200字范文 > 林场 forest farm英语短句 例句大全

林场 forest farm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-18 17:50:08


林场 forest farm英语短句 例句大全

林场,forest farm

1)forest farm林场

1.Strengthening the safety management of the "three sorts of workers"on state-ownedforest farms with man-centered princeple;以人为本 加强国有林场“三工”安全管理

2.On the safety management of the “Three Sorts of Workers”on state ownedforest farms in the new situation;新形势下国有林场“三工”安全管理初探

3.Based on the current situation of safe production management inforest farms, how to implement the Work Safety Law in stateownedforest farms and measures to improve the safe production management by law are discussed.本文从林场安全生产管理实际出发,论述了国有林场如何贯彻实施《安全生产法》,提高林场安全生产依法管理水平的内容与措施。


1.Research on Traditional Garden History of Sui and Tang Dynasty-Places and Activities;隋唐园林研究——园林场所和园林活動

2.Adjust the Forest Structure of the Forestry Centre And Accelerate theSustainable Management of the Forestry Centre;调整林场的林种结构,促进林场可持续经营

3.These woods are preserved.此处林场禁止打猎。

4.Rough Estimate of Artificial Timber Forestland and Timber Value Volume of Jinba Forest Farm;金坝林场人工用材林地、林木价值量初步估算

5.Forestry policy and forest resources development-Analysis of individual case in Paomuwan forest;林业政策与森林资源开发——炮木湾林场个案分析

6.Thestudy on the Seccusinasl Tendeny of the Secondary Forestry in LinNan;岭南林场次生林林分演替趋势的初步研究

7.Study on the Woodland Appraisement--Taking Baiyun Forestry Centre as An Example;林地评估探讨——以白云林场林地评估为例

parison Study on Regeneration of the Three Types of Forest in Jingouling Forest Farm金沟岭林场主要森林类型林分更新比较研究

9.Study on the Business Form of Forestry Farm in Collective Forest Region;南方集体林区乡村林场经营形式研究

10.Forest Resource Status and Development Countermeasure of Chen jiadian tree farm;陈家店林场森林资源现状及发展对策

11.A Study on the Forest Certification Standard System for State-owned Forest Centre;国有林场森林经营认证标准体系探讨

12.Investigate on Timber Production and Marketing Way of State-owned Forest Farm of Collective Forest Area;探索集体林区国有林场木材产销方式

13.The Development Tactics of Modern Forestry and National Forest Farms in Fujian Province;论现代林业与福建国有林场发展策略

14.Research on Growth Models of Picea koraiensis Nakai in the Over-logged Forest in Jingouling Forest Farm金沟岭林场云杉过伐林生长模型研究

15.Study on Vegetation Regeneration of Skidding Road in Liushuhe Forest Farm of Jinlin Province吉林柳树河林场集材道植被更新研究

16.Excavation on the Site in Taoxi Forest Farm,Fuyu,Jilin吉林省扶余县陶西林场遗址发掘简报

17.Study on Structure Characteristics of Broad-Leaved Korean Pine Forest in Jingouling Forest Farm金沟岭林场阔叶红松林结构特征研究

18.Test on Isatis Root Planting under Forest in Xigou Forest Farm Minhe民和县西沟林场板蓝根林下种植试验


director of forest farm林场场长

3)state-owned forest farms国有林场

1.After the issuance of the Forestry Law, through investigation and assessment, somestate-owned forest farms were legally recognized as natural reserves named as natural reserves for forest, wild fauna and flora.这类自然保护区就景观构成要素来讲基本上是由森林构成的,而且或多或少都存在着人为干扰的痕迹,因此在规划这类自然保护区的发展前景时,需要考虑其过去的国有林场之历史。

2.Based on the spot investigation onstate-owned forest farms of Zhejiang province,this paper analyzes the current situation and commonly existing problems of social security system,including low earnings,short funds,serious defaults on wages of workers and incomplete socialization of social security.在对浙江省国有林场进行实地调查的基础上,分析了浙江省国有林场社会保障的现状及存在的问题,指出了解决国有林场社会保障问题的基本措施。

3.In this paper,the author uses some theories and methods of institutional economics to anatomize the institutional innovations impetus ofstate-owned forest farms in Guangdong province.本文运用制度经济学的有关理论和方法对广东国有林场制度创新动力进行剖析,从现有制度效率低下和制度创新意识缺失两方面论述了广东国有林场需要进行制度创新的原因,提出了广东国有林场制度创新的外源动力与内在动力以及制度创新应遵循的原则。

4)state-owned forest farm国有林场

1.Evaluation on changing of forest biodiversity onstate-owned forest farms in Guangxi;广西国有林场森林生物多样性变化评价

2.Study on the Management Theory & Practice for State-owned Forest Farms of Guangdong;广东省国有林场经营理论与实践研究

3.The paper investigate on timber production and marketing way ofstate-owned forest farm,and put forward management way of making a production contract to guarantee sales,and study on preparation,bid and management of making a production contract to guarantee sales,in order to reduce center link,and lower timber production cost,and increase economical benefits.本文对福建省国有林场木材产销方式进行探讨,提出木材产销采用包产包销的经营方式,对包产包销经营中的伐前准备、伐区招标、伐区管理进行了研究,达到了减少中间环节,降低木材生产成本,提高经济效益的目的。

5)Hongzhuang forest farm红庄林场

1.Problems and countermeasures of ecological restoration inHongzhuang forest farm in Guyuan City;固原市红庄林场生态恢复中存在的问题及对策

6)national forest farm国有林场

1.An application study of TOT model innational forest farm;TOT模式运作在国有林场的应用研究

2.Approach to Rest and Engage in Orchard for the Staff and Workers of National Forest Farm;国有林场职工租赁经营果园的探讨

3.Research on Forest Resources Structure and Order on National Forest Farms;国有林场森林资源结构秩序调整的研究


