200字范文 > 区域经济合作 regional economic cooperation英语短句 例句大全

区域经济合作 regional economic cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-08 01:54:53


区域经济合作 regional economic cooperation英语短句 例句大全

区域经济合作,regional economic cooperation

1)regional economic cooperation区域经济合作

1.Function of the government in theregional economic cooperation;政府在区域经济合作中的作用

2.A research on theregional economic cooperation of Shaanxi province based on the industry chain;基于产业链的陕西实施区域经济合作研究

3.Game theory andregional economic cooperation practice;博弈理论与区域经济合作实践


1.Beijing Declaration of Regional Economic Cooperation北京区域经济合作宣言

mittee on Regional Economic Cooperatio区域经济合作委员会

3.Regional Economic Co-operation区域经济合作组织。

4.The Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia in the Time of Regional Economic Integration;区域经济一体化时代的东北亚区域经济合作

5.Regional Economic Cooperation of Round-Huanghai Sea and Economic Development of Shandong Province环黄海区域经济合作与山东经济发展

6.Regional Economic Cooperation and Strategy Selection of Hebei s Economy;区域经济合作与河北省经济战略选择

7.Regional economic cooperation: a new bright spot of the growthe;区域经济合作:中国经济增长新亮点

8.New Development of Inter - regional Economic Cooperation in Economy-globalization;经济全球化中区域经济合作的新发展

9.Marketing Cooperation of Inter-enterprises in Regional Economy Cooperation;论区域经济合作中企业间的营销合作

10.Yangtze-River-Delta Cultural Integration & Economic Cooperation;长三角区域文化整合与区域经济合作初探

11.Culture Coherence and Regional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia;文化的融合与东北亚的区域经济合作

12.High-level Conference on Regional and Subregional Economic Cooperation of the Developing Countries发展中国家区域和分区域经济合作高级别会议

13.We should work still harder to promote bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation.积极推进多边双边和区域经济合作。

14.A Study on the Application of the Game Theory in Regional Economic Cooperation;博弈论在区域经济合作中的运用研究

15.Research on the Regional Economic Cooperation of Yulin Energy and Heavy Chemical Industry Base;榆林能化基地区域经济合作问题研究

16.Regional Economic Cooperation of “10 +3”: A New Trend ofthe East Asian Economic Cooperation;“10+3”区域合作:东亚经济合作的新趋向

17.Regional cooperation of west areas under market economy;市场经济条件下西部地区的区域合作

18.Moving Sino-Japan economy relation in regional cooperation framework;在区域合作框架内磨合中日经济关系


regional economy cooperation区域经济合作

1.Based on Neo-functionalist Theory of Spillover and by analyzing the courses ofregional economy cooperation of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, this paper discovers thatregional economy cooperation of Shanghai Cooperat.本文基于新功能主义的"扩溢"理论,通过对上海合作组织区域经济合作的进程分析,发现上合组织的区域经济合作采用的是政府主导的"制度先行,民间跟进"的自上而下的方式,其经济合作机制趋于完善,合作领域不断扩大,多渠道的融资体系有待建立。

2.At present, the boomingregional economy cooperations of different scales and forms are the result of economic development, market-forming, and competitive mechanisms.当前在我国蓬勃兴起的不同规模、不同形式的区域经济合作,是经济发展、市场化不断深入和竞争机制作用的必然产物。

3.In the paper , point out necessity ofregional economy cooperation and qualification in huainan, analyse the actuality ofregional economy cooperation, bring forward policy advice on pushingregional economy cooperation in huainan.区域经济合作是发展社会主义市场经济的要求 ,是提高资源空间配置效率、增强区域生产力、发挥各区域经济优势、提高区域经济运行质量的有效途径。

3)regional economic co-operation区域经济合作

1.The strategy of Extensive Zhujiang River Delta economic zone, which is embraced by nine provinces, including Guangdong, provides not only a new form ofregional economic co-operation in China but also offers some revelations to Northwest China.广东等九省提出的泛珠三角经济区的战略构想为我国东、中、西部的区域经济合作提出了新的形式,它对我国西北地区的区域经济合作极具启发性。

2.Nowadays, with increasingly rapid development of economic globalization and close contact between areas, theregional economic co-operation has become an important way for an area or a city to incorporate itself into a larger scope of development and share the benefits.在经济全球化进程不断加快,地区间交流与合作日益密切的今天,区域经济合作已经成为一个地区融入更大区域追求经济快速发展的重要手段和方式,同时也成为当今世界经济发展的趋势。

4)inter-regional economic cooperation区域经济合作

1.There are few researches oninter-regional economic cooperation in Northeast Asia and new type industrializaiotn of traditional industrial base in Northeast China.国内外学术界对东北亚区域经济合作与东北老工业基地新型工业化研究甚少。

2.Theinter-regional economic cooperation has achieved new progress since economic globalization and regional integration became the main trends of the world.在世界经济全球化和区域化平行发展的趋势下,国家间的区域经济合作形式取得了新的进展。

3.Theinter-regional economic cooperation comes into being with the development of social economy.区域经济合作是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物。

5)the territirial economic cooperation区域性经济合作

6)subregional economic cooperation次区域经济合作

1.Based on the advantageous locational conditions, better economic complementarity and similar social and cultural background, it is meanful and prominsing to build a cross-bordersubregional economic cooperation area among Yunnan Province and its peripheral countries, Thailand,Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.根据云南省和周边国家区位联系的紧密性、较强的经济互补性和相似的社会文化背景,建立云南省跨国界次区域经济合作区具有现实的可行性和极大的发展潜力。

2.And as one phase of the Regional Integration, Subregional Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as SEC) has played an important role in the East Asia.次区域经济合作作为区域集团化的一种类型,在东亚地区具有特殊的重要性。


