200字范文 > 物流中心布局 Distribution logistics center英语短句 例句大全

物流中心布局 Distribution logistics center英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-24 15:20:41


物流中心布局 Distribution logistics center英语短句 例句大全

物流中心布局,Distribution logistics center

1)Distribution logistics center物流中心布局


1.Location of logistics Centres in Xinjiang from the Perspective of Xinjiang Economic Circle;环新疆经济圈视角下新疆物流中心布局研究

2.Research on Macroscopical Distribution Planning of Grain Logistics Center;粮食物流中心宏观布局规划问题研究

3.Research on the planning of logistics distribution center;产品销售物流配送中心布局方法研究

4.Research on the Location Planning of Railway Logistics Centers铁路物流中心选址布局规划问题研究

5.Research on the Macro Distribution Plan of Modern Rail Logistics Center;铁路现代物流中心宏观布局规划问题研究

6.The Optimization Study on the Location Problems of Logistics Centers Based on E-Commerce;基于电子商务的物流配送中心的布局优化研究

7.Method and Analytic Demonstration for the Layout of the Distribution Park in Regional Central City;地区中心城市物流园区布局方法与实证研究

8.Research on Evaluation of Function Layout Plan for Logistics Center;物流中心功能区域布局方案评价方法研究


10.A compretensive evaluation of the layout scheme of railway logistic center;铁路物流中心规划布局方案综合性能评价

11.Research on Logistics Land Planning in Chongqing City--Discussion on how to Construct Regional Distribution Center in Chongqing;重庆物流用地布局探讨——论重庆如何建设区域性物流中心城市

prehensive Performance Evaluation of Logistics Center Layout Plan Based on Entropy Weight and ANP;基于熵权和ANP的物流中心规划布局方案综合性能评价

13.The Application of the Analysis of Hierarchy Process in Logistics;层次分析法在物流网络布局中的应用

14.Research on the Layout and Planning of Distribution Park in City-A Case of Dalian城市物流园区及配送中心布局规划研究——以大连市物流园区建设规划为例

15.Fuzzy Clustering for Logistics Park Network Layout;模糊聚类法在物流园区网络布局中的应用

16.A Research on the Application of SLP in Farm Product Distribution Park Layout;SLP在农产品物流园区布局中的应用研究

17.Study on Optimization of Spatial Distribution of Urban Shopping Center and Its Traffic Impact Assessment;城市购物中心布局优化及其交通影响评价研究

18.The Layout of the Logistics Crunodes for the Third-Party Logistics Site第三方物流企业物流结点的布局优化


Shopping center spatial distribution购物中心布局

3)layout of central stations中心站布局

4)logistics center物流中心

1.Application of EIQ analysis method in bookslogistics center planning;EIQ分析法在图书物流中心规划中的应用

2.Optimization model of economic scale of agricultural productslogistics center;农产品物流中心的经济规模优化模型

3.Study on location method of singlelogistics center by integrating continuous and discrete methods;连续与离散相结合的单一物流中心选址方法

5)logistics centre物流中心

1.Plan as a whole——Xiamen Torch(xiangan)logistics centre Design;动态 高效 统筹——厦门火炬(翔安)物流中心一期工程设计探析

2.By discussing the allocation management of mechanical equipment,the paper analyzes kinds of factors which affect logistics mechanical equipment optimization,adopts Spreadsheet to describe the questions,establisheslogistics centre equipment quantity optimization and builds stochastic line plan model.通过对企业机械设备配置管理的论述,系统分析影响物流中心机械设备数量配置的各类因素,同时运用Spread-sheet方法建立的物流中心机械设备合理配置数量的随机线性规划模型,经历史数据验证,可得出正确的配置结果,能够用于实践。

3.Analyzing the functions,required conditions and influencing factors of thelogistics centre,the paper puts forward a practical scheme for setting up alogistics centre.通过对物流中心的功能、建立条件及影响因素进行分析,提出了物流中心规划的具体内容和要求,这对促进我国正在兴起的物流业的发展和物流中心(基地)的规划建设具有一定的参考作用。

6)logistic center物流中心

1.Research of optimal Dijkstra algorithm inlogistic center location based on GIS;基于GIS优化Dijkstra算法在物流中心选址中的研究

2.This paper employs an improved AHP that does not need consistency check to solve the problem of location oflogistic centers.采用了一种改进的无需一致性检验的AHP来解决物流中心的选址问题。

3.This paper expounds the development of logistic management modes of Chinese electronic power enterprises such as yesterday’s material department management mode, today’s material company management mode and tomorrow’slogistic center management, and expounds the features of the logistic products appearing in the three modes.论述了中国电力企业中物流管理模式的发展,即早期的物资科管理模式、目前的物资公司管理模式以及未来的物流中心管理模式,同时论述了3个模式中出现的物流产品的特性。


