200字范文 > 经营者集中 Concentration of Undertakings英语短句 例句大全

经营者集中 Concentration of Undertakings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-13 08:54:08


经营者集中 Concentration of Undertakings英语短句 例句大全

经营者集中,Concentration of Undertakings

1)Concentration of Undertakings经营者集中

1.Anti-monopolistic Control onConcentration of Undertakings;论反垄断法对经营者集中的规制

2.Anti-monopoly Law s Regulation onConcentration of Undertakings;经营者集中的反垄断法规制

3.It becomes more and more important for China to establish a concentration of undertakings controlling system.经营者集中是一个经营者以合并、购买股份或资产,或者通过合同等方式取得对其他经营者的控制权或者能够对其他经营者施加决定性影响的行为。


ment On Operator s Concentration In 《The Antimonopoly Law Of People s Republic Of China》;《中华人民共和国反垄断法》中经营者集中的评析

2.On Legislation Inadequacy of Control of Concentration Criteria for Operators in our Country;论我国经营者集中控制标准的立法不足

3.Essential Examining of the Concentration of Enterprisers about Intellectual Property论知识产权领域经营者集中反垄断实质审查

4.Study on Chinese Substantive Examination Standard on Concentration of Undertakings from an International Perspective以国际视野看我国经营者集中的实质审查标准

5.Analysis of the Market Power Over Concentration about Integration of Commerce with Finance and Regulation by Antimonopoly Law产融结合之经营者集中的反垄断法分析

6.The Concentration Control of Business Operators in Anti-monopoly Law of People"s Republic of China《中华人民共和国反垄断法》中的经营者集中规制研究

7.Research on the Legal System of National Safety Review on Concentration of Foreign Investment对外资参与经营者集中的国家安全审查法律制度研究

8.economy of concentration集中经营的经济节约

9.Therefore, except where conditions call for centralized management, we must oppose the wrong view which favours centralizing everything, regardless of circumstances, and which dares not give full rein to decentralized management.因此,除依情况应当集中经营者外,必须反对不顾情况,一切集中,不敢放手分散经营的错误观点。

10.centralized foreign trade corporation集中经营的外贸公司

11.Research on the Managerial Inspiring Mechanism for the Subsidiary Companies of HTSY Group;HTSY集团子公司经营者激励机制研究

12.However, much controversy still remains as victims sneer at the pitiful settlements for their time in concentration camps and forced labor camps.但是争论仍旧在继续,一些受害者也曾经嘲讽过在被占领地的战俘营和集中营的人们。

13.The orchardist gave little thought to the logistics of harvesting the crop.种子园经营者很少考虑到收集种子的勤务工作。

14.The right of individuals or collectives to undertake operation by contract shall be protected by law.个人或者集体的承包经营权,受法律保护。

15.Study on the Performance Evaluation and Incentive Mechanism for Corporate Operators of Huadian Group;华电集团企业经营者业绩评价与激励制度研究

16.The Compensation and Inspiration Research on Subsidiary Companies Operators of LT Mining Group;LT矿业集团子公司经营者薪酬激励研究

17.The Research of Salary Mechanism for Executives of Non-Listed State-Owned Holding Group;非上市国有控股集团经营者薪酬机制研究

18.Research on Performance Appraisal System of Subsidiaries Executives in Corporate Groups;企业集团子公司经营者绩效评估体系研究


over-concentration of market power经营者过度集中

3)concentrating operation集中经营

4)focusing firms集中化经营

1.Based on the data analysis of world s top 12 big firms in 15 and 17 industries in 1980, 1990 and 2000, this paper found the trends in decrease of diversified firms and increase offocusing firms.同时全球化竞争以及机构股东的力量迫使多元化企业转向集中化经营。

5)managers gathering mechanism经营者群集机制

1.The establishment of modern enterprisers in the type of group and team organization should be benefit to the formation and development for the property right balance mechanism and themanagers gathering mechanism of the enterprises.塑造团队制度型的现代企业家必须建立企业产权均衡机制和企业经营者群集机制。

6)chain-store operator超市集团经营者


