200字范文 > 普及现状 current situation of education popularization英语短句 例句大全

普及现状 current situation of education popularization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-06 18:16:56


普及现状 current situation of education popularization英语短句 例句大全

普及现状,current situation of education popularization

1)current situation of education popularization普及现状


1.Study on Status Quo of Law s Popularization of Rural Areas of Minority Nationalities in Huaihua and the Countermeasure;现状与因应:怀化少数民族农村法律普及现状及对策研究

2.On the Popularization Conditions of Wushu Teaching in the Primary and Middle School and the Countermeasures;我国中小学武术教学的普及现状及对策研究

3.Research on Olympic Knowledge Popularization and Current Situation of Senior High School Students in Hebei;河北省高中生奥林匹克知识普及现状研究

4.The Market Surveys and the Economic Development Planning of Pu-erh Tea in China;我国普洱茶市场现状分析及策略研究

5.Current situation and management of sports gyms and stadiums of institutes and universities;普通高校体育场馆现状及管理的研究

6.The Analysis of the Current Status of Acid Rain in Taizhou Urban Area;泰州市区“十五”酸雨普查现状及分析

7.The Present Condition and Analysis on College Students P.E Life;普通高校教师体育生活的现状及分析

8.Current Situation and Countermeasure of Popular Science Tour in China;我国科普旅游的发展现状及发展对策

9.The Reality of Common Telecommunication Service in China and its Development Countermeasure;我国电信普遍服务的现状及发展对策

10.On status quo and countermeasure of physical education in general colleges and universities;浅谈普通高校体育教学的现状及对策

11.The Present Situation, Problem and Approach of Bilingual Education in Chinese Universities普通高校双语教学的现状、问题及对策

12.The Current Situation and Countermeasure Study of Athletics Course in Ordinary Higher School普通高校田径课程的现状及对策研究

13.Current extracurricular sports activities in ordinary colleges and countermeasures普通高校课外体育活动的现状及对策

14.Guangxi Meteorological Popular Science Status and Development Strategies广西气象科普工作的现状及发展对策

15.The importance of college student′s psychological health actuality and education;普及大学生心理健康教育的现状及途径

16.Factors influencing implementation of general badminton course in universities in Shandong province and countermeasures山东省普通高校羽毛球普修课开展现状及发展对策

17.The Status Quo & New thoughts on the Higher Education Fund Collecting in Jiangxi Province江西省普通高等教育经费筹措的现状及新思路

18.Research on JiangSu Ordinary Universities Sports Web Pages Present Situation and Development Strategy;江苏普通高校体育网页现状及发展对策研究


current condition of popularizing mandarin推普现状

3)the present situation of Putonghua普通话现状

4)current situation and countermeasures现状及对策

5)current situation and trend现状及趋势

6)principle and current state原理及现状


