200字范文 > 财政充足 Adequacy in Education Finance英语短句 例句大全

财政充足 Adequacy in Education Finance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-24 21:24:18


财政充足 Adequacy in Education Finance英语短句 例句大全

财政充足,Adequacy in Education Finance

1)Adequacy in Education Finance财政充足

2)Finance adequacy财政充足性

3)a deep pocket充足的财力

4)fiscal adequacy财政充分


1.On "Fiscal Adequacy" in American Educational Finance Litigation;美国教育财政诉讼中的“财政充分”问题

2.-Making full use of the financial policy to promote infrastructure construction.第五,充分运用财政政策,促进基础建设。

3.The financial sector"s regulatory role has been given to full play.财政调控作用得到充分发挥。

4.Full Play the Financial Efficiency ,Promote the Adjustment of Economic Structure;充分发挥财政效能 促进经济结构调整

5.Fully Exert the Taxation Role in theApplication of Active Financial Policy;充分发挥税收在实施积极财政政策中的作用

6.Equity and Adequacy in Education Finance:An Analysis of Compulsory Education Finance Reforms and Regional Disparities in China中国义务教育财政改革与地区差异分析:教育财政的公平与充足

7.The State Ministry of Finance and the State Housing Reform Office granted full recognition to this.国家财政部和国家房改办对此给予充分肯定。

8.Give Full Play to the Functions of Fiscal Policy in Supporting Collective Forest Tenure Reform;充分发挥财政职能作用 支持集体林权制度改革

9.Giving Full Play to the Readjustment Function of Local Finances;充分发挥地方财政调控作用的对策探讨

10.From Fiscal Neutrality to Educational Adequacy--American School Finance Litigation and its Role In Advancing Educational Finance Reform;从教育财政中性到教育的充分性——美国教育财政诉讼及其对教育财政改革的促进作用

11.financially secure and safe.财政上充实的或安全的。

12.And nothing is more demonstrated in what we did, what the Financial Secretary did in the Budget.政府所做的和财政司司长在财政预算案中所做的,都是很充分的证明。

13.The Correlation Analysis between Fiscal Decentralization and County-rural Financial Difficulty;财政分权与县乡财政困难的相关分析

14.Financial Performance, Policy and Strategy of Yanjing Brewery Co., Ltd财务绩效、财务政策及财务战略分析

15.Operation Effects of the HuNan s Local Financial System;湖南政府间财力分配与财政体制改革

16.Efficiency of local fiscal expenditure in China;财政分权体制下的地方财政支出效率

17.Money,Taxes,and Federal Transfer in an Endogenous Growth Model with Multiple Levels of Government;财政分权框架下的财政政策和货币政策

18.In China the stated-owned companies are the major revenue contributors. The rest are beneficial supplements to the country"s economy.在中国,国有企业是国家财政收入的主要提供者,其他经济成分则是国家经济的有益补充。


Finance adequacy财政充足性

3)a deep pocket充足的财力

4)fiscal adequacy财政充分

5)local financial supplement地方财政补充

6)Having an abundant supply of money; affluent.富足的有充足的财源的;富足的


充足1.足够。 2.富足。 3.饱足;饱满。 4.补足,纳足。
