200字范文 > 土壤氮磷 soil nitrogen and phosphorus英语短句 例句大全

土壤氮磷 soil nitrogen and phosphorus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-01 07:37:27


土壤氮磷 soil nitrogen and phosphorus英语短句 例句大全

土壤氮磷,soil nitrogen and phosphorus

1)soil nitrogen and phosphorus土壤氮磷

1.In karst rocky desertified area,analysis onsoil nitrogen and phosphorus has certain significance in proving the ecology and restoring the rocky,deserted environment.贵州西部地区是石漠化非常严重的地区,在喀斯特石漠化的大环境下,研究分析土壤氮磷特征对该区域生态恢复与治理石漠化有十分重要的意义。


1.Extracting of Soil Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium with 0.5 mol L~(-1) NaHCO_30.5mol L~(-1) NaHCO_3提取土壤氮磷钾的研究

2.Identification and Evaluation of Critical Areas of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Runoff in Complex Land Use Systems;复合土地利用区土壤氮磷流失敏感区界定

3.Research on Characteristic of Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loss in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area;丹江口库区土壤氮磷养分流失特点的研究

4.N and P Losses with Leaching from a Intensive Cultivated Soil in Dianchi Lake Catchments滇池流域农田土壤氮磷的渗漏流失特征

5.Effects of Earthworms on Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Upland Rice-Wheat Rotation Agroecosystem;蚯蚓活动对稻麦轮作土壤氮、磷的影响

6.To the Comparison of the Loss for Natural Soil s Nitrogen and Phosphorus;太行山自然状态土壤的氮、磷流失比较

7.Study Progress of Nitrogen and Phosphate Adsorption&Desorption in Soils土壤对氮、磷吸附/解吸附特性研究进展

8.The total phosphorus requirement is relative to the potential of soil phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer application.总磷需求量与土壤磷潜力和施用氮肥有关。

9.Nitrate-N Leaching in 23-Year Winter Wheat Field Combined with Application of Nitrogen and Phosphorus小麦氮磷肥长期配施对土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响

10.As regards fertility status, almost all soils are deficient in N and about 90% are low to medium in P.至于肥力状况,几乎所有土壤缺氮,约90%土壤低磷或中磷。

11.Study on the Suitable Applying Amount of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer on the Tide Soil Cotton Field in Binzhou City;滨州市潮土土壤棉田氮磷化肥适宜用量的研究

12.Soil Hydrolase and the Interaction with Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus at Quanzhou Bay Wetland泉州湾湿地土壤水解酶特征及其与土壤有效氮磷的关系

13.Effect of Near-Surface Soil Hydrological Conditions on Soil Erosion and Nutrient Losses at Hillslopes近地表土壤水文条件对坡面土壤侵蚀和氮、磷养分流失的影响研究

14.They say much of the soil lacks enough phosphorus and nitrogen.他们说当地的大部分土壤缺乏足够的磷和氮。

15.Study on Transformation of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Soil-water-plant System in Wetland of Liangzi Lake;梁子湖湿地土壤—水—植物系统碳氮磷转化研究

16.The Loss of P and N from Soil in the System of Rice-Wheat Rotation in the South of Jiangsu Province;苏南稻麦轮作农田系统土壤中磷氮的流失

17.The Release and Transport of NP from Coated Fertilizers and the Law of Absorption and Utilization by Crop in Soil;土壤中包膜肥料氮磷释放运移及作物吸怍利用

18.Effects of Acid Deposition on Soil-Vegetable Systems and Cyclings of Nitrogen and Phosphorus;酸沉降对土壤—蔬菜系统及其氮、磷周转的影响


N P and K in soil土壤氮磷钾

3)N/P Ratio in soil土壤氮/磷比

4)N and P balance in soil土壤氮、磷平衡

5)total N and P土壤全氮、全磷

6)soil available N and P土壤有效氮磷


过氧化单硫酸钾与硫酸二钾和硫酸氢钾的化合物CAS:37222-66-5中文名称:过氧化单硫酸钾与硫酸二钾和硫酸氢钾的化合物英文名称:Peroxymonosulfuric acid, monopotassium salt, mixture with dipotassium sulfate and potassium hydrogen sulfate; potassium peroxymonosulfate sulfate,(2khso5.khso4.k2so4); Peroxymonosulfuric acid,monopotassium salt,mixture with dipotassium sulfate and potassium hydrogen sulfate
