200字范文 > 酒业 liquor industry英语短句 例句大全

酒业 liquor industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-06 19:36:27


酒业 liquor industry英语短句 例句大全

酒业,liquor industry

1)liquor industry酒业


1.Revival of Xiangjiu(Liquor produced in Hu nan)-- “Jiugui ”Liquor Provoke New Pattern in Liquor-making Industry;振兴湘酒——“酒鬼”策动酒业新变局?

2.Uniao Vinicola do Sul, SARL南方酒业联合公司(酒业公司)

3.Review & Perspective of the Development of Low-alcohol Liquor Made in Yulinquan Distillery;玉林泉酒业低度白酒发展回顾与展望

4.Shanxi Liquor-making Industry Restoring the Heroic Posture--Visit to Mr.SHEN Zheng-xiang;山西酒业秣马厉兵再振晋酒雄风——访山西省酿酒协会会长沈正祥

5.Neimeng Liquor-making Industry Leaping over the New Century with full of Confidence-Visit to Mr.FAN Zhong-ren;内蒙古酒业满怀信心跨世纪——访内蒙古白酒、啤酒协会会长范仲仁

6.The Inspiration of Lingnan Wine Culture on Modern Guangdong"s Wine Industry--A View of Lingnan Wine Culture from Three Historical Materials岭南酒文化对现代广东酒业的启示——从三家史料看岭南酒文化

7.The Boom of Wine Industry in Rong Zhou in Song Dynasty and the Development of the Wine Culture;宋代戎州酿酒业的兴旺与酒文化的发展

8.alcoholic beverage industry酒精饮料工业,甜酒-白酒工业

9.To make ale or beer as an occupation.以酿造麦酒或啤酒为职业

10.a building with a bar that is licensed to sell alcoholic drinks.有营业执照被允许卖酒的酒吧间。

11.A person who manages an inn or a hotel.酒店业主经营酒馆或旅馆的人

12.Hotel REITs and Its Enlightenment to the Hotel Industry of China;酒店REITs及其对我国酒店业的启示

13.Working Report of Liquor Branch Association of China Brewing Society Liquor Branch Association of China Brewing Society;中国酿酒工业协会白酒分会工作报告

14.Grocery line罐头、酒、糖等杂货业

15.industrial methylated spirit工业用甲醇变性酒精

16.Terminology of Chinese spirits industryGB/T15109-1994白酒工业术语

17.Research on Sichuan Liquor Enterprise Clusters Based on the Industrial Structure of Liquor Industry基于白酒产业结构的四川白酒企业集群研究

18.Star-rated Hotel, Economy Hotel, Apartment House and also we good at housekeeping service and management,etc.星级酒店、经济型酒店、各类物业、公寓式酒店、家政管理等等。


liquor-making enterprises白酒企业

1.Trademark expansion strategy has both advantages and disadvantages, soliquor-making enterprises should practice such strategy cautiously and adequately as follows:1.品牌延伸策略有利有弊,白酒企业要谨慎、科学、合理地使用。

3)alcohol industry酒精工业

1.For thealcohol industry,the cost is high,but the productiveness is very low,and the market is shrinking.目前我国酒精工业生产形式不容乐观 ,酒精生产成本高 ,效率低 ,酒精市场萎缩。

4)liquor industry白酒产业

1.The analysis ofliquor industry cluster by transaction cost theory从交易成本理论角度看白酒产业集群发展

2.This paper discusses the theory and practice in developing cyclic economy inliquor industry,and puts forward some proposal.探讨了白酒产业发展循环经济的理论和实践,并提出了相应的建议和措施。

3.This paper,on the basis of analyzing the Chineseliquor industry and the status quo of the industrial structure and introducing the meaning of enterprise clusters,competitive advantage,according to the status quo of Sichuan liquor enterprise clusters,put forward the countermeasures and proposals for the development of Sichuan liquor enterprise clusters.企业集群作为一种组织创新,已经成为现代白酒企业强化其竞争优势的重要手段,文章在分析中国白酒产业及产业结构现状和介绍企业集群的含义、竞争优势的基础上,根据四川白酒企业集群的现状与问题,提出了四川白酒企业构建企业集群的对策建议。

5)beer industry啤酒行业

1.Material flow analysis (MFA) was used to analyze the material and energy consumption and the environmental load ofbeer industry in China in 2000-, and life cycle assessment (LCA) was adopted to assess the environmental impacts of the beer production.采用物质流分析方法,分析了2000—中国啤酒行业物质、能源消耗趋势及环境负荷状况,并采用生命周期分析对中国啤酒生产的环境影响进行了评价。

2.With the living standard of countrymen gradually increased and their diet habits continuously changing for more than twenty years of reform and opening, thebeer industry of China has expanded great.但是,啤酒行业在经历了八十年代和九十年代上半期的“以产定销”的黄金阶段后,正在经受着优胜劣汰的市场竞争规则的洗礼。

6)wine industry葡萄酒业

1.By commencing on the factors which have the impact on thewine industry development of Xinjiang,this paper will compare with Shandong,find out the shortcomings within thewine industry development of Xinjiang,analyse its advantages,and build up special development model of Xinjiang,in order to b.文章将从影响新疆葡萄酒业发展的几个因素着手,用比较分析法,与山东地区葡萄酒业的发展作对比,找出新疆葡萄酒业发展中的不足,并分析其优势条件,扬长避短,通过建立新疆独特的发展模式,从而促进新疆葡萄酒业的快速发展。

2.After joining the WTO, Chinawine industry has been fully integrated into the global competitive environment.加入WTO后,我国葡萄酒业已经完全融入了全球竞争的环境中,在全球经济一体化、消费多样化、市场竞争国际化的新时期,如何保持我国的葡萄酒业在这种竞争环境下稳定持续发展,制定有效的营销策略,提高我国葡萄酒业整体水平,使葡萄酒企业把握市场机遇,扩大国内市场占有率,拓展国际市场显得尤为重要。


西江月 赠赵提学酒 强村业书本樵庵乐府【诗文】:买得鸡泉新酿,病中无容同斟。遣人持送旅窝深。呼取毛翁共饮。少个散花天女,维摩憔悴难禁。安排走马杏花阴。咫尺春风似锦。【注释】:【出处】:
