200字范文 > 冤狱 miscarriage of justice英语短句 例句大全

冤狱 miscarriage of justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-04 10:18:10


冤狱 miscarriage of justice英语短句 例句大全

冤狱,miscarriage of justice

1)miscarriage of justice冤狱


1.Patriotism is penalized and innocent people are in jail everywhere;爱国有罪,冤狱遍于国中;

2.How was Miscarriages of Justice Fashioned--Starting from the Burden of Proof in Dou E Yuan;冤狱是怎样炼成的——从《窦娥冤》中的举证责任谈起

3.Corrupt officials make profits in privacy and ignore the law.贪官污吏,循私枉法,制造了无数冤狱;

4.Unjust Penalty Charged on Qu Duan and the Fall of Shannxi Province at the Beginning of Southern Song Dynasty;“曲端冤狱”与南宋初年的陕西陷失

5.The Lawyer and the Criminal Compensation Campaign in 1930s律师与20世纪30年代的冤狱赔偿运动

6.The Rectifying of Wei-tai-zi Case and the Political Situation of Emperor Wu,Emperor Zhao and Emperor Xuan in Han Dynasty;卫太子冤狱昭雪与西汉武、昭、宣时期政治

7.He has been a brick during the time since my husband was put into prison on an unjust charge.自从我丈夫坐冤狱以来,他算得上是一位处患难而不见弃的人。

8.After Emperor Xiao Zong succeeded to the throne in 1162, Yue Fei was cleared of the unfounded charges and his good name was restored. After this, his body was buried again with full ceremony at the foot of Rosy Cloud Hill.1162年(绍兴三十二年),孝宗即位后,岳飞冤狱才得以昭雪,并以礼改葬栖霞岭下;

9.Devised as an important legal system to guarantee human rights and restrict judicial rights, criminal compensation is also called criminal judicial compensation or compensation for miscarriage of justice.刑事赔偿又称刑事司法赔偿、冤狱赔偿,是保障人权,制约司法权力的一项重要法律制度。

10.Mission Impossible: Representative of Miscarriage of Justice in Late Imperial China;不可能的任务:晚清冤狱之渊薮——以杨乃武小白菜案初审官刘锡彤为中心的分析

11.We have intercede with the authorities on behalf of people unfair imprison there.我们代表含冤系狱的人向当局求情。

12.We have interceded with the authorities on behalf of people unfair imprisoned there我们代表含冤系狱的人向当局求情

13.He emitted a wail like a lost soul.他像地狱冤魂似地发出一声惨叫。

14.We have interceded with the authorities on behalf of people unfairly imprisoned there, ie asked them to release the prisoners.我们代表含冤系狱的人向当局求情(予以释放).

15."In this prison that I am going to so unjustly, shall I have some free communication with the world outside?"“在我被这样冤枉送进去的监狱里,我能跟外面自由通信么?”

16.Since Deng Yuan died of a false charge and Cui Hao also died in prison in connection with the case of national history the historians regarded writing history of the early Northern Wei as dangerous and,as a result,historiography ceased to flourish.由于邓渊冤死 ,崔浩死于国史之狱 ,北魏一代史学衰微 ,史官视修纂北魏前期历史为畏途。

17.Nobody knows how many people sit wrongfully convicted in prison due to errors in fingerprint matching.没人知道究竟有多少人因为指纹识别错误而被关进监狱,蒙受不白之冤。

18.Those who had been wronged stood up and demanded that their wrongs be redressed, and those who had been made to suffer cruelly spoke out against those responsible for their suffering.有冤伸冤, 有苦诉苦。


Compensation for an unjust verdict冤狱赔偿

3)He created many unjust charges.他大造冤狱。

4)law of compensation for unjust detention and conviction冤狱赔偿法

5)the Criminal Compensation Campaign冤狱赔偿运动

6)argue for grievance辩冤


