200字范文 > 现代徽派建筑形态 modern Hui-style architectural form英语短句 例句大全

现代徽派建筑形态 modern Hui-style architectural form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-10 00:11:46


现代徽派建筑形态 modern Hui-style architectural form英语短句 例句大全

现代徽派建筑形态,modern Hui-style architectural form

1)modern Hui-style architectural form现代徽派建筑形态

2)Hui style architecture徽派建筑

1.Cherish Traditional Chinese Folk Architectures——from Notre Dame du Haut by Le Corbusier to traditional Chinese Hui Style Architecture;守望中国传统民间建筑——从柯布西耶的朗香教堂到中国传统徽派建筑

2.Hui Style Architecture is an important characterization of Huizhou Culture, is unique in the history of Chinese architecture, and is successfully selected into the World Heritage List as representative of rural architecture.徽派建筑是徽州文化的重要表征,在中国建筑史上独树一帜,并作为乡村建筑的代表成功入选世界遗产名录。


1.The Application and Research of the Traditional Huizhou Architecture Element in Modern Architecture徽派建筑元素在现代建筑中的运用及其研究

2.The thesis discusses types and features of Neo? Huizhou style architecture, and makes comments on design of Neo? huizhou style architecture.文章探讨了新徽派建筑的类型和特征,对新徽派建筑的作品进行了评析。

3.The Inheritance and Development of Anhwei Architecture Symbols in Interior Design徽派建筑语意符号在室内设计中的继承与发展

4.Research of the Art Feature and Cultural Continuity of Glyphic Art for Door and Window in Hui Zhou Architecture徽派建筑门窗雕刻艺术特点与文化传承的研究

5.The Practice of Hui-style Architecture into Modern Residential Community Planning论在现代小区规划中的徽派建筑的实践

6.[Abstract] Hong Cun has been gloriously enrolled on the World Cultural Heritage List, and its artistic architecture of Hui Zou style is really outstanding.宏村,作为世界文化遗产地,其徽派建筑艺术令人称绝。

7.Poetic Space of the Hui Residential Building and Tadao Ando"s Building论徽派古民居与安藤建筑的“诗性”空间

8.The Evolution of the Traditional Villages in Anhui--The Positive Thinking of the Ancient Traditional Folk Housing of ZhaJi演进中的传统徽派村落——关于查济古建筑测绘的积极思考

9.Design Strategy for Energy Efficiency of Public Buidings of Anhui Province;基于安徽省的公共建筑节能设计策略

10.The Empirical Research on Factors Affecting the Development of the Construction Industry in Anhui;安徽建筑业发展影响因素的实证研究

11.The Anti-Fire Research of Wooden Structure Dwellings in HuiZhou Traditional Residence(Village);徽州古民居(村落)木构建筑防火研究

12.A Study on the Clay Sculpture in Huizhou Traditional Brick Carving;徽州传统建筑砖雕中的灰塑工艺研究

13.Study on Frontier Efficiency of Construction Industry: A Case of Anhui建筑业前沿效率研究——以安徽为例

14.Thinking Inspiration of the Dooryard of Huizhou to Modern Architecture Space Design关于徽州“天井”建筑空间设计的思考

parison between the Facade Feagures of Chinese Classical Architecture and Those of Architecture “de Stijl” of Holland;中国古典建筑与荷兰“风格派”建筑的立面之比较

16.The Main Schools and Styles of the Western Latter Modernism Bulidings and the Development Direction of Future Bulidings;现代主义建筑主要流派与风格及建筑发展趋势

17.On Modern Architecture Style of Shanghai Bund从上海外滩近代建筑看近代“海派”建筑风格

18.Realizing the Scientific Renovation of Huizhou Historic Building with the Establishment of Technical Standards建立技术标准,实现徽州古建筑维修科学化


Hui style architecture徽派建筑

1.Cherish Traditional Chinese Folk Architectures——from Notre Dame du Haut by Le Corbusier to traditional Chinese Hui Style Architecture;守望中国传统民间建筑——从柯布西耶的朗香教堂到中国传统徽派建筑

2.Hui Style Architecture is an important characterization of Huizhou Culture, is unique in the history of Chinese architecture, and is successfully selected into the World Heritage List as representative of rural architecture.徽派建筑是徽州文化的重要表征,在中国建筑史上独树一帜,并作为乡村建筑的代表成功入选世界遗产名录。

3)architecture of Huizhou style徽派建筑

1.Thearchitecture of Huizhou style is a unique architecture genre in Chinese architecture history.徽派建筑是中国建筑史上独具特色的一个建筑体系。

2.The traditionalarchitecture of Huizhou style with its unique regional cultural features makes a well-developed genre of architecture in late ancient China.徽派建筑是中国古代社会后期成熟的建筑流派,地域文化特征极为鲜明,尤其是作为徽州人生存文化最直观载体的古民居建筑,是古代徽州社会历史文化的见证。

4)The Architectural Modernist现代建筑派

5)modern architectural conformation现代建筑形态

6)New Hui-style Architecture新徽派建筑


