200字范文 > 系统哲学观 System philosophical View英语短句 例句大全

系统哲学观 System philosophical View英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 12:47:48


系统哲学观 System philosophical View英语短句 例句大全

系统哲学观,System philosophical View

1)System philosophical View系统哲学观

2)philosophical system哲学系统

3)system philosophy系统哲学

1.Small and middle enterprise innovation culture construction of our country in the view ofsystem philosophy;系统哲学视野下我国中小企业创新文化建设

2.The foundation ofsystem philosophy is an inevitable outcome of the development of system thought in the 20 th century.系统哲学的创立是 2 0世纪系统思想发展的一个必然结果 ,它代表着我们这一时代的思维方式———用系统的观点看世界 ,用系统的方法解决问题。

3.Based on the systematical analysis of the basic theoretical structure and scientific philosophical thoughts ofsystem philosophy, the author discussed its philosophical meaning on the ontology, epistemology and axiology,and pointed out its important effect and value in the progress of modern human thoughts.在系统分析系统哲学基本理论构架和科学哲学思想的基础上,探讨了系统哲学在本体论、认识论和价值论等方面蕴涵的哲学意义,阐明系统哲学在当代人类思想进步中的重要作用和价值。


1.The Challenge of Postmodern Philosophy and the Response of Systematic Philosophy;后现代哲学的挑战与系统哲学的回应

2.The Contribution of Laszlo s Systems Philosophy to Marxist Philosophy;拉兹洛系统哲学对发展马克思主义哲学的贡献

3.Some Dialectic Categories in System Philosophy论系统哲学中几对范畴的辩证关系

4.Teaching Innovation of Higher Vocational Colleges in the View of Systemic Philosophy系统哲学视野下的高职院校教学改革

5.Its theory foundation is pragmatism and system philosophy.其理论基础是实用主义和系统哲学。

6.The Idea of Correspondence between Man and Nature in Huangdi Emperor s Internal Classic and Organic_ Systematic Philosophy;《黄帝内经》天人相应论与有机系统哲学

7.The Concept of "Harmonious Society" in the View of System Philosophy;系统哲学视野下的“和谐社会”理念

8.Optimize Economic System Management of Resources with Resource Systematic Philosophy as Guidance;以资源系统哲学导向 优化资源经济系统管理

9.A Sacred Mission of Systematic Philosophy in the 21st Century──the construction of the shared value system;21世纪系统哲学的神圣使命──建构共享价值体系

10.Philosophical Problems of Systems Sciences ?系统科学与哲学问题

11.Study on the Relationship between Engineering Philosophy and Traditional Technology Philosophy;工程哲学与传统技术哲学之关系初探

12.On the Relationship Between Chinese TraditionalPhilosophy and Marxist Philosophy;论中国传统哲学与马克思主义哲学的联系

13.On Connections Between System Theory And Maxism Philosophy;浅谈系统论与马克思主义哲学的联系

14.Practice of Systematic Review in EBM and Its Analysis in View of Value Philosophy;循证医学系统评价及其价值哲学研究

15.F. Capra"s General System Theory of Ecophilosophy;试论弗·卡普拉的广义系统论生态哲学

16.System adaptive:An enterprise informationization philosophy question;系统适配:企业信息化的一个哲学问题

17.A Philosophical Reflection on System Thinking and Strategic Thinking;关于系统思想与战略思维的哲学思考

18.The Relationship Between Traditional Textbooks and Marxist Philosophy;传统教科书与马克思主义哲学的关系


philosophical system哲学系统

3)system philosophy系统哲学

1.Small and middle enterprise innovation culture construction of our country in the view ofsystem philosophy;系统哲学视野下我国中小企业创新文化建设

2.The foundation ofsystem philosophy is an inevitable outcome of the development of system thought in the 20 th century.系统哲学的创立是 2 0世纪系统思想发展的一个必然结果 ,它代表着我们这一时代的思维方式———用系统的观点看世界 ,用系统的方法解决问题。

3.Based on the systematical analysis of the basic theoretical structure and scientific philosophical thoughts ofsystem philosophy, the author discussed its philosophical meaning on the ontology, epistemology and axiology,and pointed out its important effect and value in the progress of modern human thoughts.在系统分析系统哲学基本理论构架和科学哲学思想的基础上,探讨了系统哲学在本体论、认识论和价值论等方面蕴涵的哲学意义,阐明系统哲学在当代人类思想进步中的重要作用和价值。

4)systematic philosophy系统哲学

1.The wholeness is the basic feature ofsystematic philosophy.整体性是系统哲学的基本特点。

2.The rising of thesystematic philosophy in China is not only from the requirement of the advances of modern science and technology and the impetus of the upsurge of foreignsystematic philosophy ,but also from the requirement of open and reform in China which needs the guide of system theory urgently .中国系统哲学的兴起不仅源于当代科技进步的内在要求和国外系统哲学潮的推动,还源于中国正大力进行改革开放,而改革开放是一个系统工程,迫切需要系统理论指导的内在要求;中国系统哲学既从现代系统科学中汲取了丰富的营养,也得益于马克思主义系统思想和中国传统系统思维的影响;中国系统哲学以丰富和发展马克思主义哲学为目标,注重揭示系统的辩证性质、辩证规律,为把唯物辩证法推进到一个新阶段作出了重要贡献;中国系统哲学注重结合中国现实的重大实际问题进行研究,它既具有哲学理论的品质,又具有社会实践的品质。

3.We should put forward our own proposal about how to develop scientific education under the direction ofsystematic philosophy,ecological philosophy and technological philosophy.我们应该在系统哲学、生态哲学和技术哲学思想的指引下对如何提高和发展科学教育提出自己的设想,这样,科学教育的质量才会得以提高,全民的科学素质才会得以提升。

5)systems philosophy系统哲学

1.E·Laszlo s thought of theory of value is an important part of hissystems philosophy.拉兹洛的价值论思想是其系统哲学的一个重要组成部分。

2.Laszlo ssystems philosophy was founded in early 1970s and matured in early 21st century in its main thoughts.拉兹洛系统哲学创立于20世纪70年代初,至21世纪初其主要思想已基本成熟。

3.Based on the theories of the General systems theory and the Systems Philosophy, this paper has studied the structures of the geographic systems, including the systems of lithosphere, biosphere, water and atmosphere, energy-sphere, and treasure-sphere, which are characterized by the elements of earth, wood, water, fire and metal respectively.本文以一般系统论及系统哲学为理论基础 ,研究了地理系统的圈层结构 :岩石圈系统 ,生物圈系统 ,水圈 -大气圈系统 ,能量圈系统 ,财富圈系统。

6)philosophical system theory哲学系统论


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
