200字范文 > 中国劳资关系 Chinas labor-capital relations英语短句 例句大全

中国劳资关系 Chinas labor-capital relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-31 09:53:16


中国劳资关系 Chinas labor-capital relations英语短句 例句大全

中国劳资关系,China"s labor-capital relations

1)China"s labor-capital relations中国劳资关系

2)British industrial relations英国劳资关系


1.The Characteristics and Transitions of British Industrial Relations Since 1990S;英国劳资关系的特征及演变——20世纪90年代以来英国劳资关系的变化

2.British Trade Union and Industrial Relations Acts,1860-1880;1860—1880年英国工会与劳资关系立法

3.The Combination Law and the Industrial Relations During British Industrialization《反结社法》与英国工业化时期的劳资关系

4.NLRB (National Labor Relations Board)国家劳资关系委员会

5.The Characteristics of Labor-Management Relationship and the Necessity of Constructing a New One in Our Country我国劳资关系的特点与新型劳资关系的构建

6.The Workers Right to Participation and Harmonious Labor-capital Relations in the Industrialization of UK;英国工业化进程中的工人参与权与劳资关系和谐

7.Collaboration between Labour and Capital: The Development Direction of the Employee - Employer Relation in China after Acceding to WTO;劳资合作:入世后我国企业劳资关系的发展方向

8.Research on the Three Kinds of Foreign-invested Ventures Management-labor Relations at the Present Stage in China;中国现阶段“三资”企业劳资关系研究

9.labour relationsph.1. 劳资关系

10.Industrial Relations Act《劳动工资关系法》

11.Labour Relations Division [Labour Department]劳资关系科〔劳工处〕

12.Labour Relations Promotion Unit [Labour Department]劳资关系推展组〔劳工处〕

13.Labour Relations Service [Labour Department]劳资关系组〔劳工处〕

14.Relations Between Labor and Management and Social Transformation:Changes in Relations Between Labor and Management in Shanghai Around the Founding of New China劳资关系与社会转型——新中国成立前后上海的劳资关系变动


16.The Influence of the Variation of Our Country s Labor Relations on the Allocation of Labor Resources;我国劳动关系的变化对劳动力资源配置的影响

17.Industrial relations concerns the relationship between the management and the workers in an industry.劳资关系是企业中劳方和资方的关系。

18.Research Into the Labor Relationship in American Professional Sports League美国职业体育联盟中的劳资关系初探


British industrial relations英国劳资关系

3)labor-capital relation劳资关系

1.Marx"s Labor-Capital Relation Theory and Contemporary Society马克思劳资关系理论与当代社会

2.To do his bit to improve enterprise management and facilitate enterprise development,the authors analysed enterprises and theirlabor-capital relations,established relevant mathematical models and proposed a series of countermeasures to optimizelabor-capital relations in the viewpoint of pansystems.劳资关系,是企业众多关系中联系着企业兴衰浮沉的一种重要关系。

3.Focusing on the problem of employment quality that draws great social attention,the paper analyzes the connotation of employment quality,labor-capital relations and conflicts.针对就业质量这个社会关注的焦点问题,通过对就业质量内涵以及劳资关系与劳资冲突的分析,着重从劳、资、政这三个方面论证了劳资关系对就业质量的影响。

4)industrial relations劳资关系

1.The impact of rules of open-ended employment contracts in employment contracts law onindustrial relations is complicated and multivariate.《劳动合同法》无固定期限劳动合同规定对劳资关系的影响具有复合、多元的特点。

2.However, relatively fixed resource such as labor force is faced with more impact and traditional labor market andindustrial relations are subjected to severe challenge in different countries.进入20世纪90年代以来,强流动性资源主导弱流动性资源配置的特征更加明显,跨国公司携资本、技术、企业家才能等流动性较强的生产要素在全球范围内追求利润最大化,而相对不可流动的劳动力资源则面临着巨大的冲击,不同国家传统的劳动力市场及劳资关系也受到了严竣的挑战。

3.The article has a demonstrational analysis on trade unions achievement ofindustrial relations governance in private enterprises.本文以私营企业劳动报酬为例,对私营企业劳资关系治理中的工会绩效进行实证分析。

5)labor-capital relations劳资关系

1.A study of the problems and its originon thelabor-capital relations in china s private enterprises;我国私营企业劳资关系现存问题及其根源

2.U.S.Occupation Policy to Japan and Reconstruction of Japanese Labor-Capital Relations美国对日占领政策与日本劳资关系的重组

3.The tripartite mechanism based on the tripartition principle is a fundamental mechanism with which the modern market of an economic country coordinateslabor-capital relations.基于"三方性"原则的三方机制是现代市场经济国家协调劳资关系的基本机制。

6)labor relations劳资关系

1.Urban-rural Huji Differentials in Chinese Labor Relations;中国劳资关系的城乡户籍差异

2.Study on "Betriebsgemeinschaft"-NSDAP"s Pattern of Labor Relations纳粹德国“企业共同体”劳资关系模式研究

3.Labor Relations in South Korea:From Confrontation to Consultation韩国劳资关系:从对抗走向协商


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
