200字范文 > 冰温库 Ice-temperature storage英语短句 例句大全

冰温库 Ice-temperature storage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-06 10:34:18


冰温库 Ice-temperature storage英语短句 例句大全

冰温库,Ice-temperature storage

1)Ice-temperature storage冰温库

1.The experiment on frequency conversion speed control for an air cooler in ice-temperature storage was conducted.通过冰温库冷风机在不同工作库温下的变频试验研究,考察了历时的库温波动和频率变化特性。


1.Effect of additional-cooler on defrosting process of ice-temperature storage附加冷却器对冰温库融霜过程的影响

2.Effect of Air Cooler Frequency Conversion on Temperature Fluctuation in Ice-temperature Storage冷风机变频控制冰温库温度波动的实验研究

3.Investigation on Ice-temperature storage and the effect of Ice-temperature storage upon fruits冰温贮藏库及果蔬冰温贮藏效果研究

4.The freezing point is the temperature at which water turns into ice.冰点是水结冰的温度。

5.A place where ice is made, stored, or sold.冰库,制冰厂制造、贮存或出售冰的地方

plete set of equipment for ice making and cold storage制冰及冷库成套设备

7.The temperature dropped to freezing point last night.昨夜温度降到冰点。

8.The temperature is way below the freezing point.温度远在冰点以下。

9.a lowering of temperature below the freezing point下降到冰点以下的温度

10.a temperature of 10 degrees of frost,ie 10 degrees Celsius below freezing-point冰点下10 摄氏度的气温.

11.The temperature remained below freezing all day.温度整天都在冰点以下.

12.deep-frozen milk低温冰冻[深冻]牛乳

13.Ice is easily dissolvable in warm water.冰在温水中容易溶解。

14.at a low temperature, water turns into ice.水在低温时就结成冰。

15.A temperature low enough to cause freezing.冰点以下的温度低得足可以结冰的温度

16.These ice ages are also called glaciations and the periods of relative warmth between them are called interglacials.这些冰期也叫冰河期,在各冰期间的相对温暖时期就叫间冰期。

17.Design of the Body and Analysis of the Inside Temperature Field for Low-temperature Refrigerators;低温冰箱箱体设计与箱内温度场分析

18.Monitoring by much dots and grafting datum about ice temperature in big ice plant in indoor;大型室内冰场冰温多点检测与数据融合


ice storehouse冰库

3)controlled freezing point冰温

1.Study on the storage of strawberries atcontrolled freezing point;草莓冰温保鲜技术的研究


1.Study on storage technology of stra wberry inice-temperature conditions;草莓冰温贮藏保鲜技术的研究

parison of the duck quality between cold storage andice-temperature storage;冷藏与冰温贮藏鸭肉的实验比较

3.Two new concepts , which areice-temperature and glass transition temperature, in the field of food storages were introduced.以食品穴生鲜食品雪在不同低温区域中贮藏所产生的物理、化学、生理变化为重点,分析了常规冷藏和冻藏中食品的低温效应与质量变化,介绍了食品贮藏领域中冰温与玻璃化贮藏温度两个新概念,阐述了食品在冰温下以及在玻璃化转变和玻璃态贮藏中的理化变化,突出了物理学相关理论在食品玻璃化贮藏研究中的指导作用。

5)ice temperature冰温

1.Monitoring by much dots and grafting datum aboutice temperature in big ice plant in indoor;大型室内冰场冰温多点检测与数据融合

2.The freezing points of ethanol solution, air temperature in the hall, air temperature near ice surface,ice temperature, solution temperature in the basin are given based on the measured data.依据实测数据 ,给出酒精溶液冻结温度和制冰过程中冰池大厅气温、冰表面附近气温、冰温和溶液温度 。

3.The review on low temperature storage, controlled atmosphere storage andice temperature storage about deferring metabolism, preservation, prolonging storage time were summarized.综述了低温贮藏、气调贮藏、冰温贮藏对延缓冬枣新陈代谢,保持新鲜度,延长贮藏期的研究现状。

6)freezing-point temperature冰温

1.This paper has studied the character of bean when they were stored at room temperature,atfreezing-point temperature,and especially packaged with plastic film after treated with freezing-point regulator respectively.试验研究了塑料小包装的油豆角在室温、冰温以及经冰点调节剂处理后的冰温贮藏过程中生理生化变化,探讨了油豆角在贮藏过程中可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量、酸含量、呼吸强度、电导率的变化,并分析了各种变化的原因及相互间的联系。

2.Research of duck preserved underfreezing-point temperature of three conditions—3℃(±0.1℃)、-3℃(±1℃)和-3℃(±2℃)的冰温环境中进行贮藏对比试验。


