200字范文 > 中国乒乓 Chinese table tennis英语短句 例句大全

中国乒乓 Chinese table tennis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-04 08:48:51


中国乒乓 Chinese table tennis英语短句 例句大全

中国乒乓,Chinese table tennis

1)Chinese table tennis中国乒乓


1.Influence of the 40 mm big ball on Chinese table tennis training and countermeasure;乒乓大球对中国乒乓球训练的影响及其对策

2.A Look at the Development Tendency for Chinese Table Tennis through China VS World Table Tennis Stars Competition;从中国VS国际乒乓球明星对抗赛看中国乒乓球运动的发展趋势

3.A: In China that"s almost our national game. People from all walks play it.在中国乒乓球几乎是全国性运动,各行各业的人都玩乒乓球。

4.Enlightenment to Chinese Table Tennis Professionalization Provided by that in Germany;德国乒乓球职业化的发展对中国乒乓球职业化的启示

5.On The Repertory of Pingpang Reserve Talents from the Perspective of the Nationwide Ping-Pang Finals of Amateurish Sports School in ;从全国业余体校乒乓球总决赛看中国乒乓球后备人才储备

6.Studies on the Impact of the Competition Regulation Reform of the World Table-tennis Championships to China s Table-tennis Sport;世乒赛竞赛规则改革对中国乒乓球运动的影响

7.Cai Zhenhua is a born commander of China"s ping pong team.蔡振华教练是中国乒乓球队的帅才。

8.Wang Ping: Chinese table tennis is facing the biggest test now.王平:中国乒乓球正在面临最大的考验。

9.The Chinese table tennis team realized the break through of getting no medals.中国乒乓球实现了金牌零的突破。

10.Technical and Cultural Analysis on Development of Table Tennis in China;中国乒乓球运动发展的技术文化分析

11.Simple Analysis of the Defeated Reasons of Chinese Table Tennis Team in Busan Asian Games;浅析中国乒乓球“兵败釜山”的原因

12.Analysis of the Success of the China Table Tennis Team under the National Sports System;举国体制下中国乒乓球队成功的秘诀分析(英文)

13.ping-pong diplomacyph.1. 乒乓外交(1971年美国乒乓球队访问中国大陆是两方建交的先声)

14.I not too can play the pingpong, but I looked very much the ping pong competition, the Chinese members very are all fierce.我不太会打乒乓,不过我很看乒乓球比赛,中国队员都很厉害。

15.During the competi-tion, the hitting will give out the sound of ping-pong. Hence, the Chi-nese call it ping-pong.比赛时,击打会发出乒乓的声音,故中国人叫 它乒乓球。

16.Annie: China is a kingdom of table tennis.安妮:中国是乒乓球的王国。

17.Wang Ping: Yes. Table tennis is China"s national game.王平:是的,乒乓球是中国的国球。

18.A: I heard that table tennish as been popular in china. Is it true?我听说乒乓球风靡中国,真是这样吗?


Chinese table tennis team中国乒乓球队

1.With methods of watching matches and statistic and logic analysis,the author researched techniques and tactics ofChinese table tennis team who won 4 gold medals in 29th Beijing Olympic Games and analysed their strongpoints and weakpoints in order to supply reference for their training.采用观察统计法和逻辑分析法对第29届北京奥运会囊括4块金牌的中国乒乓球队男女团体和男女单打的主要比赛场次的技战术特征进行研究。

2.The author studied the experience of the scientific management of the Chinese Table Tennis Team with the enlightenment from Why the stars are so bright?It was proposed that in management,we should bear in mind that men were the center and systematic management should be stressed.因学习《星光为何这般灿烂 ?》一文的启发 ,深入研究中国乒乓球队科学管理的经验 ,提出以人为本、系统理念、乒乓文化、创新出效、竞争求胜等规

3)zhongguo pingpɑngqiu xiehui中国乒乓球协会

4)Super League Matches of Chinese Table Tennis中国乒乓球超级联赛

1.Reform ofSuper League Matches of Chinese Table Tennis as seen from transfer of "Hull" resources;从俱乐部“壳”资源转让看中国乒乓球超级联赛的改革

5)Table-tennis Culture of China试论中国乒乓文化

6)table tennis乒乓

1.The change oftable tennis diameter from 38 mm to 40 mm marks a new stage for the development oftable tennis sport.由小球改大球 ,标志着乒乓球运动进入一个新的发展阶段 ,这将对运动员的心理素质、身体素质以及战技术水平、能力 ,也包括相应的对乒乓球器材的适应等带来重大的影响 ,分析其中的影响、变化 ,正确地认识把握其规律 ,是掌握先机和占据主动的关

2.To make good teaching result,the author thinks it is important to build a harmonious relationship between teacher and students intable tennis elective course,and teacher should use varies teaching methods in order to fit the levels of varies students.要上好乒乓选项课就要在课堂教学中与学生建立融洽的师生关系,并通过清晰准确的讲解示范,运用多样化的教学手段、方法等来提高学生的学习兴趣。


