200字范文 > 边境流通业 cross-border circulation industry英语短句 例句大全

边境流通业 cross-border circulation industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-12 17:28:44


边境流通业 cross-border circulation industry英语短句 例句大全

边境流通业,cross-border circulation industry

1)cross-border circulation industry边境流通业


1.The Development of the Relationship of Sino-Russian Trade and the Cross-Border Circulation Industry近年来俄中经贸关系与边境流通业的发展

2.Policy and industry environment of FDI;二是外资进入我国医药流通行业的政策环境和行业环境。

3.The Chinese government attaches importance to border area development and endeavors to promote transportation, communications, culture, education, public health, radio and television services in border areas.中国政府重视边疆地区建设,大力发展边境地区的交通、通信、文教卫生和广播电视事业。

4.Analyzing the Influence of Changes in Yichang City Traffic Environment on Logistics Industry;宜昌交通环境变化对物流业的影响分析

5.Treatment of the Income Tax Concerning the M&A under the Circumstance of Complete Circulation of Stocks;股票全流通环境下企业并购所得税的处理

6.An Analysis of the Countermeasures of Logistics Enterprises in the Context of a Network Economy;网络环境下物资流通企业发展对策分析

7.The Cross-border Circulation of RMB in Northeast Asia;东北亚边境地区人民币跨境流动研究

8.develop Border trade, strengthen Bilateral cooperation.加快边贸流通,加强双边合作。

9.(6) Further standardizing circulation order and purifying the circulation environment.进一步规范流通秩序,净化流通环境。

10.The Effect of the Frontier Tourism in Supporting Border Poor Area边境旅游业在沿边地区扶贫中的作用


12.There is an ecology corridor for Amur tiger migration in Sino-Russia frontier area near Ussuri river of eastern Wanda Mountain area.在完达山东部乌苏里江流域的中俄边境地带存在东北虎迁移生态通道;

13.Border industrialization: Dilemma and outlet of the "Two Corridors and One Rim";边境工业化:“两廊一圈”的困境与出路

14.The Research on Extension of CPFR and Utilization in Currency Based on SCM;供应链环境下CPFR扩展及在现代流通企业中的应用研究

15.Environmental Analysis-Based Distribution Corporate Merger:Objective, Mode and Constraint;基于环境分析的流通企业并购:目标、方式及制约因素

16.Conforming the Change of the Market and Getting out of the Difficult ManagementTalking About the Management of the National Circulating Enterprises;适应市场变化走出经营困境——兼论国有流通企业经营

17.Circular of the State Council Regarding Relevant Issues on Frontier Trade国务院关于边境贸易有关问题的通知

18.The crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards.他们买通边防警卫,偷渡国境。


pass the frontier通过边境

3)Border industry边境工业

4)circulation environment流通环境

1.This paper also analyzed the relation of fresh keeping of fresh peach andcirculation environment.同时分析了鲜桃的保鲜与流通环境的关系。

2.In this paper, the relevant analysis of the cushion package systems concerning thecirculation environment, system structure, development cost and system object is discussed by describing the steps of system analysis from the view of system engineering.从系统工程的角度出发,通过描述缓冲包装系统分析的步骤,对缓冲包装系统的流通环境、系统结构、开发成本和系统目标的有关分析内容进行了讨

3.The purpose of this study was to design a field data collector with high performance single chip to accurately evaluate thecirculation environment of products.以准确评估产品在流通环境中发生的冲击、振动以及运输状况等为目的,设计一种以高性能单片机为核心芯片的现场数据采集装置,自动采集包装件在流通环境中的温度,湿度,X、Y、Z3个方向加速度等5组参数。

5)Cross-Border Circulation跨境流通

1.This article first analyzes the macroscopic risk of the cross-border circulation of RMB;then analyzes the microscopic risk of the cross-border circulation of RMB;finally;we Analysis the measures to guard against those risks.人民币跨境流通不仅会给我国带来收益,也会带来风险。

2.Strategies to Increase the Net Income from RMBCross-Border Circulation;人民币跨境流动既会给我国带来收益,也会带来成本,人民币跨境流通产生的收益和成本受很多因素影响。

6)circulation abroad境外流通

1.At present,our government\"s policy is to develop the scale of RMBcirculation abroad and then to realize finally the internationalization of RMB.扩大人民币境外流通规模,进而最终实现人民币的国际化是我国政府当前的政策取向。


