200字范文 > 民族差异 national difference英语短句 例句大全

民族差异 national difference英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-08 23:13:34


民族差异 national difference英语短句 例句大全

民族差异,national difference

1)national difference民族差异

1.Taking Guangxi as a sample,the author analyzes thenational difference on social capital s effect in occupation changes through the comparative research on different nationatities of Guangxi,and explains the reason for the differences on social capital s effect in occupation changes by using sociological and ethnology theories.以广西为个案,通过对广西不同民族的比较研究,解析职业流动中社会资本效用的民族差异,并运用社会学和民族学的相关理论解释产生这种差异的原因。

2.For years,the ethnological theory circle has contributed the ultimate cause or the fundamental cause of national problems tonational differences,which is not accurate for its mechanical applying of the concept of contradiction in philosophy.长期以来,在民族理论学界把产生民族问题的根本原因或最基本因素归纳为民族差异,其不恰当之处在于简单地套用哲学上矛盾一词的含义。


1.On the Differences and Development Discrepancy of Ethnic Minorities in Modern China;论我国民族差异和民族发展差距的长期存在

2.The national differences between Russian and Chinese courteous language reflect the differences of values between the two countries.俄汉礼节语言的民族差异是两种文化价值观差异的反映。

3.The Difference of the Nationality and Area About Chinese Minority Women in Higher Education;中国少数民族女子高等教育的民族与地域差异

4.Ethnic Cultural Divergence Versus Ethnic Conflicts --On cultural reasons for the ethnic conflicts at the present stage in China;民族文化差异与民族矛盾——论我国现阶段民族矛盾的文化原因

5.Viewing the difference of national issues and national governance from the perspectives of the national and state structure"s type从民族、国家结构类型看民族问题与民族治理的差异性

6.Analysis on National and Cultural Differences between Russian and Chinese Courteous Language探析俄汉礼节语言的民族文化差异

7.Thinking Difference and Modes of English and Chinese Expressions英汉民族的思维差异及语言表达模式

8.Analysis of the Gender Gap of Birth Etiquette of XinJiang s Ethnic Groups;性别差异:新疆少数民族诞生礼仪透视

9.Knowing the Culture Differences and Translating both English and Chinese Skillfully;了解民族文化差异 巧妙进行英汉互译

10.Discussion about the Difference of National Consciousness and Logo Design;论民族心理差异在标志设计中的体现

11.A Study of Regional Differences of Economic Development in Autonomous Counties of Minorities;民族自治县经济发展的区域差异研究

12.Linguistic Manifestations of Different Modes of Thinking in Chinese and English;论英汉民族思维差异在语言中的体现

13.Analysis of National Cultural Differences between Chinese and Russian Appellations of Relatives;探析汉俄亲属称谓语的民族文化差异

14.An Approach to the Cultural Differences between English and Chinese by Studying the Sources of Their Habitual Expressions;从英汉习语来源看英汉民族文化差异

15.On the Differences of National Culture From the Perspective of Cultural Function of Language;从语言的文化功能看民族文化的差异

16.National culture difference of symbolic significance of Russian-Chinese animals;俄汉语动物象征意义的民族文化差异

17.The National Culture Characteristics;英汉词汇的民族文化特征和语用差异

18.Explanation of Words and Languages:Differences Between the Chinese and English Thinkings说文解字——看汉英民族的思维差异


ethnic otherness民族差异性

3)national different民族性差异

4)national culture difference民族文化差异

1.Some advices about how to implement cultural market strategy for table ware enterprises were given in this article through the analysis ofnational culture difference.本文通过分析民族文化差异,为日用陶瓷企业实施国际文化营销提供一些建议。

5)differences of thinking mode英汉民族语言思维差异

6)ethnic differences民族差别


成就动机民族差异成就动机民族差异national difference in achievement motivation成就动机民族差异(national differeneein achievement motivation)各民族在群众舆论和个人理想方面关于民族或个人的成就期望水平和追求成功的心理动力上的各种差异。如有的民族富于冒险精神,个人奋斗,志在四方;有的民族崇尚“学而优则仕”、光宗耀祖、衣锦还乡,为家族争光;有的民族舍得花钱请芦笙师傅制作乐器,把吹芦笙、对音乐看得比送子女上学更重要;有的民族亲友互助,节衣缩食也要送子女上学。各民族对文化需求的期望水平也有不同的层次,有力争上中学、大学的;有但求识几个字、会写信、认钞票、不受骗上当的。它主要与价值观的民族差异有关,也受经济条件和传统习惯的制约。(胡才口橄撰张世宫审)
