200字范文 > 教育运动 education movement英语短句 例句大全

教育运动 education movement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-22 17:02:01


教育运动 education movement英语短句 例句大全

教育运动,education movement

1)education movement教育运动

1.This is to introduce the grand occasion of Gui Lin’seducation movement in the period of Anti-Japanese War,and the special feature,and the prosperous reason.概说了抗战时期桂林教育运动的盛况、特色及其兴盛的原因。


1.The Narration and Discussion of "The New Education Movement" (1912-1927);“新教育运动”述论(1912-1927)

2.Diffrences and similarity between "the new education movement " in Europe and "the rural education movement "in China;欧洲“新教育运动”与中国“乡村教育运动”之异同

3.Rural Education Movement and Distance Education′s Service for the "Three Rural Issues";乡村教育运动与远程教育服务“三农”

4.Problems and Strategies for Educational Quality in the Campaign of Education For All;全民教育运动中教育质量问题及对策

5.Discussion on the Character Education Both in PE Teaching and Sports;谈体育教学与竞技运动中的人格教育

6.Educational Societies and the Movement of Regaining Educational Rights近代中国教育团体与收回教育权运动

7.Empirical Study On Sports Education Model In High Physical Education在高职体育教学中运用运动教育模式实证研究

8.The Educational Significance in Olympics and the Humanity Olympics;奥林匹克运动的教育意义与“人文奥运”

9.The Function and Application of Athletic Techniques in P.E.Teaching;运动技术在体育教学中的作用及运用

10.On the application of sports physioloyy in physical education and training;运动生理学在体育教学训练中的运用

11.Olympic Movement Education Value and School Physical Education;奥林匹克运动的教育价值与学校体育教育

12.Appraisal of Sports Nutritional Education Effect of Physical Education Speciality Students;体育教育专业学生运动营养教育效果评价

13.and the educational value of sport until 393 AD,它是具有教育意义的体育运动。

14.The Function of Strengthening Sports Aesthetic Education of Professional Teams;加强专业运动队体育审美教育的作用

15.Orienteering and Physical Education in Colleges and Universities Produce Harmony;定向运动与高校体育教育的和谐生成

16.Olympic Sports and the College Sports Education in New Period;奥林匹克运动与新时期高校体育教育

17.Fundamental P.E. Curriculum Reform Vs Sports;基础教育体育课程改革VS竞技运动

18.Educational and sports background of the prosperity of the Olympic Games;奥林匹克运动兴起的教育与体育背景


sports education运动教育

1.Based on the experiences ofsports education and the research materials about foreignsports education,this paper made an analysis of the framework of instructional process insports education in a micro and macro way,in order to offer useful reference for its localization and implement.本文在借鉴国外有关运动教育研究资料和总结自己运动教育研究经验的基础上,对运动教育模式的教学过程结构,从宏观和微观两个层面进行了较为详细的分析介绍,以期为该模式设计的本土化和具体实施的操作化提供有益的参照和借鉴。

3)New Educational Movement新教育运动

1.A study of new educational movement in Japanese Dazheng Period;关于日本大正时期新教育运动的研究

4)the Educational Right Movnment教育权运动

5)sports educational model运动教育模式

6)movement education of pre-school学前运动教育

1.Teachers play a key role during themovement education of pre-school about which implementate well or badly.对学前运动教育实施的好坏起关键作用的是教师对学前运动实施的有效性。


