200字范文 > 院系资料室 college/department reference room英语短句 例句大全

院系资料室 college/department reference room英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-31 07:55:52


院系资料室 college/department reference room英语短句 例句大全

院系资料室,college/department reference room

1)college/department reference room院系资料室

1.This paper elaborates the features ofcollege/department reference room in university, points out the problems existing incollege/department reference room, and probes into the measures for solving these problems and the developingdirection ofreference roomin the future.叙述了高校院系资料室的特点,指出了院系资料室存在的问题,探讨了解决问题的措施和资料室今后的发展方向。

2.This paper analyzes the problems existing in the construction and development ofcollege/department reference room, and advances some solving measures from the aspects of organizational structure, literature resource, network construction, personnel quality, and system construction, etc.分析了院系资料室在建设和发展中存在的问题,从组织机构、文献资源、网络建设、人员素质和制度建设等方面提出了解决措施。

3.This paper analyzes the features of and the problems existing in the university library andcollege/department reference room, and advances a new pattern for university library and college reference room to carry out the co-construction and sharing of resources.分析了高校图书馆和院系资料室的特点和存在的问题,就高校图书馆和院系资料室如何进行资源共建共享提出了一种新的操作模式。


1.The Construction and Management of Department Reference Room in Universities;高校院系资料室文献资源建设与管理

2.On Humanistic Concern Service of Department Reference Room of Colleges and Universities;试论高校院系资料室的人文关怀服务

3.The Characteristic of Message Service of Reference Room in Branch Court and Academic Department;论高校院系资料室信息服务的个性化

4.Problems in Reference Rooms of the College and the Related Solutions;高校院系资料室存在的问题及其对策

5.On the Management and Reform of Reference Rooms in Universities;刍议普通高校院系资料室管理与创新

6.Discussion on the Innovation of the Management Model of the Reference Room of the Colleges and Departments in University浅议高校院系资料室管理模式的创新

7.On the Information Collections of Reference Rooms under Network Environment;网络环境下院系资料室信息资源的建设

8.Investigation of Various Problems on Resource Construction of Data Room of College and Department in the New Era;新时期院系资料室信息资源建设若干问题探讨

9.On Problems with the Construction of the Resource of Data Rooms of Schools and Departments in the New Era;新时期院系资料室资源建设若干问题探讨

10.Study of Resource Integration of the University Library with the Reference Rooms of Its Departments and Schools论高校图书馆与院系资料室资源的整合

11.On the Construction of Interactive Guarantee System in Departmental Reference Rooms院系资料室专业文献互动保障体系的构建

12.Accessibility of Faculty Reference Rooms to All Faculty of the University:Status Quo and Suggestions;院系资料室面向全校开放的现状及建议

13.Talk about Network Environment Departments of Comtruction and Management of the Library;谈谈网络环境下院系资料室的建设与管理

14.Dilemma and Outlet of the College/Department Reference Rooms in Information Age;信息时代院系资料室面临的困境及其走向

15.Discussion on the Construction of the College and Department Reference Room from the Viewpoint of the Assessment of University Sci-tech Work;从高校科技工作评估看院系资料室的建设

16.Discussing the Management and Development of the Department Reference Rooms of Colleges and Universities;普通高校院系资料室的管理与建设探讨

17.A Brief Talk on Research on Management Work in the Reference Room of Departments in Higher Institutes;略论高校院(系)资料室管理工作研究

18.A Brief Study on the Service of College and DepartmentReference Rooms to Students Thesis;院(系)资料室服务于学生论文之浅谈


college reference room院系资料室

1.The peper does a research on the key problems existing in the literature resource sharing between the university library and thecollege reference room.对高校图书馆与各院系资料室文献资源联机共享建设所需要解决的关键问题进行研究。

2.This paper expounds the problems existing in the internal literature management of university, analyzes the necessity of resource integration of university library andcollege reference room, and advances some concrete ideas for the resource integration.阐述了高校内部文献资源管理存在的问题,分析了高校图书馆与院系资料室资源整合的必要性,并提出资源整合的具体思路。

3.Through analyzing on the relation between university library andcollege reference room, this paper advances some suggestions on promoting the harmonious development of university library andcollege reference room.通过对高校图书馆和院系资料室关系的分析,提出了促进高校图书馆和院系资料室协调发展的建议。

3)department reference room院系资料室

1.Thedepartment reference room of colleges and universities has its own particular service object and thus plays an important role in teaching and the cultivation of students.高校的院系资料室在教学与学生培养中具有重要的作用,拥有特定的服务对象。

2.This paper compares the working properties of the university library and thedepartment reference room,and probes into the methods for carrying out the co-construction and sharing of the library and the reference room,realizing the functional interfusion of the two sides,and diving full play to their biggest efficiency under the network environment.比较了高校图书馆与院系资料室的工作性质,探索了在网络环境下,实施图书馆与资料室的共建共享,实现两者功能融合并发挥其最大功效的方法。

4)college/department reference rooms院系资料室

1.This paper expounds the present situation ofcollege/department reference rooms, analyzes the necessity of networking and database-creating ofcollege/department reference rooms, and puts forward some ideas for the construction ofcollege/department reference rooms in university under the network environment.阐述了高校院系资料室的现状,分析了院系资料室联网建库的必要性,提出了在网络环境下高校院系资料室建设的思路。

2.The article analyzes the actuality ofcollege/department reference rooms in the newly-upgraded universities, points out significance ofcollege/department reference rooms in the network information times, and presents some suggestions on the modernization construction ofcollege/department reference rooms.对新升格高校院系资料室的现状进行分析,指出在网络信息时代院系资料室建设的重要性,并提出院系资料室现代化建设的若干建议。

3.This paper elaborates the importance of thecollege/department reference rooms in universities,analyzes the dilemma and the main problems existing in thecollege/department reference rooms,and puts forward some countermeasures and outlets that can help solve the problems.针对目前高校院系资料室所面临的困境和存在的问题,以一种更为系统和全面的视野,论证其作为高校信息保障体系之重要环节的角色地位和功能,由此阐述其在当代高等教育与科研中存在的必然性和必要性,以及面对当前困境所可能采取的对策。

5)college and department reference room院系资料室

1.This paper analyzes on the uniqueness of thecollege and department reference room in university, and in the light of the present situation ofcollege and department reference room, advances some measures for the reform of thecollege and department reference room in university.分析了高校院系资料室的独特性,针对院系资料室的现状,提出了高校院系资料室改革的措施。

2.According to the index system with that the Science & Technology Department of Shanxi Province evaluates the sci-tech work of universities,this paper expounds the problems existing in the information collection,the reduction of the professional information,the providing of the information service and digital management of thecollege and department reference room.依照山西省教育厅对高等学校科技工作进行评估的指标体系,对高校院系资料室在资料收集、整编专业资料、提供资料服务以及数字化管理等方面的问题进行了论述。

6)college/department reference room of university高校院系资料室

1.Thecollege/department reference room of university, being as an information service section, has its traditional service scope and features.高校院系资料室作为一级情报资料服务部门,有其传统的业务范围及特色。


