200字范文 > 亚裔美国人 Asian Americans英语短句 例句大全

亚裔美国人 Asian Americans英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-29 17:35:01


亚裔美国人 Asian Americans英语短句 例句大全

亚裔美国人,Asian Americans

1)Asian Americans亚裔美国人

1.It was the first show put on the broad social and political stage of America byAsian Americans after a silent period of over 100 years.亚裔美国人运动是美国l960年代社会运动的重要组成部分,是亚裔沉默了100多年后在美国广阔社会、政治舞台上的首次演练。

2.Since Immigration and Naturalization Act and Voting Rights Act of 1965 have implemented,Asian Americans have equal rights to participate in political activities.1965年《移民和国籍法修正案》以及《投票权利法案》实施以来,亚裔美国人开始真正享有平等的政治参与权利。


1.Already, orientals and Asian Americans,因为东方人和亚裔美国人,

2.Asian-American Success Real But Bittersweet亚裔美国人成功不假,但苦乐参半

3.Asian-Americans sometimes make traditional fortune cookies.亚裔美国人有时会做传统的幸运甜点。

4.That dynamic is now routinely seen among native-born Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans.如今,这种情况经常出现在美国土生土长的亚裔美国人和拉美裔美国人中。

5.Intermarriage is more common among second-and third-generation Asian-Americans.异族通婚在第二、三代的亚裔美国人中更为常见。

6.The Origin of the Concept of "Asian Americans"and the Shift of Its Meaning“亚裔美国人”概念的起源及其含义的变迁

7.Among third-generation Hispanic and Asian Americans, exogamy -- marriage outside one"s ethnic group or tribe -- is at least 50 percent, he and others estimate.据他和其他研究人员估计在第三代拉美裔和亚裔美国人中至少有50%与异族通婚。

8.Amanda Johnson was born in New Orleans, of African-American parents.阿曼达?约翰逊出生在新奥尔良,父母是亚裔美国人。

9.The Subversion to Chinese American History: A Study on the Protagonist in Donald Duk论《唐老亚》主人公对美国华裔史的颠覆

10.The Construction of the Image of Chinese Americans in Donald Duk;《唐老亚》对华裔美国人形象的建构

11.Asian American Stereotypes in Yellow Peril and Model Minority Myth;美国亚裔刻板印象:黄祸论到模范族裔

12.Of or relating to Anglo - Americans.英裔美国人的英裔美国人的或有关的

13.a person descended from French ancestors in southern US especially Louisiana.美国南部人特别是加利福尼亚州人的后裔。

14.Pennsylvania Dutchph.1. 美国德裔宾夕法尼亚州人;美国德裔宾夕法尼亚州人的高地德语

15.Hidden Narrative in Donald Duck and Reconstruction of Chinese American History《唐老亚》中的“隐性叙事”与华裔美国人历史的重建

16.An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Present Asian Americans and Their Influences当代美国亚裔人口的特点及其影响分析

17.An American of French or French-Canadian descent.法裔美国人法国后裔或法裔加拿大人后代的美国人

18.American-Chinese· Chinese American· Typical American;美籍华人·华裔美国人·典型的美国人


Asian American亚裔美国人

1.OnAsian Americans Psychical Dilemma;论当代亚裔美国人的精神生存空间

3)Asian American Movement亚裔美国人运动

1.The Origin and the Impact of theAsian American Movement;亚裔美国人运动的缘起与影响

4)She"s Asian American.她是亚裔美国人。

5)Asian American美国亚裔

1.Asian American Stereotypes in Yellow Peril and Model Minority Myth;美国亚裔刻板印象:黄祸论到模范族裔

6)Chinese American华裔美国人

1.From "Luoye Guigen" to "Luodi Shenggen"——The Flow of Changes ofChinese American Identity in Bone从“落叶归根”到“落地生根”——小说《骨》中华裔美国人身份的蝉变

2.Based on a study ofChinese American literature and its cultural status,this paper expounds the new and complicated changes of the cultural identity ofChinese Americans as the representative of the minority groups in such contemporary multi-national countries with cultural pluralism as USA.以华裔美国文学为例,在现代多民族国家如美国社会之多元文化主义背景下少数族裔———华裔美国人文化认同复杂新变。


美国国家标准(见美国标准体系)美国国家标准(见美国标准体系)national standards of USA: see standards system of AmericaMeiguo guOJia bicozhun美国国家标准(national见美国标准体系。of USA)
