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学术评论 academic review英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-15 03:52:40


学术评论 academic review英语短句 例句大全

学术评论,academic review

1)academic review学术评论


1.The Academic Discussion of the Historical Geography Research in 1978~1978~:历史地理学研究的学术评论

2."and they include the scholarly type, the more widely read politico-cultural types, and the purely literary type."评论性刊物包括学术评论,读者面更广的政治一文化评论和文学评论。

3.ACADEMY,ACADEMIC CRITICISM AND ACADEMIC COMMUNITY:Synthetical comment on Yang Yusheng s academic research;学术·学术批评·学术共同体——关于杨玉圣学术志业的综合评论

4.Heading or the Academic Literary Criticism--SU XUE-line s Literary criticism;走向学术化的文学批评——苏雪林文学批评论

5.On the Importance of Art Criticism in the Art Education;论美术批评学在美术教育中的重要性

6.A critical review or commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature.评论文批判性文章或评论,尤指关于艺术或文学作品的评论

7.On the Academic Criticism in the Construction of the Overseas Chinese Studies;浅论华侨华人学科建设中的学术批评

8.Academic Promotion and New Role-Model Construction-Review on A General Introduction to Women s Studies;学术推进与范型新建──评《女性学概论》

9.Scientific Crisis of Literary Theory and Academic Creation;文学理论的学科危机与学术创新——兼评董学文著《文学理论学导论》

ments on controversies of musical academic innovation and criterion in new ages;新时期音乐学术创新与学术规范论争述评

11.DON T GLOSS OVER UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR IN ACADEMIA: A Comment on "the Media, Public Opinion and Individuals in Academia;岂能为学术腐败辩护!——评《媒介舆论与学术个体》

12.Studies on Evaluation of Police Professional Academic Journal and Academic Thesis;公安专业学术期刊及学术论文水平评价研究

13.Establish the Academic Value Judging System of the Science and Research Fruits and Learned Works;建立科研成果和学术论著的学术价值评判体系

14.On the History of Critics on Chinese Juvenile Literature Theory;试论《中国儿童文学理论批评史》的学术价值

15.Feasibility study on evaluation of scientific paper based upon fuzzy AHP theory;基于模糊AHP理论的科学论文学术价值评审研究

16.On Marcuse s Theory about the Ideology of Science and Technology;马尔库塞科学技术意识形态理论述评

17.Evaluation in Abstracts: A Contrastive Study in Student and Published Writing;学术论文摘要中评价资源的对比分析

18.Origin Theory of Chinese Ancient Literature and Art Criticism by Diet;中国古代文学艺术饮食化批评渊源论



3)evaluation on scientific paper学术论文评价

1.Secondly it provides a comparatively objective and quick means forevaluation on scientific papers.“核心期刊”遴选虽难免存在缺陷和不足 ,但是在目前情况下赋予“核心期刊”以评价功能其积极意义是主要的 :第一 ,增加了对学术期刊进行评价的依据 ,使学术期刊提高质量有了较具体的目标 ;第二 ,使学术论文评价有了一个较为客观、便捷的工具 ;第三 ,能促使作者提高论文撰写质量。

4)mainstream criticism of academics学术主体评论

1.Themainstream criticism of academics in the Han Dynasty was performed not only in the different social fielels, but between different academic systems and schools, and among the individuals.汉代学术主体评论在不同的社会领域、学术体系、派别和个人之间进行,涉及学术研究者的立场、方法和成就诸层面,已经铸成一系列相对固定的概念,其中有代表性的是儒宗、通儒、俗儒和耆儒。

5)evaluation of manuscript quality of academic papers学术论文稿的质量评价

6)Xinjiang art criticism艺术评论

1.With the enforcement of the great western development, it will bring a new juncture to the developmnet ofXinjiang art criticism writing.艺术评论是艺术发展的重要推动因素之一 ,但在新疆艺术评论界 ,其整体水平与全国及世界有较大的差距 ;西部大开发战略的实施 ,必将给新疆艺术评论的发展带来新的契机。


《IEEE动力工程评论》《IEEE动力工程评论》IEEE Power Engineering Review、盆月为月乙乙切力工程评论芳(丈E尸尸Engine~9 Rev奋切)创刊于1981年,英文月刊,12开本。由美国电气与电于工租师学*(Instituteof Eleetrieal and Electronies Engineers)编辑出版.编辑部地址:BOx13sz,445 Hoe,Lane,Piscataway,NJ08855一1331,USA.;E一mail:[email protected]概.org;网址:http://www··该刊主要刊载美国电气与电子工程师学会动力工程学会的《输电汇刊》、《电力系统汇刊》和《能耳转换汇刊》等三种《汇刊》发表的所有论文的概要和该学会新闻简讯,并选载获奖和有影响的论文以及其他技术性文章。该刊的读者对象是电力科研、设计、运行、施工等部门的科技人员和管理人员.
