200字范文 > 借阅率 borrowing rate英语短句 例句大全

借阅率 borrowing rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-23 01:59:12


借阅率 borrowing rate英语短句 例句大全

借阅率,borrowing rate

1)borrowing rate借阅率

1.In this foundation, according to the present book stock and the anticipatedborrowing rate, the book purchasing amount was obtained and the procurement scheme of .在此基础上,结合现有图书库存量和灰预测得到的预期借阅率,共同得出预期图书的建议购买量,并由此组成了预期图书的建议采购方案。


1.The Reasons of Zero-lending Rate in the Library of Higher Vocational College and the Countermeasures高职院校图书馆零借阅率的原因及对策

2.Investigation Analysis of the Book Borrow Rate of the University Library Collection--On the Investigation of New Book Borrow in the Fujian Agricultural University高校图书馆馆藏图书借阅率调查分析——关于福建农林大学新书借阅调查

3.machine readable form借助阅读器阅读的文献

4.Analysis of Present Lending Status in Libraries of Professional Training Colleges and Methods to Raise Utilization Ratio of Documents;专科院校图书馆借阅现状及提高文献利用率的方法

5.as having taken out such and such a book,和借阅的某一本书。

6.REMARKS (Issue Desk staff only)备注(由借阅处馆员填写)

7.How long can I keep the book?这本书我能借阅多久?

8.City Hall Junior Library大会堂儿童借阅图书馆

9.Public Lending Right Scheme图书借阅权益补偿办法

10.Passenger can use the ship"s library.乘客可借阅船上的藏书。

11.The elementary introduction to the advantage of offering service of "open shelves" and perfect its management system in the library;浅谈开架借阅优势 完善开架借阅管理制度

12.The Analysis of the Refusal of Open Borrowing in University Libraries图书馆开放式借阅中拒借问题的探析

13.The book card and the reader"s ticket together form the record of the issue.书卡与读者借阅单一起构成出借图书的记录。

14.Number of circulations excluding renewals. 7th out of 10 libraries.借阅数目(不包括续借)。在10间图书馆中排行第七。

15.On the Cause of the Problems in the Uniformed Borrowing and Returning Pattern and the Countermeasures;统借统还借阅模式存在的问题及解决对策

16.On "Borrowing Guide" to Free Access Service in a College Library;略论高校图书馆全开架借阅中的“导借”服务

17.A Research of the Refusal of Open Borrowing in College Libraries;高校图书馆开放式借阅中拒借问题探究

18.The Problems and Measures of Latent Refusal in Open-shelf Borrowing开架借阅图书的隐性拒借问题及应对措施


lending rate借阅率

1.This paper analyzes the main reasons of the zero-lending rate in the library of higher vocational college at present,and puts forward some effective measures and methods for avoiding the zero-lending rate.分析了当前高职院校图书馆馆藏图书出现零借阅率现象的主要原因,并提出了避免馆藏零借阅率的有效措施和方法。

3)borrowing efficiency借阅效率

4)zero lending rate零借阅率

5)statistical lending utilization借阅利用率统计


1.Managing librarian"sborrowing-book in university高校图书馆馆员借阅管理探讨

2.This article mainly analyses the problems in theborrowing of case file in the hospital and puts forward some appropriate countmeasures.全文就病历档案借阅存在的问题进行剖析,并提出病历档案借阅的相应对策。

3.In the writing,the author attempts to discuss the origin of "borrowing guide" and its effect on free access service in a college library and give his own view on the methods of "borrowing guide".文章论述了图书馆“导借”服务理念的由来及其在高校图书馆全开架借阅中的作用,并对高校图书馆开展“导借”服务的具体方法和注意事项提出了自己的见解。


