200字范文 > 学习网球 learning tennis英语短句 例句大全

学习网球 learning tennis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-17 12:28:18


学习网球 learning tennis英语短句 例句大全

学习网球,learning tennis

1)learning tennis学习网球

1.It also analyzes the elements that affect the students\" enthusiasm and puts forward to methods of how to improve students\" enthusiasm oflearning tennis.针对该现状,本文对高校网球教学、训练实践等进行了研究,分析影响学生学习积极性的因素,并提出了提高学生学习网球运动积极性的方法。

2)Global Learning Network全球学习网络

3)tennis technical study网球技术学习

1.the implementation turns over to train can raise students\" incentives to achievement level,grasp the tennis technology working ability,promotes the student achievement and the teaching effect intennis technical study.以归因理论为指导,通过问卷调查和实验研究,从学生成就动机、网球技术学习成绩、掌握知识的稳定性与教学效果等几个方面,探讨中医院校公共体育课网球技术学习实施归因训练的相关问题。

4)global learning全球学习

1.Research on Chinese Enterprises Global Learning;中国企业的全球学习模式研究

2.Transnational Company s Global Learning: A New Perspective Analysis;跨国公司全球学习——新角度审视跨国公司

3.A new approach is that the oversea investments of the multinational enterprises(MNE) and its competitive advantages could be explained byglobal learning theory.以全球学习理论对跨国公司海外投资和竞争优势来源提出新的解释 。


1.Service Innovation and Netwosking:Patterns of Global and Local Learning;服务创新与网络:全球学习与本土学习的模式

2.Global Learning Effect: A New Aproach to theMultinational Enterprises Conducts;全球学习效应:跨国公司行为新解释

3.Research on Global Learning Strategy of Chinese Enterprises from a Perspective of "Knowledge and Learning;“知识与学习”视角下的中国企业全球学习战略研究

4.The Domestic Offensive Strategy of Chinese Enterprises" Global Learning--Learning Interlinkage and Strategic Upgrading from OEM to OBM中国企业全球学习的国内攻略——从OEM到OBM的学习链接与战略升级

5.Transnational Company s Global Learning: A New Perspective Analysis;跨国公司全球学习——新角度审视跨国公司

6.The Foreign Offensive Strategy of Chinese Enterprises" Global Learning--Network Weave and Competence Growth from Local Embeddedness to Global Dotedness中国企业全球学习的国外攻略:从本土嵌入到全球布点的网络编织与能力成长

7.A Review of e-Learning Readiness Rankings Report;全球数字化学习准备度排名报告探析

8.Study on Organizational Learning Models under Globalization;全球化背景下的组织间学习模式研究

9.Learning Region: Regional Development Under theEnvironment of Globalization;学习型区域:面向全球化的区域发展

10.Using Learning Theory to Design Teaching Materials A Case Study Using Globalisation;运用学习理论设计教学材料:以全球化教学为例

11.We will be only taking 25 students per semester into Master of Arts in Global Communication Practice.我们每学期只收25个学习全球传媒实践硕士生。

12.Glabalization, Knowledge-based Economy and Formation of Learning Machinery in Zhongguancun Science-based Park;全球化、知识经济与中关村学习机制的形成

13.The Research on Chinese Technological Learning Capability under Science and Technological Globalization;科技全球化背景下我国企业技术学习能力研究

14.On the Reconstruction of the Study-type Government in the Globalization;经济全球化背景下的学习型政府构建研究

15.Foreign Secretarial English Learning under the Global Economy;经济全球化背景下的涉外文秘英语学习

16.The Learning Society in the Global Vision & the Basic Education Reform;全球化视野中“学习社会”与基础教育改革

17.The Economic Globalization and the Construction ofLifelong Learning System in China;经济全球化与中国终身学习体系的构建

18.The Mutual Construction and Systemic Evolution of Learners and Learning Environment:Building Learning Culture and Educational Wisdom in Globalization Age学习主体与学习环境双向建构与整体生成——创造全球化时代的学习文化与教育智慧


Global Learning Network全球学习网络

3)tennis technical study网球技术学习

1.the implementation turns over to train can raise students\" incentives to achievement level,grasp the tennis technology working ability,promotes the student achievement and the teaching effect intennis technical study.以归因理论为指导,通过问卷调查和实验研究,从学生成就动机、网球技术学习成绩、掌握知识的稳定性与教学效果等几个方面,探讨中医院校公共体育课网球技术学习实施归因训练的相关问题。

4)global learning全球学习

1.Research on Chinese Enterprises Global Learning;中国企业的全球学习模式研究

2.Transnational Company s Global Learning: A New Perspective Analysis;跨国公司全球学习——新角度审视跨国公司

3.A new approach is that the oversea investments of the multinational enterprises(MNE) and its competitive advantages could be explained byglobal learning theory.以全球学习理论对跨国公司海外投资和竞争优势来源提出新的解释 。

5)basketball learning篮球学习

6)network study网络学习

1.Beforenetwork study, the samples are made to have very strong characteristics by standardizing the samples, lowering the dimension of sample variable space, and filtering sample noise etc.在进行网络学习前,对样本进行标准化、变量空间的降维、过滤噪音等处理,使得样本具有很强 的特征性,可提高网络的学习能力。

2.this article beginning with thenetwork study monitoring seeks guarantees thenetwork study quality the microscopic strategy, specifically involves thenetwork study monitoring,Snecessity,the basic thought and the realization method.从网络学习监控入手,寻找确保网络学习质量的微观策略,具体论及网络学习监控的必要性及其基本思想、实现手段等。

3.Thenetwork study has already faced the teaching of middle school.网络学习已面向中学教学,中学生在网络学习中会受到多方面因素的影响,这些影响因素对中学生的网络学习又会产生不同的学习效果。


部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)
