200字范文 > 成骨潜能 osteogenic potential英语短句 例句大全

成骨潜能 osteogenic potential英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-21 02:41:18


成骨潜能 osteogenic potential英语短句 例句大全

成骨潜能,osteogenic potential

1)osteogenic potential成骨潜能

1.In vitro study onosteogenic potential of annulus fibrosus in the cervical intervertebral disc of cervical spondylosis myelopathy patients;颈椎病患者颈椎间盘纤维环成纤维细胞成骨潜能的体外观察

2.Theirosteogenic potential of fibroblasts were observed under scanning electron microscope.结论:适当浓度的丹参对成纤维细胞有促增殖、促分化、增加其功能活性的作用,但不能作为诱导因子来诱导成纤维细胞成骨潜能的显示。

3.Osteogenic potential of cervical intervertebral disc flbroblasts invivo and vitro: a histochemical and cell culture studySummary of Background Data.目的:本研究从实验动物颈椎椎间融合过程观察及体外纤维环成纤维细胞的成骨诱导培养来探讨纤维环成纤维细胞的成骨潜能,对比骨形态发生蛋白(rhBMP_2)和α—肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)对成纤维细胞成骨的不同影响,研究纤维环成纤维细胞成骨化生在颈椎病退变机制中的作用。


1.Osteogenic Potential of Cervical Intervertebral Disc Fibroblasts in Vivo and Vitro: A Histochemical and Cell Culture Study;颈椎间盘纤维环成纤维细胞成骨潜能的研究

2.Study on Osteogenic Potential of Cryopreserved Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in Vitro and in Vivo;冻存骨髓基质细胞在诱导条件下成骨潜能的实验研究

3.Effects of Age on Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Vitro and Bone Formation in Nude Mice;年龄对人骨髓间充质干细胞生长特性及成骨潜能的影响

4.empirical study on the influence of of rhBMP-2 combined bFGF used to affect VEGF expression and osteogenic potential of marrow stromal cells in rabbits联合应用rhBMP-2与bFGF对兔骨髓基质细胞表达VEGF及其成骨潜能的影响

5.Experimental Study of the Long-term Culture in Vitro and Potential of Differentiating into the Osteoblast of Adult Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells成人脂肪间充质干细胞体外长期培养及成骨潜能的实验研究

6.Effects of irradiation on the osteogenesis potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and the hematologic stem cells niche放射损伤对小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞成骨潜能及造血干细胞龛位的影响

7.The Influnce of Myeloma Cells on the Osteogenic Potential of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells骨髓瘤细胞对骨髓间充质干细胞成骨分化潜能的影响

8.Differentiation of rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells labeled by green fluorescent protein into osteoblasts and lipoblasts绿色荧光蛋白标记兔骨髓间充质干细胞的成骨及成脂潜能

9.BMP9 Induces Osteogenic Differentiation of Multipotent Stem Cell骨形态发生蛋白9定向诱导多潜能干细胞成骨分化

10.Inherent capacity for growth, development, or coming into existence.潜力,潜能成长、发展或形成的潜在能力

11.Study on Isolation, Cultivation and Inducing to Adipogenesis, Osteogeneic of Rat Adipose-derived Stem Cells大鼠脂肪干细胞分离培养及成脂成骨分化潜能的研究

12.Osteogenic potential of adult adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells following a long-term culture in vitro成人脂肪间充质干细胞体外长期培养后的成骨分化潜能

13.Bone morphogenetic proteins inhibit the tumorigenic potential of human brain tumour-initiating cells.骨形成蛋白能抑制人类脑部肿瘤起始细胞的致瘤潜能。

14.Establishment and Characterization of Human Osteosarcoma Cell Sub-clones with Different Potential of Metastasis;不同转移潜能的人成骨肉瘤细胞株的筛选与生物学性质观察

15.The Effects of Long-term Culture In Vitro on the Osteogenic Differentiation Potential of Human Umbilical Cord Blood Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells长期体外培养对人脐血间充质干细胞成骨分化潜能的影响

16.Cultivation of Osteoclast-like Cell Derived from Spleen Pluripotent Stem Cell and Its Effects on Osteoblast Proliferation and Functions;源于脾多潜能干细胞的破骨细胞样细胞体外培养及其对成骨细胞生长和功能的影响

17.The inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.潜力,潜能成长、发展或形成的内在能力或才能

18.Experimental Study of the Biological Characteristics, Cell Surface Molecules, Adipogenic and Osteogenic Potential of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells;人脂肪干细胞基本生物学特性、表面抗原及成骨、成脂分化潜能的研究


osteogenesis potential成骨潜能

1.Effects of irradiation on theosteogenesis potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and the hematologic stem cells niche放射损伤对小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞成骨潜能及造血干细胞龛位的影响

3)formation potential生成潜能

1.Theformation potentials of chloroform,haloacetic acids,haloacetonitriles,chloropicrin,1,1-D.结果表明,各种氨基酸的消毒副产物生成潜能与它们的R基结构密切相关,其中R基上带有活性苯环的色氨酸和酪氨酸均表现出了较高的三氯甲烷、卤乙酸和卤乙腈生成潜能。

2.We investigated the removal of organic matters with different molecular weight(MW) and HAAsformation potential composed of organic matters with different MW in the two processes of O_3/BAC and micro-aeration/BAC,and discussed the characteristic of forming HAAs by organic matters with different MW.UV254与臭氧生物活性炭处理工艺出水中的卤乙酸生成潜能具有较好的线性关系。

4)hepatic differentiation成肝潜能

5)potential of ore formation成矿潜能

6)maturation competence成熟潜能

1.Total RNA and mRNA were extracted from full-grown but withoutmaturation competence oocytes of high-temperature treated toad.以长足但不具成熟潜能的中华大蟾蜍“高温卵”为材料 ,提取总RNA和mRNA ,以NotI/OligodT18为引物 ,经反转录合成第 1链cDNA ;再以DNAPolymeraseI合成第 2链 。


