200字范文 > 现代竞技武术 athletic Wushu英语短句 例句大全

现代竞技武术 athletic Wushu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-02 07:16:04


现代竞技武术 athletic Wushu英语短句 例句大全

现代竞技武术,athletic Wushu

1)athletic Wushu现代竞技武术

1.Harmonious development of traditional Wushu andathletic Wushu in the century;21世纪传统武术与现代竞技武术的和谐发展原则


1.Modern Wushu Competition in the Non-language Arts论现代竞技武术套路中的非语言艺术

2.Research on the Comparison between Traditional Wushu and Modern Competition Wushu;关于传统武术与现代竞技武术的比较研究

3.Collision and Conformity--Studying about the Development of the Traditional Wushu and the Modern Competitive Whushu;碰撞与整合——论传统武术与现代竞技武术的发展

4.The Characteristics of Modern Athletic Martial Arts and the Regulation of Subduing;现代竞技武术运动的特点与制胜规律

5.System of Modern Competitive Wushu Routine Technique and Its Value Orientation;现代竞技武术套路技术体系及其价值取向

parative Study on Taekwondo and Modern Wushu Competition;现代竞技武术套路与跆拳道品势比较研究

7.Harmonious development of traditional Wushu and athletic Wushu in the century;21世纪传统武术与现代竞技武术的和谐发展原则

8.Research on International Development of Modern Competition Wu-shu Routine and Olympic Culture;现代竞技武术套路国际化发展与奥林匹克文化研究

9.Tradition and Competition: Reflection and Consideration on Modern Martial Arts;传统与竞技:现代武术发展回顾与思考

petitive Development,the Paradox of the Modernization of Chinese Wushu;竞技化:中国武术现代化的发展悖论

11.The Distinction of Athletic Rivalry Between Traditional Martial Art & Modern Boxing;传统武术与现代散打在竞技对抗上的差异

12.A Discussion on the Present Situation of Traditional Wushu Scientific Study Compared with Athletic Wushu对比竞技武术谈传统武术的科研现状

13.On the Fusion of Traditional Wushu and Athletic Wushu in Nowadays;论现阶段传统武术和竞技武术发展的融合

14.To See Entering to the Olympic of Chinese Wushu On View of the Revival of the Modern Olympic;从现代奥林匹克的复兴看中国竞技武术的奥林匹克之旅

15.Exploration of the Reform of Modern Sanda Competition Rules现代武术散打竞赛规则改革发展初探

16.On the Current Contest of Competitive Chinese Wushu Taolu (Routines);我国竞技武术套路竞赛现状及对策研究

17.Study on competitive Wushu routine competition situation in Liaoning province and development countermeasure辽宁省竞技武术套路竞赛现状与发展对策研究

parative Study on the Art of Attack and Defense in Traditional Wushu and Athletics Wushu;传统武术与竞技武术技击性比较研究


competitive Wushu竞技武术

1.Research on item-setting ofcompetitive Wushu entering Olympic games in ;竞技武术进入奥运会项目设置的研究

2.Development ofcompetitive Wushu routines;对竞技武术套路发展的一些思考

3.Shallow Analysis on the Internationalization of Competitive Wushu;浅析竞技武术国际化问题

3)athletic Wushu竞技武术

1.Reinforcement,dissimilation,and regression ofathletic Wushu;论竞技武术的强化、异化与软化

2.Research on tactics of athletic wushu s globalization;竞技武术全球化之策略研究

3.At present,athletic Wushu is undergoing the adaptation transformation.当前,竞技武术正在发生着适应性的变革,作为竞技武术之一的竞技太极拳在适应这场"难度革命"中产生了一系列变化,这些变化需要及时进行理论总结,发现亮点,提炼精要,以新文化现象的面貌展现出来。


1.Influence of globalization and pluralism on sportswushu;全球化与多元化对竞技武术发展的影响

2.Theoratical basis of developing the "competitive Wushu";发展“竞技武术”的理论依据

3.Research On Wushu Professionalism In China;我国竞技武术职业化研究

5)Athletics Wushu竞技武术

1.Research into Development Problem ofAthletics Wushu;竞技武术发展问题之研究

2.Analysis on Factors which Reduce the of Attraction ofAthletics Wushu Routines;竞技武术套路观赏性降低的因素分析

3.By consulting document, interviewing experts and using satisfies, this paper analyses the factors that affect the development of athletics wushu and offers some relevant information for wushus entrance into the Olympic Grames.采用文献法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对影响竞技武术运动发展的因素进行分析,为竞技武术成功走向奥运提供参考。

6)Competitive Martial Arts竞技武术

1.Research on Enlightenment of Commercialized Operation the NBA on ChineseCompetitive Martial Arts;NBA商业化运作对我国竞技武术发展的启示

parative study of competitive martial arts routine with parts of sports events with difficult skills in Olympic Games;竞技武术套路与部分奥运会难美类项目的比较研究——论竞技套路沿着奥运会轨道发展的技术大趋势

3.Innovative research on international development of competitive martial arts;竞技武术国际化发展的创新研究


阿雷那竞技场阿雷那竞技场(arena) 阿雷那竞技场位於市中心,阿雷那圆形竞技场建於西元1世纪,是相当重要而且保存最完整的圆形竞技场,它的圆周约44.43乘73.58公尺,从底部到最高层,共有44层阶梯,可容纳22000人。爬到最高顶往下看,会让你刹那间对巨大空间产生昏眩,罗马人在公共建设上的气魄在竞技场表露无遗,比起罗马的圆形竞技场,此处虽然较为朴实无华,不过,保存完善的程度绝对有过之而无不及,根据调查,罗马人在征服欧洲的期间总共建了60余座竞技场,其中保存情况最完善的三座,意大利境内的只有维罗那,例外两座都在法国南部的阿尔与尼姆。
