200字范文 > 破产时刻 time of ruin英语短句 例句大全

破产时刻 time of ruin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-02 22:18:47


破产时刻 time of ruin英语短句 例句大全

破产时刻,time of ruin

1)time of ruin破产时刻

1.The classical risk process is considered and the joint distribution of thetime of ruin and the loss at ruin is discussed with Lévy measure.以经典的复合Poisson风险模型为例,利用L啨vy过程的L啨vy测度,对破产时损失及破产时刻的联合分布进行再讨论。

2.The explicit expression for the joint distribution of thetime of ruin,the surplus immediately before ruin and the deficit at ruin is obtained according to the classical risk process with constant interest rate under a threshold dividend strategy.根据按比例分红策略下具有常利率的传统风险过程,得到了关于破产时刻、破产前的瞬时盈余额及破产赤字的联合分布的确切表达式。


1.Study of the Joint Distribution of the Time of Ruin, the Surplus Immediately before Ruin and the Deficit at Ruin in a Risk Model;一种风险模型下,破产时刻、破产前瞬间盈余和破产时赤字联合分布的研究

2.Expected Discounted Penalty at Ruin in a Risk Process;一类风险过程的破产时刻罚金折现期望

3.The First Two Moments of Ruin and Recovery Times in the Compound Binomial Model;复合二项模型中破产时刻与恢复时间的前两阶矩

4.a stop consonant made by the suction of air into the mouth (as in Bantu).嘴吸气时产生的爆破音。

5.It was a breakthrough, the greatest single moment in the history of the Flock, and in that moment a new age opened for Jonathan Gull.真是个突破,这是海鸥史册上最伟大的时刻,这一时刻为乔纳森开创了一个新时代。

6.Currently, corresponding with bankruptcy estate ,we should add exmpty property institution in our bankruptcy law in order to futher define our scope of bankruptcy estate.同时,应当创设我国破产法中的自由财产制度,与破产财产相照应,使破产财产范围更加明确。

7.But the condition of acid hydrolysis was rigor, the nutrient content of product was destroyed mostly, and the sensory properties was bad.但酸水解条件苛刻,水解产物营养破坏严重,感观性状不佳。

8.When the miracle of metamorphosis is complete, the eclosing, or rupture of a chrysalid, is one of nature"s most sublime moments.当蜕变奇迹完成后,蝴蝶破蛹而出是大自然最神奇的时刻之一。

9.He would quench the sunny moment, bring trouble on himself, and accomplish nothing.这会把这个乐融融的时刻破坏,给自己带来麻烦,结果一事无成。

10.At virtually the same moment the crowd of demonstrators in the hotel forecourt had rushed the police line and broken them.几乎就在同一时刻,饭店前院里冲击警察防线的示威者突破了防线。

11.Global Existence and Finite Time Blow-up for a Nonlinear Reaction Diffusion System;一类非线性反应扩散方程组解的整体存在和有限时刻爆破

12.As in all asset bubbles, it took time to propel prices to such outlandish levels, but it only took a single pierce to burst the bubble.像所有的泡沫,要把它吹涨需要一段时间,可是轻轻一戮破,它即刻破灭了。

13.live in hourly dread of being discovered时时刻刻担心被人发觉.

14.nursing him with unceasing devotion时时刻刻地精心照料他.

15.Moulin Rouge and The Hours,《红磨坊》与《时时刻刻》,

16.It seemed to last hours.它好像时时刻刻都存在。

17.If he got time he won"t burst up.要是他有足够的时间,他就不会破产。

18.When the bank broke,many people were ruined.当银行破产时,许多人跟着身败名裂。


ruin time破产时刻

1.Ruin probability at constant claim volume in case ofruin time;破产时刻索赔额是常数值时的破产概率

2.In this paper we mainly discuss the first two moments of theruin time T 、recovery time ~ ( = 1 , 2 , ) and the sum of recovery time ~ in the compound binomial model by renewal method and martingale method when the initial surplurs is u .主要通过更新方法和鞅方法来讨论复合二项模型中破产时刻T、第i次恢复时间~(=1,2,)及总恢复时间~在初始额u下的前两阶矩,其主要依赖于破产严重性的分布。

3)the time of ruin破产时刻

1.This paper studies the expected discounted penalty function associated withthe time of ruin for a risk model with stochastic premium.本文研究随机保费风险模型下与破产时刻相关的平均折现罚金函数。

4)the finite time to ruin有限破产时刻

1.The ruin probability and the digital characteristics ofthe finite time to ruin in the case of exponential claims amount are obtained.研究了一类保费收入过程为平稳无后效流过程、理赔到达为更新过程的风险模型,得到了在索赔额服从指数分布情况下模型的最终破产概率和有限破产时刻的数字特征。

5)time of absolute ruin绝对破产时刻

6)expected discounted penalty at ruin破产时刻罚金折现期望

1.On the Expected Discounted Penalty at Ruin;破产时刻罚金折现期望的研究


股份有限公司的破产原因(破产界限) 股份有限公司的破产原因(破产界限)——股份有限公司的破产原因,又称破产界限,指法院判断是否宣告股份有限公司破产的根据和理由,即法院在何种情况下宣告债务人处于破产状态。《公司法》规定,股份有限公司不能清偿到期债务,即构成破产原因。
