200字范文 > 煤气 gas英语短句 例句大全

煤气 gas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-15 16:50:48


煤气 gas英语短句 例句大全



1.Application ofgas instead of solid coal in solid caustic soda decoction;煤气替代块煤在固碱熬制中的应用

2.Development on Gas of Mechanical Coking Utilization Raising Comprehensive Benefits of Economy and Environment;发展机焦煤气利用 提高经济环境综合效益

3.To Measure the Content of Hydrozing Sulfide in Gas;煤气中硫化氢含量的测定


1.""Under the Gaslight."“《煤气灯下》。”

2.air producer gas空气(发生器)煤气

3.gas is leaking from the pipe.煤气管道走气了。The

4.Gas can be produced from coal.煤气可用煤来制造。

5.replace coal by [with] gas用煤气代替煤作燃料

6.It"s more economical to use gas than coal.烧煤气比烧煤上算。

7.The water / gas / electricity is off.水[煤气/电]停了.

8.a gasworks, ironworks煤气厂、 钢铁厂.

9.town mains城市(煤气)总管道

10.The house is fitted up with gas and steam heater .房子里装有煤气和暖气。

11.telephone, gas, heating bills电话、煤气、 暖气帐单

12.The gas is escaping somewhere.煤气有个地方漏气了。

13.long-distance gas远程供应的煤气[天然气]

14.to have electricity, gas, running water and steam heating system有水、电、暖气、煤气设备

15.air-gas proportioner空气煤气配比调节器

16.oxygen converter gas recovery process氧气转炉煤气回收法

17.To prepar the town gas by catalytic gasification of Da-Tong coal under elevated pressure Ⅰ. The characteristics of catalytic gasification of Da-Tong coal and its coke煤加压催化气化研制城市煤气——Ⅰ.大同煤和煤焦的催化气化特性

18.Ammonia, coal tar and coke are all by-products obtained in the manufacture of coal gas.氨气、 煤焦油、 焦煤都是煤气生产过程中的副产品.


coal gas煤气

1.The desulfurization mechanism of iron-manganese compound oxide desulfurizer for removal of COS fromcoal gas;铁锰系脱硫剂对煤气中羰基硫的脱硫机理初探

2.Practice on replacement of heavy oil bycoal gas for agglomerated ore drying operation;以煤气代替重油进行团矿干燥的生产实践

3.Research and development of hotcoal gas desulfurization with zinc-based sorbent;锌基高温煤气脱硫剂的研究

3)gas coal气煤

1.Changes in low temperature oxidation process ofgas coal chemical base agglomerate;气煤的化学基团在低温氧化过程中的变化

2.Preparation of the foundry formed coke bygas coal and coke powder;利用气煤和焦粉制备优质铸造焦的研究

3.The results show that the coal isgas coal rank,low ash,low sulfur,low phosphor and high calorific value.通过对唐口煤矿煤炭的物理性质和化学性质的分析,表明该矿煤属低灰、低硫、低磷、高发热量气煤,可作为良好的动力燃料煤、炼焦配煤以及氢化法炼油、液化、水泥回转窑用煤。

4)high volatile bituminous coala气煤

5)coal gas气化煤气

1.Research on DME-power co-generation fromcoal gas and coke-oven gas;气化煤气与焦炉煤气DME-电联产方案的研究

2.A novel polygeneration system was integrated in this paper,which co-generates coke, methanol and power,based oncoal gas produced by a gasifier and coke oven gas(COG).本文提出了一个新型的焦炭和甲醇/动力多联产系统,新系统在焦炉子系统中采用煤炭燃烧替代焦炉煤气燃烧;在合成气制备过程采用焦炉煤气与气化煤气共制合成气,取消了重整反应和变换反应;在合成单元中采用了部分未反应气再循环方式。


1.This paper makes detailed technical analysis on the direct substitution of utilizing thegasmeter of the air substitution and the indirect substitution of utilizing thegasmeter of several inert gases substitution, and makes economic and technical comparison.文章对用空气置换煤气气柜的直接置换法和用几种惰性气体置换煤气气柜的间接置换法做了详细的技术分析 ,并进行了经济技术比


