200字范文 > 华侨 Overseas Chinese英语短句 例句大全

华侨 Overseas Chinese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-07 09:02:44


华侨 Overseas Chinese英语短句 例句大全

华侨,Overseas Chinese

1)Overseas Chinese华侨

1.Overseas Chinese and Construction of Modern Arcade Towns in the Middle of Guangdong Province;华侨与粤中近代骑楼圩、镇建设

2.The Revolutionaries Anti-Manchu Propaganda towards theOverseas Chinese of Southeast Asia prior to the 1911 Revolution: A Case Study on Chong Shing Yit Pao;简析辛亥革命前革命派对南洋华侨的“反满”民族主义宣传——以《中兴日报》观点为例

3.Business Networks ofOverseas Chinese and Overseas Indians in Japan after July 1937: A Comparative Study;中日全面战争后的在日华侨、印侨网络


1.the Chinese community(纽约的)华侨(界)

2.The Characteristics of Development of the Relations between Overseas Chinese and Their Hometowns;海外华侨华人与侨乡关系演变的特点

3.The Research of New Overseas Chinese and Foreign Citizen of Chinese Origin Resource Cultivation当代新华侨华人的侨务资源培育研究

4.Study on Legitimate Rights and Interests Protection of Overseas Chinese, Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Relatives in Shandong Province山东省归侨侨眷和华侨在鲁合法权益保护研究

5.About Worship of Mazu by Overseas Chinese of Chaoshan Natives and Overseas Chinese in Thailand;潮汕籍华侨与泰国华侨华人的妈祖信仰

6.Overseas Chinese and Economic Transition of Emigration County: 1888-1949;华侨与侨乡经济变迁:1888—1949

7.Business Networks of Overseas Chinese and Overseas Indians in Japan after July 1937: A Comparative Study;中日全面战争后的在日华侨、印侨网络

8.Overseas Chinese and the Modern Industrial Development in Qiaoxiang:A Case Study of Meixian County of Guangdong Province;华侨与近代侨乡工业——以广东梅县为例

9.This is the Chinese colony in New York.这是纽约华侨的聚居区。

10.Yes, it is the Overseas Chinese Hotel .是的,这是华侨大厦。

11."No, from the South Seas.“不,他是南洋的华侨。”

12.Is there any preferential reduction for overseas Chinese?对华侨有什么优惠减价?

13.The Relationship between Guangdong Qiaoxiang and Overseas Chinese in Kobe简论日本神户华侨华人与广东侨乡的关系

14.The Study of Overseas Chinese and Modern Educations in Minnan, a Natural Homeland of Overseas Chinese;华侨华人与近现代闽南侨乡教育事业研究

15.A Study of the Collective Character of Overseas Chinese in Guangdong-Fujian Qiaoxiang before World War Ⅱ-with special reference to Wuyi Qiaoxiang;从粤闽侨乡考察二战前海外华侨华人的群体特征——以五邑侨乡为主

16.The Cultural Identity of the Younger Generation of Overseas Chinese in Kobe;神户华侨华人二三代的中华文化认同

17.History of Chinese and European Chinese in Europe欧洲华侨华人发展历程的跨学科审视——评《欧洲华侨华人史》

18.Federal Policy and the Chinese and Overseas Chinese--A Talk about American Policies on the Chinese and Overseas Chinese;联邦政策与华人华侨——谈美国华人华侨政策的演变


overseas Chinese华侨华人

1.Charitable Benefactions of Overseas Chinese and the Hometown Development of Overseas Chinese——Investigation and Analysis about Overseas Chinese from Guifeng Town, Rui’an;华侨华人慈善捐赠和侨乡发展——对瑞安市桂峰乡华侨华人的调查和分析

2.Review and Outlook of the Research Work in Mainland China of Overseas Chinese at the Present Stage——Institute of Overseas Chinese of Huaqiao University Examined as an Object;现阶段中国大陆华侨华人研究工作的回顾与前瞻——以华侨大学华侨华人研究所为考察对象

3.A Discussion on the Role of the Overseas Chinese in Vietnam in Guangxi - Vietnam Trade;试论桂越经贸中越南华侨华人的作用

3)Chinese Overseas华侨华人

4)Ethnic Chinese华侨华人

1.An Analysis on Significance of Self-Research ofEthnic Chinese:Reflections upon the Documentary Film"Adrift without Roots";试析美国华侨华人重视自身研究的意义——电视纪录片《飘在美国》引发的思考

2.The ethnic Chinese study in Mainland China at the turn of centuries;世纪之交中国大陆学术界关于华侨华人的研究

3.Some Issues ofEthnic Chinese in Burma;有关缅甸华侨华人族群的几个问题

5)Overseas Chinese华人华侨

1.Thought of Our Country s Attempt to develop the Origin-finding Travel ofOverseas Chinese in South-east Asia;对我国发展东南亚华人华侨寻根旅游的思考

2.The Cultural Values of the Documentary ofOverseas Chinese;本文从文化学的角度对以海外华人为题材的纪录片进行内容分析,并考察了海外华人华侨的研究成果,结合运用文化冲突、文化分化与整合、文化进化等文化学理论,通过对纪录片中的文化冲突与整合进行分析,揭示了海外华人题材纪录片的特有的文化价值。

6)overseas Chinese and their relatives华侨及侨眷


