200字范文 > 剑舞 sword dance英语短句 例句大全

剑舞 sword dance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-05 23:06:43


剑舞 sword dance英语短句 例句大全

剑舞,sword dance

1)sword dance剑舞

1.This article discusses Chang\"answord dance in Tang dynasty from the angle of leisure life and maintains that the leisure life is closely connected with the social politics,economy and culture at that time.从休闲生活的视角对唐代长安剑舞进行了探讨,认为休闲生活与当时的社会政治、经济、文化是密切相关的。


1.The second capter is" the Dance Fete" which includes three parts:" GanQin Dance"," white Hair Dance"," QinSword Dance".第二篇章:武祭秦皇,分三段“干戚舞、毛舞、剑舞”。

2.Other kinds of folk dances are the sword dance and the colourful peacock dance.其他的民族舞蹈是剑舞和云南傣族色彩绚丽的孔雀舞。

3.Here are girls and boys practicing the much admired "shaolin" and sword dance.孩子们正在练习令人羡慕的少林功夫和剑舞。

4.The sword dance, similar to an Irish jip of a Highland fling, is usrally performed at a Scottish wedding gathering.在苏格兰的婚礼上,人们经常表演剑舞——一种似爱尔兰吉格舞懂得苏格兰舞。

5.The sword dance, similar to an Irish jig of a Highland fling, is usually performed at a Scottish wedding gathering.在苏格兰的婚礼上,人们还经常表演剑舞——一种类似爱尔兰吉格舞的苏格兰舞。

6.Two students from martial arts school performed a sword dance which won generous praise from the audience.武术学校的两名学生表演的剑舞令观众赞不绝口。

7.The moon-light cast a glamour over the scene as they danced the Sword Dance.他们跳起了剑舞,这时明月当空,使景色更加增添了迷人的气氛。

8.Swords brandished and banners waved.刀剑挥舞,旌旗飘扬。

9.He turned toward me and suddenly wielded waved Brandished flourished his sword他转向我,突然挥舞起他的剑示威。

10.Flourishing their swords and muskets, the troops attacked.军队挥舞着剑和毛瑟枪,发起了进攻。

11.It"s one thing to flourish and another to fight.舞剑是一回事,战斗是另一回事。

12.The dances of minority nationalities using weapons as stage props always appear brave and heroic.各民族的兵器之舞,刀光剑影,英勇豪迈;

13.Some are doing Taijiquan, some are performing swordplay,有的在打太极拳,有的在舞剑,

14.Lady Yu was very intelligent and knew full well what was on Xiang Yu"s mind. So one day she took up her own sword and began singing and dancing in response:虞姬体味其意,亦舞剑和歌:

15.A Study of the Prop,Movement of Gong sun da niang′s Sword-dance and its Status in Dance History;试论公孙大娘剑器舞的道具、套路及其在舞蹈史上的地位

16.The general practiced fencing with quick movements and much skill.裴持剑起舞,左旋右转,神出鬼没,变化万端,

17.Nationalism:A Double-edged Sword at the International Political Stage民族主义:国际政治舞台的一柄双刃利剑

18.Vera picked up the actor"s sword and carried it off the stage.维拉拾起那个男演员的剑,并带下了舞台。



1.By analyzing the historical literatures and personal experiences in teaching,the author makes a tentative study on the props,movements of Gong sun da niang′ssword-dance and its status in dance history.利用历史文献资料,结合体育舞蹈教学的专业技术,对杜甫《观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行》诗中所谓"公孙大娘剑器舞"的道具、套路及其在中国舞蹈史上的地位作初步探讨。

3)General Pei"s sword playing裴将军舞剑

4)Some are perform ing swordplay.有的在舞剑。

5)Aunt Gongsun"s sword dance公孙大娘剑器舞

6)A soldier was wielding the sword.一个士兵在舞剑。


