时空坐标限定在当代村落生活空间,运用村落调查法、田野作业的访问法、参与观察法,考察了张谷英村一个开基祖传说在当代的讲述和传承状况,以此为个案,探讨了传说学的相关问题。

5)the Ancient Village of HongCun宏村古村落

6)ancient village古村落

1.Landscape value and protection utilization ofancient village in southern Yangtze River;江南古村落的景观价值及保护利用探讨

2.Protection and utilization of Guobiancient village;郭壁古村落保护与利用刍议

3.On the influences of primary environment on form and construction of residential building inancient villages;原生环境对古村落居住建筑形态及构造的影响




