200字范文 > 农用地 Agricultural land英语短句 例句大全

农用地 Agricultural land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-01 00:50:20


农用地 Agricultural land英语短句 例句大全

农用地,Agricultural land

1)Agricultural land农用地

1.Fuzzy evaluation on soil environmental quality of Yangchang agricultural land in Wudang district;乌当区羊昌镇农用地土壤环境质量模糊评价

2.Preprocess ofAgricultural land Gradation and Appraisal Factor——A Case of Agricultural Land Gradation in Xinyang City;农用地定级估价因素因子的预处理——以信阳市农用地定级工作为例


1.Application of Classification on Agricultural Land to Reform of Agricultural Tax System;农用地分等在农业税制改革中的应用

2.The Application of ARCVIEW in the Classification of Farming Land;农用地分等中ARCVIEW的技术

3.The term "land unused" refers to land other than that for agricultural and construction uses.未利用地是指农用地和建设用地以外的土地。

4.Land suitable for agricultural use should have the priority of developing into land for agricultural use.适宜开发为农用地的,应当优先开发成农用地。

5.Analysis on the Agricultural Land Price--A Case of Agricultural Land in Wenzhou City农用土地价格初步研究——温州市农用地案例分析

6.On “TotalValue” of Farmland;关于农用地“完全价值”——也谈农用地价值模式构架

7.Contradictions of Rights and Benefits and their Coordinating in the Transfer of Agro-Land in Western China;西部农村农用地流转:权益矛盾及调处

8.Try to Talk about the Function of the Right to Use Farmland in Farmland Finance;试论农地使用权在农地金融中的作用

9.Agriculture [AGR] [land use zone]农业〔土地用途地带〕

10.Market for Agricultural Land Use Rights and Change of China s Agricultural Land Institution;农地使用权市场与中国农地制度变迁

11.The Usage Right of the Farmland Changing to Secuirity,Capitalization and the Farmland Finance;农地使用权证券化、资本化与农地金融

12.Farmers fence their fields.农人用篱笆把田地围起.

13.Study of Agricultural Land Uses and Development农地用途及发展研究

14.Farmers now use tractors to plow their fields.现今农民用牵引机耕地。

15.tenure by which a villein held land.隶农保有土地的占用权。

16.Have our own farm and use only organic fertilizers.自设农场基地,全部使用农家肥料种植。

17.Farmland Fragmentation, Labor Utilization, and Farmer"s Income;农地细碎化、劳动力利用与农民收入

18.Study on the Rural Collective Non-farming Constructionland Transference;农村集体非农建设用地流转创新研究



1.Study on classification graduation offarmland based on GIS;基于GIS的农用地分等定级研究

2.Index system forfarmland gradation in Jiancaoping district,Taiyuan;太原市尖草坪区农用地定级指标体系研究

3.Study on Model of Regression Analysis on Standard Grain Production and Medium Index in Farmland Classification;农用地分等中等指数与标准粮产量回归分析模型研究——以辽宁省为例

3)Arable land农用地

1.Study on the society-economy factors in the grading factorsof modified method of arable land;农用地修正法定级因素中社会经济因素研究

2.Study on Arable Land Classification Information System Based on MapX Component Technology;基于MapX组件技术的农用地定级信息系统研究

3.On the basis of analyzing the scientific thinking of arable land s landscape ecological evaluation, this paper constructs a set of index system to evaluate the arable land s landscape ecological functions and uses the method of multi-objective linear weight function to synthetically calculate.在对农用地景观生态评价科学理念分析的基础上,构建了一套农用地景观生态功能评价的指标体系,采用多目标线性加权函数法进行综合测算,得到土地利用巨系统中的林地、耕地、草地等六大子系统的景观生态功能指数,并通过对比分析揭示了农用地特殊而优越的景观生态保护功能,提出了合理配置农用地资源,建立农用地转用的景观生态补偿机制的建议。

4)farming land农用地

1.The grade offarming land by artificial neural networkⅡ.Optimization disposal of preceding data;基于人工神经网络的农用地分等研究 Ⅱ.前置数据优化处理

2.Grade offarming land by artificial neural networkⅠ.The model for grade offarming land and accuracy measurement;基于人工神经网络农用地分等研究Ⅰ.分等模型与精度检测

3.Theory and method of classification and gradation forfarming land in China;我国农用地分等定级理论与方法探讨


1.With the model, the index of cropland classificatio n in Wuxue City,Hubei Province, is compared with original one calculated directl y.针对当前农用地分等中,直接利用土地利用系数和土地经济系数计算分等指数在无形中扩大结果离散性的缺陷,提出了线性模型来修正这两个系数。

2.In this paper, the ecological problems of croplands, resulted in by the uncontrolled enlargement of the area under cultivation in arid areas, are analyzed.通过对干旱区农用地无节制扩张带来的土地生态问题分析 ,认为新疆耕地面积近 4 3年间有 8%左右的增加 ,不是开荒的贡献 ,是节水技术以及农业科技进步促进土地集约利用的结果 ,也是以生态环境恶化为代价换来的。

3.In order to make rational use of and optimize the land resource, and to promote sustainable use of cropland, cropland quality evaluation is necessary for decision making of governor and land users.为了科学、合理、有效地评价和管理农用地,为农用地资源的可持续利用提供理论依据,本研究根据农用地评价基本原理,运用模糊数学、主成分分析法、特尔菲咨询法和模糊神经网络等数学方法和模型,结合地理信息系统技术,以江汉平原后湖农场为样区,建立农用地质量评价指标体系,开展农用地质量评价和土壤环境质量评价的研究。

6)agricultural land农业用地

1.Pattern succession analysis ofagricultural land converted converted from large opencast mine in loess areas;黄土区大型露天矿农业用地格局演变的分析

2.A study of using incom capitalization approach to the evalution ofagricultural land price;收益还原法在农业用地价格评估中的应用浅析

3.The nutrient surpluses in regionalagricultural land may partly discharge to natural waters,which will cause the eutrophication of rivers and lakes.根据太湖南部长兴县农业统计资料,对该地区1949~2002年农业用地上N、P的剩余量作出评估。


Trigard(农用)分子式:C6H10N6分子量:166.2CAS号:密度:1.35(20℃)熔点:220~222℃蒸气压:大于0.13mPa(20℃)毒性LD50(mg/kg):大鼠急性经口LD50:3387(原药),大鼠急性经皮LD50>3100(原药).大鼠急性吸入 LC50(4d)为2720mg/L空气。对兔眼睛无刺激,对兔皮肤有轻微刺激。对蓝鳃鱼、鲶鱼、虹鳟鱼、鲤鱼LC50(96h)大于100mg/L。对蜜蜂无毒。性状:纯品为无色晶体溶解情况:溶解度(20℃):水中11000mg/L(pH7.5),稍溶于甲醇。用途:本品属1,3,5-三嗪类昆虫生长调节剂,对双翅目幼虫有特殊活性,有内吸传导作用,诱使双翅目幼虫和蛹在形态上发生畸变,成虫羽化下全或受抑制。以1g(a.i.)/L浸泡或喷淋,可防治羊身上的丝光绿蝇;加到鸡伺料(5mg/kg)中,可防治鸡粪上蝇幼虫,也可在蝇繁殖的地方以0.5g/平方米进行局部处理;以15~30g/hl防治观赏植物和蔬菜上的潜叶蝇;以15g/hl喷洒菊花叶面,可防洽斑潜蝇属L.trifolii;以75g/ha防治温室作物(黄瓜、番茄)潜叶蝇。以650g/ha颗粒剂单独处理土壤,要防治潜蝇,持效期80天左右。制备或来源:氰脲酰氯、环丙胺和氢氧化钠在氯苯中,于10℃搅拌反应1.5h,然后在室温下放置16h,得到2-环丙胺基-4,6-二氯均三嗪,该化合物加到二氧六环和乙醚中,冷却至室温后,滴加25%氨水,反应温度加热至50℃.搅拌16h,得到2-环丙胺基-4-氯6-氨基-均三嗪,将其置于高压釜中,与氨在二氧六环中,于140℃下反应24h,即制得灭蝇胺。备注:稳定性;310℃以下稳定,在pH5~9时,水解不明显。低于70℃、28天未观察到水解。类别:杀虫剂
