200字范文 > 国际经济一体化 international economic integration英语短句 例句大全

国际经济一体化 international economic integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-06 13:37:20


国际经济一体化 international economic integration英语短句 例句大全

国际经济一体化,international economic integration

1)international economic integration国际经济一体化

1.Facing the tendency ofinternational economic integration,production internationalization and trade globalization,the foreign direct investments has become each countrys effective approach to achieve scale economic benefit under comparative advantage.在国际经济一体化、生产国际化、贸易全球化的发展趋势下,对外直接投资已成为世界各国通过比较优势实现规模经济效益的有效途径。

2.It is an inevitable outcome of the development of theinternational economic integration;it is an objective requirment of the continuous development.它是以信息产业和生物工程为表征 ;是2 1世纪经济发展的主流 ;是国际经济一体化发展的必然产物 ;是可持续发展的客观要求 ;是与创新思维的辩证统


1.Assimilation of Laws in the International Economic Integration;论国际经济一体化视野中的法律趋同化

2.Study on Strategy Alliance of Enterprises of Our Country Based on International Economy Integrating;基于国际经济一体化的我国企业战略联盟研究

3.We can usefully distinguish between four main kinds of international economic integration.我们可以区分四种主要的国际经济一体化。

4.Economic Internationalization,Integration and Globalization;经济国际化与经济一体化、经济全球化

5.The Economic Integration and the Development of Current International Economic Law;经济一体化与当代国际经济法的发展

6.On the Integration of World Economy and the Transfer of Status of International Law;世界经济一体化与国际法地位之变化

7.Regional Economic Integration and the State Sovereignty of International Law;区域经济一体化与国际法上国家主权

8.The international and internal experience of regional economic integration and its enlightenment to the economic integration of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan;区域经济一体化的国际国内经验及其对长株潭经济一体化的启示

9.Interrelati on and Distinction between the Economic Internationalization,Globalization,and Integration;经济国际化、经济全球化、经济一体化的区别与联系

10.The Probe into the Trend of the Global Economic Integration and Taxation Internationalization;全球经济一体化与税收国际化趋势的探究

11.Development of international REI(regional economic integration) and our countermeasures;国际性区域经济一体化的发展及我国对策

12.Study on the Influence of Economic Integration on the International Law and Domestic Laws;论经济一体化对国际法和国内法的影响

13.Research on the International Production Organization in Economic Globalization;全球经济一体化中的国际生产组织研究

14.A Study on the International Industrial Cooperation under the Background of Regional Economic Integration;区域经济一体化背景下的国际产业合作研究

15.An Economic And Empirical Analysis of Hong Kong Equity Market s Co-movements with The Global Markets;经济一体化与香港股市的国际联动实证研究

16.Global Angle of View:Intergration of Territorial Economy and International Logistics;全球视角下的区域经济一体化与国际物流

17.Regional Economic Integration of Northeast Asia in the World Logistics Framework;国际物流格局中的东北亚区域经济一体化

18.In Terms of the Integrative Tendency of the World Economy from the Pprospects of the World Strategy Union;从国际战略联盟的发展看世界经济一体化趋势


international regional economic integration国际区域经济一体化

1.Participating ininternational regional economic integration has become an important way to promote the economic development of developing countries.国际区域经济一体化是当今世界经济发展的新潮流,也是发展中国家面临的国际发展环境。

3)International Eco-economic Integration国际生态经济一体化

4)integratior of international economy and trade国际经贸一体化

5)international regional economic integration organization国际性区域经济一体化组织

6)economic internationalization经济国际化

1.But comparing witheconomic internationalization and industrial distribution of Jiangsu, the internationalization of higher vocational education manifest some kinds of inelasticity.但与江苏经贸国际化、经济国际化和经济发展的行业分布相比,江苏高职教育在国际化过程中却表现出一定的不适应性。

2.Economic internationalization,economic integration,and economic globalization are the specific scientific concepts in world economics,and have different contents and characteristics,while they are interrelated and infiltrated to each other.经济国际化、经济一体化、经济全球化都是世界经济学中特定的科学概念,各有不同的内涵和特点,但它们又相互联系,相互渗透,共同发挥作用。

3.This paper,on the basis ofeconomic internationalization of Nanjing,gives an analysis of its deficiencies,including inadequate functioning of the market mechanism,underdevelopment of the private economy,and the lack of technological innovation.经济国际化是世界经济发展的客观规律,它不仅能够补充国内某些短缺资源不足的缺陷,而且还可以创造更多的市场空间,提高资源的配置效率。


