200字范文 > 农地使用权 Rural land use right英语短句 例句大全

农地使用权 Rural land use right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-06 17:27:03


农地使用权 Rural land use right英语短句 例句大全

农地使用权,Rural land use right

1)Rural land use right农地使用权

1.Development and innovation of rural land use right in the process of urban-rural integration;城乡一体化进程中农地使用权创新

2.To raise the rural land use right market is the key factor of promoting the rural land use right to transfer and accumulate healthily and orderly.大力培育农地使用权市场是促进农地使用权健康、合理、有序流转和集中的关键。


1.Try to Talk about the Function of the Right to Use Farmland in Farmland Finance;试论农地使用权在农地金融中的作用

2.Market for Agricultural Land Use Rights and Change of China s Agricultural Land Institution;农地使用权市场与中国农地制度变迁

3.The Usage Right of the Farmland Changing to Secuirity,Capitalization and the Farmland Finance;农地使用权证券化、资本化与农地金融

4.On the Mortgage System of the Right of Using Farmland;农地使用权抵押制度的法律问题研究

5.Study on the Model of Transfer of the Rural Land Use Right Market in Suburb;大城市郊区农地使用权流转模式研究

6.Characteristic of the right to use of the house site in rural areas and reconstruction of the property right;农村宅基地使用权的性质与物权重构

7.The Protection of the Peasants Rights and Interests during the Shift of the Right to Use Rural Land;农村土地使用权流转中的农民权益保护

8.The legal tenure by which a villein held land.佃农对土地的使用权佃农拥有土地的法律使用权

9.Share Ownership of the Right to Use Land:A New Probe into the Institution of Land Use in the Countryside;土地使用权股份化——农村土地使用制度新探索

10.Research on Circulation of Agricultural Land Use Rights in Dongpo Area of Sichuan Province四川省东坡区农用地使用权流转研究

11.Improvement of Use System of Farming Land and Establishment of Farming Right;农地使用制度的完善与农民农耕权的确立

12.Study on Rural Collective Land Property Right System and Transfer of Collective Land-Use Right;农村集体土地产权制度与土地使用权流转研究

13.Clarifying the Definition of Farmland Property and Promoting the Circulation of Farmland use Right;明晰农地产权界定 推动使用权流转——中国农地产权制度改革之我见

14.Discussion on Problems about Abandoned Farmlands and Circulation of Right of Using Farmlands;论农村土地抛荒与农村土地使用权流转问题

15.A Discussion on the Mechanism of Use Right Transfer of Rural Collective Non-agricultural Construction Land;农村集体非农建设用地使用权流转机制的探讨

16.to insure farmers" land-use right on a long-term Basis农村土地使用权的长期化

17.The Discussion on the Improvement of the Housing Land Usufruct System;论我国农村宅基地使用权制度的完善

18.A Study on the Price for Transferring the Right to Use Rural Land of Chongqing;重庆市农村土地使用权流转价格研究


Farmland Right to Use农地使用权

1.On the Inevitability and Realistic Meaning of theFarmland Right to Use Circulation;论农地使用权流转的必然性及现实意义

3)land use right农地使用权

1.Building of New Socialist Countryside needs the mechanism innovation ofland use right commercialization of household responsibility system.农地使用权商品化便是基于家庭联产承包责任制的一种创新,是实现农地承包经营权依法流转的有效途径。

2.We must persist in gradualism in legislation of rural land right until it is separated into stock right and ruralland use right as two divisions.提出土地承包经营权最终将伴随着集体土地所有权的法人化而分解为股权和农地使用

4)land tenure right农地使用权

1.When farming activities become increasingly a market behavior, peasants, who haveland tenure rights, also have the right to transfer the tenure entitled to them to others on a charged basis.本文根据农地使用权可流转性理论,在对南海农地使用权流转调查研究的基础上,认为南海农地使用权的有偿转让是南海农业和农村经济发展的必然产物,其不仅促进农地资源的合理流动和优化配置,而且取得了显著的制度经济绩效。

5)right of using farmland农地使用权

1.On the Mortgage System of the Right of Using Farmland;农地使用权抵押制度的法律问题研究

2.The real right construction onright of using farmland should not disreqard of the situation in china.物权法具有显著的固有法性 ,我国农地使用权的物权化建构不应忽视国情。

6)farmland use right农用地使用权


