200字范文 > 国际物流体系 International Logistics System英语短句 例句大全

国际物流体系 International Logistics System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-02 23:26:38


国际物流体系 International Logistics System英语短句 例句大全

国际物流体系,International Logistics System

1)International Logistics System国际物流体系

1.A Study onInternational Logistics System in Baoding;保定国际物流体系研究与构建

2)international logistics system国际物流系统


1.Analysis of the Optimization and Control of WY s International Logistics System;WY公司国际物流系统优化与控制分析

2.The Disquisition on Tianjin Port Tree Trade Zone International Logistics System s Developmental Stratagem;天津港保税区国际物流系统发展战略研究

3.So, when the international trading involved, the firm must establish international logistics systems to provide the products and service demanded.因此,当涉足国际贸易领域时,企业必须建立国际物流系统以提供需要的产品或服务。

4.The multimodal transport is a foundation of setting up the modern logistics network system.国际多式联运是构建现代物流网络系统的基础。

5.Synthetic Research on the North International Oil and Oil Products Logistics System in Dalian;大连北方国际石油及制品物流系统综合研究

6.Impact of Logistics System in Internationalization Process;物流系统建立对国际化进程影响分析调查报告

7.A Design Plan for Post International Logistics 3PL Management System邮政国际物流第三方物流管理系统设计与实施方案

8.International Exchange System on Ageing国际老龄化信息交流系统

9.Air Cargo Clearance System [ACCS] [Hong Kong International Airport]空运货物清关系统〔香港国际机场〕

10.International Weapons and Explosives Tracking System国际武器和爆炸物追踪系统

11.Relationships between International Trade and International Logistics in China;我国对外贸易与国际物流关系的实证研究

12.Logistics Globalization and the Strategy on External Logistics System Optimization in China;物流全球化及我国对外物流系统优化策略

13.International Referral System国际查询系统(查询系统)

14.Thus, the simultaneous interpretation is indispensable in international conference rooms.因此,在有国际交流间的国际会议厅中,同声传译系统是不可缺少的。

15.Taking the public bonded warehouse and modern information system as the flat.公司以公共保税仓库和现代化信息系统为平台,开展国际物流等业务。

16.The Design and Research of Upgrading and Reconstructing the Information Managing System Based on RFID Technology in Qingdao International Aviatic & Logistic Park基于RFID技术在青岛国际航空物流园区管理信息系统升级改造的设计研究

17.The Research on the Model and Method of Integrated Air-Ground Evaluation;成都双流国际机场空地联合容量评估系统

18.Study on Internationalization of APL Logistics Inspiring to Logistic Enterprises in China;APL物流国际化对中国物流企业的启示


international logistics system国际物流系统

3)international logistics国际物流

1.International Manufacturing Outsourcing in China and International Logistics of China;在华跨国制造外包和中国国际物流

2.On Teaching Reform of International Logistics Course;试论《国际物流》课程教学改革

4)international logistic国际物流

1.Research on International Logistic Promotion of Tianjin Bin Hai New Area Based on Port-Advantage;基于港口优势的滨海新区国际物流发展研究

5)international system国际体系

1.The Evolution of Peaceful Diplomatic Thoughts in New China——The hierarchical analysis ofinternational system;新中国和平外交思想的演变——国际体系层次分析

2.Several Opinions of Relationship between China and International System;对中国与国际体系关系的几点看法

3.On International System and New World Order;论国际体系与世界新秩序

6)global logistics(GL)国际物流(GL)


