200字范文 > 资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio英语短句 例句大全

资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-02 09:48:50


资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio英语短句 例句大全

资本充足率,capital adequacy ratio

1)capital adequacy ratio资本充足率

1.Basel II and Capital Adequacy Ratio Management in Chinese Banks;在巴塞尔新资本协议下完善我国商业银行资本充足率管理

2.Legal Analysis of Way to Enhancing Capital Adequacy Ratio of State-Owned Commercial Bank——From the View of Debt-to-Epuity Swap;提高国有商业银行资本充足率途径的法律分析——以债转股角度

3.Monetary Policy Effect of Reserve Requirement and Capital Adequacy Ratio System;存款准备金与资本充足率监管的货币政策效应


1.Study on the Capital Adequate Ratio and Capital Management of Commercial Bank;商业银行资本充足率与资本管理研究

2.Capital Regulation, Capital Ratio and Equilibrium of Banking Market;资本监管、资本充足率与银行市场均衡

3.Capital Adequacy Management and Capital Supplement in Commercial Banks资本充足率管理趋势与商业银行资本金补充

4.The Dilemma in Improving Bank’s Capital Adequacy Ratio: Reducing Tax or Recapitalization?;提高银行资本充足率:减税还是注资?

5.Third, the capital adequacy rate will be raised to 8 percent.第三,资本充足率提高到8%。

6.Third, it will strictly oversee the improvement in the banks" capital sufficiency rate.三是严格监管提高资本充足率。

7.A Legal Study on the Supervision and Control of Capital Adequacy Ratio in Commercial Banks商业银行资本充足率监管的法律研究

8.At some banks, capital ratios are dropping fast.一些银行的资本充足率下降速度很快。

9.A Study of Chinese Shareholding Commercial Banks Capital Adequacy Ratio;我国股份制商业银行资本充足率研究

10.Research on Effeteness of Capital Adequacy Ratio on Credit and Economy;资本充足率对信贷和经济的影响研究

11.Study of the Capital Adequacy Regulation of the Commercial Bank in China;我国商业银行的资本充足率监管研究

12.Raising the sufficient rate of capital of commercial banks of our country;试论我国商业银行资本充足率的提高

13.Reflection on how to insure state-owned commercial banks? capital adequacy ratio国有独资商业银行资本充足率问题研究

14.The Comparative Research and Enlightenment on the Supervision of Foreign Bank s Capital-adequacy Ratio;外资银行资本充足率监管比较研究及启示

15.A Study on Management of Supervisory Capital Adequacy and Ratio of Economic Capital Return of Commercial Bank;商业银行的监管资本充足率和经济资本收益率管理研究

16.The rate of three wholly State-owned commercial banks is projected to reach 8 percent this year, and that of the remaining wholly State-owned commercial bank is expected to attain the same level next year.今年有3家银行的资本充足率应达到8%,另一家银行资本充足率在明年应达到8%。

17.Basel Capital Accord and capital adequacy rate of commercial bank in China《巴塞尔协议》与我国商业银行资本充足率

18.Adequacy of Banking Vital to Financial Institution Stability提高商业银行资本充足率维护金融体系稳定


capital adequacy资本充足率

1.Three lines of defenses should be set up in the bank risk-management,which are loss loan provisioning,capital adequacy and deposit insurance.商业银行的风险管理应建立呆帐准备金、资本充足率、存款保险制度三道防线,在商业银行内部需要建立以VaR为基础的风险评估框架模型,使资本和风险匹配更加精确。

2.The influence of the requirement in thecapital adequacy by the central bank to the commercial banks on bank s yields is studied.充分考虑了商业银行贷款中非正常贷款的本息损失,重新构造了商业银行在信用风险和利率风险下的利润效用最大化模型,研究了央行提高对商业银行资本充足率的要求对收益的影响。

3.The main target ofcapital adequacy management is to make a tradeoff between profit and securities.巴塞尔新资本协议体现了资本充足率管理的三个趋势,即风险覆盖面更广、重要性和综合性更强以及指标管理的弹性化。

3)capital adequacy rate资本充足率

1.Thecapital adequacy rate is insufficient,the internal control of credit risk management is weak and the whole level of asset securitization is low,which cause the credit risk management of commercial banks.商业银行资本充足率不足,商业银行信贷风险管理内控制度弱,我国信贷资产证券化水平整体不高,是造成我国商业银行存在信贷风险管理的成因。

2.As an important financial innovation in 1970s, asset securitization can reduce financing cost, improve bank s mobility, raisecapital adequacy rate, disperse risk and open up a new way for profit.作为二十世纪后期重要的金融创新之一,资产证券化能够在实现低成本融资的同时,为银行带来增强流动性、提高资本充足率、分散风险及开拓新的收入途径等好处。

3.According to Basle Capital Accord and China s Commercial Bank Law ,itscapital adequacy rate mustn t be lower than 8%.国际上的《巴塞尔协议》和我国《商业银行法》都规定商业银行资本充足率不得低于 8%。

4)capital ratio资本充足率

1.Mark-to-Market Capital Ratio of Chinese Banks and Macroeconomic Volatility:1996~;中国商业银行盯住市场的资本充足率与宏观经济周期:1996~

2.To test the effect of the capital regulation on thecapital ratio and risk of Chinese commercial banks,we constructed a simultaneous model based on the previous work abroad.为了检验资本充足性管制对中国商业银行的资本充足率和风险的影响,在国外学者研究的基础上,构建了一个联立方程模型。

3.This paper uses a multi-vector econometric model to calculate the influence of changes ofcapital ratios on changes of returns rates of banks in China s stock market.本文用多因素计量经济模型计算了资本充足率的变化对我国上市银行收益率变化的影响。

5)regulatory capital adequacy rate监管资本充足率

6)Commercial Bank资本充足率监管

1.Study of the Capital Adequacy Regulation of theCommercial Bank in China;我国商业银行的资本充足率监管研究


