200字范文 > 均匀设计 uniform design英语短句 例句大全

均匀设计 uniform design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-24 07:46:03


均匀设计 uniform design英语短句 例句大全

均匀设计,uniform design

1)uniform design均匀设计

1.Application of theuniform design in the synthesis of magnesium monoperoxyphthalate;均匀设计在单过氧邻苯二甲酸镁合成中的应用

2.Preparation of controlled release tablets of matrine withuniform design;均匀设计法制备苦参碱渗透泵型控释片

3.Application ofuniform design in enzymatic maceration processing of blackberry juice;均匀设计在黑莓澄清汁酶解工艺中的应用


1.Internal flow Road evenly reasonable design, distribute streaming delicate.内部流道均匀设计合理,分流细腻。

2.Using the criterion, some tables of uniform design are given.利用该准则,给出了一些均匀设计表。

3.Optimum conditions of extraction process of Dioscorea cirrhosa by uniform-design均匀设计法优选薯莨的提取工艺条件

4.Inquiry into Abustion Oil No.1 Proparation Condition With Uniform Design Method;均匀设计优化烧伤油一号的制备条件


6.Method of Evenly Design and Its Application in P. E.;均匀设计方法及其在体育方面的应用

7.Formula of Flame Retardant HIPS by Uniform Design均匀设计法优化阻燃HIPS配方研究

8.Application of GA Uniform Design for Water Level Control System均匀设计的GA在液位控制中的应用

9.Generating test data of Web service based on uniform design method用均匀设计法生成Web服务的测试数据

10.Optimization of the extracting method of total flavonoids from welsh-onion stalk through uniform design均匀设计法优选葱白总黄酮提取工艺

11.A Method for Automatic Residual Static Corrections Based on Uniform Design基于均匀设计的自动剩余静校正方法

12.Optimization of Extracting Conditions of Nutmeg by Uniform Design均匀设计优选肉豆蔻挥发油提取工艺

13.Optimization of the Extraction Process of Total Flavonoids from Pueraria lobata by Uniform Design均匀设计法优选葛根总黄酮提取工艺

14.Method of NN Structure Optimization Design Based on Uniform Design基于均匀设计的神经网络结构优化设计方法

15.The Uniform Design and Its Application in Design of Experiments of Six Sigma Management均匀设计法在6σ管理试验设计中的应用

16.High Uniform Violet Ray Illumination Experimental Device and Its Structure Design紫光高均匀照明实验装置及结构设计

17.Optimization and Simulation of the Proportioned Air Ducts in the Air Curtain Designing;空气幕均匀送风管道优化设计及仿真

18.Design and Simulation Based on Low-Orbit Constellations with Even Temporal Phases;均匀时相低轨卫星星座的设计与仿真


homogeneous design均匀设计

1.Application ofhomogeneous design in silicate industry;均匀设计在硅酸盐工业中的应用

2.Application ofhomogeneous design in brass electroplating on zinc iron die-castings without dicyan;锌铁压铸件无氰电镀黄铜工艺条件的均匀设计

3.Technical condition of semi-bionic extraction in optimizing formula of Jiaotai Pill throughhomogeneous design;均匀设计优选交泰丸方药的半仿生提取工艺条件

3)uniformity design均匀设计

1.Preparation capability excellent magnetorheological fluids withuniformity design method;用均匀设计法制备性能优良的磁流变液

2.Study on the antibacterial effect of different combined acid byuniformity design;应用均匀设计法研究不同酸组合的抗菌效应

3.Application ofuniformity design and gray theory in parameter analysis of foundation pit retaining;均匀设计和灰色理论在基坑支护参数分析中的应用

4)even design均匀设计

1.Application of Even Designed Method in Preparation of PNBR/HPVC Thermoplastic Elastomer;均匀设计法在制备PNBR/HPVC热塑性弹性体中的应用

2.Application ofeven design to ingredient design of stain Desssteel welding electrodes;均匀设计在不锈钢焊条配方设计中的应用

3.Study on alcohol extraction process for Arnebia euchroma byeven design test;均匀设计优化紫草的醇提工艺

5)uniform design method均匀设计

1.Extraction of total-saponins from Patrinia Villosa Juss based onuniform design method;均匀设计法优选白花败酱总皂苷的提取工艺

2.Research into optimization of forming techniques for Compound Tall Gastrodia Tuber Drop Pills byuniform design method;均匀设计法优选复方天麻滴丸的成型工艺研究

3.Uniform design method was employed to optimize the medium for production of rifamycin SV.应用均匀设计的方法对利福霉素SV发酵培养基中的氮源配比进行优化。

6)uniform design method均匀设计法

1.Application of theuniform design method in developing A-TIG activating fluxes for aluminium alloy;均匀设计法在铝合金A-TIG活性剂配方研制中的应用

2.Application ofuniform design method in preparation of powdered polychloroprene rubber;均匀设计法在粉末氯丁橡胶制备中的应用

3.Uniform design method used in the preparation of liposomal 5-FU and the stabilities;均匀设计法制备5-氟尿嘧啶脂质体及其稳定性


